:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/28/2013

Beasiswa D3 Penuh, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta & PT. Badak NGL, Indonesia

Program Pendidikan Diploma 3 (D3) Politeknik Bidang Teknologi Pengolahan Gas Kerjasama Politeknik Negeri Jakarta dengan PT. Badak NGL

PT Badak NGL (www.badaklng.co.id) sebagai penghasil gas alam terbesar dan terbaik di dunia, dibentuk pada 26 Nopember 1974 oleh Pertamina, Huffco Inc., dan JILCO (Japan Indonesia LNG Company) dengan komposisi kepemilikan saham Pertamina (55%), Huffco Inc.(30%) dan JILCO (15%). Saat ini, komposisi saham menjadi 55% Pertamina, 20% VICO, 15% JILCO dan 10% Total Indonesie. PT Badak NGL saat ini merupakan satu – satunya perusahaan minyak dan gas di dunia yang mendapatkan ISRS8 (The International Sustainability Rating System) Level 8 dari DNV sebagai bukti standard keselamatan di PT Badak NGL diakui dunia internasional.

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/26/2013

SIM Global Education Scholarship, Singapore

SIM Global Education Scholarship, Singapore

The SIM Global Education Scholarship is awarded to outstanding local and international students to pursue overseas Bachelor’s degree programmes at SIM Global Education (SIM GE).

Up to 35 scholarships will be awarded each year to deserving new and existing students. The categories of scholarship are:

Academic Excellence and Leadership
Awards are granted to outstanding students who have achieved academic excellence and demonstrated leadership qualities both in and outside the classroom.

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/22/2013

Beasiswa S2 – Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga (KEMENPORA)

Beasiswa S2 – Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga (KEMENPORA)

Dukungan Peningkatan Kapasitas Pendidikan (Beasiswa) Tenaga Kepemudaan dimaksudkan sebagai upaya mem-fasilitasi pemuda-pemuda berprestasi yang ingin melanjutkan jenjang pendidikan ke tingkat srata dua (S2) di perguruan tinggi yang telah menjalin kerjasama dengan Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga. Selama ini telah berlangsung kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas pendidikan kepemudaan dengan memberikan dukungan fasilitasi bantuan pendidikan kepada sejumlah pemuda yang lulus seleksi dan me-menuhi persyaratan yang telah ditetapkan. Terdapat be-berapa perguruan tinggi yang telah menjalin kerjasama dalam kegiatan ini antara lain Universitas Indonesia, Uni-versitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah di Jakarta, dan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. Di tahun 2013 ini akan dijalin kerjasama serupa dengan Universitas Hasanud-din di Makassar, dan Universitas Sumatera Utara di Medan.

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/21/2013

Shari’ah Scholarship Award, International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance, Malaysia

The International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) invites qualified students with excellent academic achievements and active in co-curricular activities to apply for the Shari’ah Scholarship Award (SA) to pursue their higher education at either local or overseas universities. The Shari’ah Scholarship Award is part of the Fund for Shari’ah Scholars in Islamic Finance, which was established to enhance knowledge, research, talents, and intellectual discourse in the field of Shari’ah. The Fund represents Bank Negara Malaysia’s commitment to strengthen the development of the Islamic financial industry.


Postgraduate (Master or Doctorate) in Shariah or Islamic finance studies at recognized institutions of higher learning;
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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/20/2013

Beasiswa Mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren – Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)

Untuk menjadi mahasiswa unggulan pondok pesantren calon harus lulus salah satu pola seleksi, baik melalui pola seleksi CBT, PBT maupun PSB dan lulus tes khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Pondok Pesantren UII. Penjaringan calon mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren ini memberikan beasiswa yang dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) tipe yaitu Beasiswa Penuh (Tipe A) dan Beasiswa Sebagian (Tipe B). Program Mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren dikhususkan hanya bagi program studi jenjang Strata Satu (S1) semua fakultas kecuali Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter hanya dibolehkan untuk Tipe B.

Beasiswa Ponpes Penuh (Tipe A)
Jalur ini dibuka untuk mahasiswa (laki-laki dan perempuan) dengan mendapatkan beasiswa penuh berupa:

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/19/2013

Beasiswa Monbukagakusho JEPANG untuk Lulusan SMA Sederajat

Beasiswa Monbukagakusho JEPANG untuk Lulusan SMA Sederajat

Pendaftaran untuk keberangkatan tahun 2014 telah dibuka pada 1 Mei 2013 dan akan ditutup pada tanggal 14 Juni 2013.

Program ini ditujukan untuk siswa-siswi Indonesia lulusan Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke Universitas (S-1), College of Technology (D-3) atau Professional Training College (D-2) di Jepang mulai tahun akademik 2014 (April 2014).

Pelamar hanya bisa mendaftar 1 (satu) program dari S-1, D-3, atau D-2.

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/17/2013

ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia by Ministry of Education, Singapore

The ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia is tenable for 4 years leading to the award of the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced (GCE A) Level (or equivalent) certificate.

The Scholarship is for studies in selected Singapore schools from Secondary Three to Pre-University Two and is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar.

Students from Indonesia are welcome to apply for the ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia to enter Singapore schools at the Secondary Three level. Candidates who are not short-listed for the scholarships will be considered for the Merit Awards.

Students who meet the following criteria are invited to apply for the scholarship:

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/14/2013

Chancellor’s Scholarship, University of the West of England, UK

A full tuition fee scholarship will be awarded to two outstanding students to study a one year postgraduate programme at UWE.

Recipients of this scholarship will be required to undertake an internship working within the International Development Office and other departments and will also be required to undertake ambassadorial activity for the University throughout the duration of the course.

Who can apply
Eligible students must:
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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/12/2013

MBA Scholarships in International Business for Women, MIB School of Management, Italy

XXIV edition (September 2013 – September 2014)
Scholarship Competition “Women on MBA”

MIB School of Management of Trieste, Italy is pleased to announce a scholarship competition for talented female applicants to the XXIV Edition of the MBA in International Business. The aim is to encourage female managerial development and participation with responsibility roles in the global business community.

The Scholarship will go toward tuition fees to attend the XXIV edition of the MBA in International Business programme (September 2013 – September 2014).

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/05/2013

Beasiswa Australia: Scholarships for Students from Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia – University of Western Australia

Scholarships for Students from Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia – University of Western Australia

The International Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic excellence and enthusiasm for science research for students from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

A total of three scholarships are available and each scholarship is valued at $15,000 over three years

To be eligible to apply, students must:

Be completing, or have completed, the Advanced Level General Certificate of Education (A-levels); an International Baccalaureate (IB); a recognised Australian matriculation program such as AusMAT or South Australian Matriculation (SAM), or the NUS High School Diploma.
Have applied for entry to the Bachelor of Science at The University of Western Australia, with one of the following majors:
Agricultural Science
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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/03/2013

Beasiswa S2: Master Scholarships, School of Government and Public Policy, Indonesia

The School of Government and Public Policy (SGPP) offers financial aid to candidates on a competitive basis. This aid ranges from partial to full tuition remittals and are valid for the duration of the program. This aid does not cover living expenses.

To be considered for such a scholarship, candidates must complete the SGPP Scholarship Application pages of the application before submitting the forms. Supporting documents should be attached as PDF documents.

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