Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)dalam negeri dan luar negeri untuk sekolah S1, S2, S3, D3 dan (non gelar)bagi warga negara indonesia baik mahasiswa murni, dosen atau PNS dll. Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship) is information scholarship for indonesia and international student.
Scholarships for International Students at University of Akron College of Business Administration, USA
The University of Akron College of Business Administration offers numerous scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students, including full tuition scholarships.
A high percentage of Fulbright applicants are admitted and receive these scholarships, valued up to $40,000/year. The GMAT may be deferred for Fulbright scholars. Students may be admitted on the condition that they take the exam within their first semester of study. UA is proud to have hosted nearly 40 Fulbright, Amideast and USAID students in the past eleven years. They have studied masters degree programs in the areas of e-business, accounting, finance, management, international business, marketing, health care, supply chain, information systems, human resources and taxation. THe Fulbright/Amideast and USAID students contribute to the growth of the rest of our student body and we contribute to their growth as individuals.
Akron was ranked one of the Princeton Review`s Best 301 Business Schools in 2010 and our undergraduate programs were ranked in the top 100 business programs in Business Week`s 2010 publication. A is one of 167 business schools worldwide that has all of its programs, including Accounting, accredited by AACSB. We offer extraordinary opportunities to participate in hands-on, cross-functional, entrepreneurial team projects such as Austin BioInnovation Projects, Business Plan and Case competitions.
Akron is located in a hub of business activity with Fortune 1000 companies headquartered in the Akron area including The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Progressive Insurance, Eaton Corporation, Parker Hannifin, Sherwin Williams, Key Corp., Timken, FirstEnergy, J.M. Smucker, A. Schulman, Lubrizol and Medical Mutual of Ohio. Top ranked Health Care Systems in our area include the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Rainbow Babies & Children=92s Hospitals, Summa Health Systems, Akron Children=92s Hospital and Akron General Medical Center.
For more information on academic programs:
For scholarship information:
Contact: Myra Weakland, MBA Assistant Director University of Akron College of Business Email:
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
5:22 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/25/2010
Beasiswa S2 Khazanah Global Scholarship
PT XL Axiata, Tbk bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Khazanah untuk memberikan Warga Negara Indonesia yang berprestasi untuk dapat melanjutkan studinya ke jenjang S2 di Malaysia. Khazanah Global Scholarship is a prestigious award that offers opportunities for bright and high-achieving Malaysians to pursue Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies at the selected world’s leading universities. In addition, recipients of the Khazanah Global Scholarship are provided with leadership training and job attachment at leading organisations in Malaysia. Proses pendaftaran serta penyaringan para peserta program beasiswa pendidikan S2 ini akan mulai dibuka untuk masyarakat umum ,mulai tanggal 11 Juni hingga 15 Juli 2010. Dari para calon peserta yang mendaftar, nantinya hanya akan dipilih 5 orang terbaik yang berhak untuk dapat mendapatkan program beasiswa ini. Adapun pilihan program studi yang bisa dipilih oleh para peserta adalah Manajemen Pemasaran, Manajemen Bisnis, Teknologi Informatika serta Teknologi Telekomunikasi di 7 Universitas ternama di Malaysia yakni: Multimedia Univesiti, Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universitas Islam Antarbangsa Malaysia, Universitas Islam Antarbangsa Malaysia, Universitas Malaya, Universitas Putra Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia Beasiswa Scholarship General Terms and Conditions: 1. Posses strong leadership skills and active participation in extra-curricular, social or voluntary activities 2. A personal statement (for undergraduate study) or a research outline (for postgraduate study) will be required. 3. Applicants must have consistence and outstanding academic achievement record as follows: Kriteria 1. Warga Negara Indonesia 2. Lulus Pendidikan SMA/SMK/STM dengan nilai Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) min 8.00 dari 10.00 3. Lulus Pendidikan S1 dengan IPK min 3,5 dari 4,0 4. Memiliki Kemampuan memimpin yang baik serta aktif dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler atau kegiatan sosial 5. Mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan Baik Baik tulis maupun Lisan 6. Berbadan Sehat
Bidang beasiswa Khazanah Global Scholarship 1. Manajemen Pemasaran (Management - Marketing) 2. Manajemen Bisnis (Business Management) 3. Teknologi Informatika (Information Technology) 4. Teknologi Telekomunikasi (Telecommunication Technology)
Pilihan Universitas untuk beasiswa Khazanah Global Scholarship a) Multimedia University b) Universiti Tenaga Nasional c) Universiti Sains Malaysia d) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia e) Universiti Putra Malaysia f) Universiti Malaya g) Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia.
Copy Dokumen yang diperlukan: 1. Fotocopy Ijazah kelulusan SMA/SMK/STM dan setingkatnya 2. Fotocopy Ijazah kelulusan Perguruan Tinggi setingkatnya 3. List Kurikulum mata kuliah mulai dari semester 1 sampai akhir. 4. Transkrip nilai dari semester 1 hingga selesai. (Ujian Nasional, Ujian Sekolah serta Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi) 5. SErtifikat TOEIC /TOEFL (Jika ada) 6. Sertifikat lainnya (Jika ada) 7. Fotocopy KTP 8. Riwayat Hidup/Curriculum Vitae
Cara Pendaftaran: 1. Download form pendaftaran beasiswa Khazanah Global Scholarship 2. Isilah form pendaftaran 3. Kirimkan form tersebut berikut dokumen yang kami minta melalui email ke
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
5:04 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/22/2010
Excellence Scholarship Master Programme at Leiden University, Netherlands
Excellence Scholarship Master Programme at Leiden University
Deadline: October, 1st 2010 Open to: all nationalities Scholarship: up to €10,000
Overview Leiden University Excellence Scholarship programme 2010/2011 (LExS) Programmes starting in February 2011
For whom? Non-EU/EEA students enrolling in a Leiden University master`s degree programme starting September 2010 or February 2011 ( All MA, MSc and LL.M programmes as mentioned on the website Master`s programmes in Leiden). All nationalities enrolling in the following programmes starting September 2010 or February 2011: Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in Air and Space Law Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in European and International Business Law Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in International Tax Law Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in Public International Law MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy
Scholarship Amount: The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship programme has 5 awards: Platinum : Covers the tuition fee minus the home fee* and an allowance of €10,000 for living costs Gold : Covers the tuition fee minus the home fee* Silver : Covers 75% of the tuition fee Bronze : Covers 50% of the tuition fee Ivory : Covers 25 % of the tuition fee
* The tuition fee will be reduced to the amount of the home fee. Students who have been awarded a Platinum or Gold award still have to pay the home fee themselves.
Application procedure Fill in your online application for admission to Leiden University Upload all necessary documents Indicate clearly that you would like to apply for the LExS scholarship on the scholarship page Upload your letter of motivation for the LExS scholarship on the scholarship page Submit your online application Pay the application fee
All LExS applicants will be informed by the scholarship department of the International Office.
Letter of motivation To apply for the scholarship, you should write a letter of motivation (in Word) of a maximum of 500 words, in which you indicate why you believe you should be considered for this scholarship. The Word document should then be attached on the scholarship page in your online application for the master`s programmes for which you are applying.
It is possible to submit applications for more scholarship programmes simultaneously. However, it is not possible to obtain more than 1 scholarship from Leiden University for the same study programme.
If you have already submitted your online application for admission to Leiden University, but would still like to apply for the LExS scholarship, we kindly request you to submit the LExS motivation letter to the Scholarships department:
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
5:27 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/20/2010
Beasiswa Australia: Accounting and Finance Honours Scholarship, Monash University
Eligibility To be eligible, you must be: an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or permanent humanitarian visa, or an international student, and intending to enrol full-time in the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree majoring in accounting or finance at a Monash campus in Australia. Selection is based on academic merit and an interview.
Selection criteria Awarded to eligible students on the basis of academic achievement in accounting or finance units during the final two years of their degree and any prizes awarded for academic achievement. Final selection will be by a panel interview. Value $6000 per annum, for one year only. Number available in 2011 Up to two. Retention Recipients must maintain full-time enrolment and a minimum of a distinction weighted average mark (70 per cent). Deferability This scholarship cannot be deferred. 2011 Applications All eligible students will be automatically assessed based on course application. Duration: 1.0 year Annual value: $A 6,000.00 Total value: $A 6,000.00 Important Dates Application closing date: Automatic application This scholarship is available at any Australian institution located at the following states: Victoria This scholarship is only available for the following course levels: Bachelor Degree This scholarship is available for courses on the following fields of study: Business Administration, Management Organisation Name: Monash University Website: Contact Information Phone: +61 (3) 99026011 Fax: +61 (3) 99055004 Email: For more information, visit
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
10:29 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/19/2010
Beasiswa S1 dari BCA Finance
BEASISWA BCA FINANCE 2010 (BCA Finance Scholarships 2010 for S1 students) Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ke-65 dan disertai dengan motivasi kuat untuk turut serta mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, BCA Finance kembali menawarkan program beasiswa kuliah bagi mahasiswa program s1 selama kuliah (maksimal 8 semester). Pada tahun lalu, BCA Finance telah memberikan beasiswa penuh bagi 20 mahasiswa s1 berprestasi. Tahun 2010 ini, BCA Finance akan menyalurkan beasiswa kuliah untuk 35 mahasiswa berprestasi yang kurang mampu dalam ekonomi. Program beasiswa ini dinamakan “Beasiswa BCA Finance 2010“. Tiga puluh lima mahasiswa yang akan menerima beasiswa ini akan mendapatkan bantuan SPP maksimal Rp1.000.000 ditambah uang saku sebesar Rp1.000.000 per semester sejak dinyatakan sebagai penerima beasiswa kuliah BCA Finance sampai dengan maksimal semester 8. Mahasiswa yang bisa mengikuti program beasiswa ini adalah mahasiswa yang telah menempuh semester 2 (mahasiswa tingkat 2). Persyaratan lengkap dan dokumen yang harus dipenuhi oleh pelamar beasiswa antara lain: Mahasiswa/i program S1 yang telah menempuh semester 2 Mengisi formulir beasiswa IPK minimal 3,00 dengan melampirkan transkrip nilai terakhir Melampirkan surat keterangan tidak mampu dari Institusi yang berwenang pada daerah sesuai KTP mahasiswa berasal Melampirkan fotokopi KTP dan kartu tanda mahasiswa dua lembar pas foto berwarna ukuran 4×6 Melampirkan surat keterangan dari kampus dengan menerangkan besarnya biaya SPP atau biaya mata kuliah per SKS Melampirkan nama perguruan tinggi berserta kota pada sudut kiri atas amplop Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari mana pun Dokumen yang diperlukan tersebut harus dikirimkan via pos ke alamat: PT BCA Finance Up. Corporate Planning Wisma BCA Pondok Indah Lt. 8 Jl. Metro Pondok Indah No. 10 Jakarta 12310 Paling lambat 24 September 2010 (Cap pos) Daftar nama penerima beasiswa akan kami umumkan pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2010 melalui Website BCA Finance : Penerima beasiswa terpilih akan diundang ke Kantor Pusat BCA Finance di Jakarta selama dua hari untuk mengikuti acara “Meet & Greet” berupa ramah tamah dengan pihak Manajemen BCAF, tour de office, dan konferensi pers. Biaya transportasi dan akomodasi sepenuhnya ditanggung oleh BCA Finance. Keputusan hasil penerima beasiswa adalah mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Proses penyaringan akhir dilaksanakan oleh tim seleksi BCA Finance.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
6:11 PM
Beasiswa IPB dari Rabobank Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011
Rabobank Undergraduate Scholarships 2010/2011 Rabobank, sebagai bank terkemuka di dunia di sektor pangan dan agribisnis, memberikan beasiswa kepada IPB tentunya secara jelas menunjukkan komitmen Rabobank untuk berkontribusi pada pembangunan sektor pertanian di Indonesia, salah satunya adalah dengan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Rabobank Undergraduate Scholarships memprioritaskan kebutuhan akan dukungan finansial serta penilaian prestasi selama SMA dan bulan-bulan pertama kuliah dalam menyeleksi kandidat.
Penerimaan Rabobank Undergraduate Scholarships 2010/2011 Telah Dibuka Rabobank Indonesia memberikan 5 (lima) beasiswa S1 bagi mahasiswa baru IPB tahun ajaran 2010/2011 dari salah satu departemen di fakultas berikut ini :
Fakultas Pertanian (Faperta) Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (Fateta) Fakultas Ekonomi & Manajemen (FEM) Beasiswa ini meliputi : Biaya SPP dan tunjangan biaya hidup, biaya buku serta biaya penelitian dalam rangka penulisan skripsi selama 4 (empat) tahun atau 8 (delapan) semester (ketentuan berlaku) Persyaratan pendaftaran: Warganegara Indonesia Memiliki nilai rata-rata hasil Ujian Nasional minimal 8.0 Berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan kurang mampu dari lurah/camat disertai bukti tagihan rekening listrik Mengirimkan formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi lengkap Cakap dalam bahasa Inggris Melampirkan fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku dan pas foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain Bersedia mematuhi semua peraturan yang dikenakan oleh Rabobank Indonesia hubungan dengan program beasiswa ini Pada tahap awal, seluruh pelamar melalui proses seleksi administratif berdasarkan hasil-hasil catatan akademik dan dokumen pendukung lainnya. Kandidat yang berhasil melalui tahap ini kemudian melanjutkan ke tahap verifikasi dan rangkaian wawancara panel yang dilakukan oleh anggota-anggota Dewan CSR Rabobank Indonesia sebelum akhirnya diumumkan sebagai penerima beasiswa. Sesi wawancara panel memastikan bahwa para penerima beasiswa memiliki tekad yang kuat untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan dengan tepat waktu, bermotivasi tinggi, dan memiliki profil untuk terus berprestasi dan visi jelas ke depan. Prosedur pendaftaran : Kirim formulir pendaftaran beserta dokumen pendukung selambat-lambatnya 13 Agustus 2010 ke : Rabobank Indonesia UP: Corporate Marketing & Communications Division Plaza 89 Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7 No.6 Jakarta 12940 atau Direktorat Kemahasiswaan Institut Pertanian Bogor Gedung Rektorat Andi Hakim Nasoetion Lt.1 Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor Formulir pendaftaran dapat diunduh di
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
6:08 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/17/2010
5 PhD Scholarships in ICT at Aalborg University, Denmark
5 PhD Scholarships in ICT at Aalborg University
PhD Stipend Position No. 562/06-8-10049 At the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine 5 PhD stipends are available within the general study programmes Wireless Communication and Computer Science. The stipends are open for appointment from September 15, 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Job description Electronic Systems/Computer Science/Mathematical Sciences 5 Mobility Stipends in ICT The PhD stipends are offered via a grant to three departments at Aalborg University; Department of Electronic Systems, Department of Computer Science, and Department of Mathematical Sciences. The grant from The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation covers 5 full financed PhD stipends.
The driving hypotheses of the projects are the following: Hypothesis: Adaptive signal processing algorithms implemented as embedded software can be used to linearize a highly nonlinear but energy efficient power amplifier core to yield an overall linear and energy efficient amplifier. The applicant needs competences in one or more of the areas: RF electronics and modelling, embedded systems, IC design, FPGA design, power amplifier design, and RF simulation techniques. Contact: Professor Torben Larsen (E-mail:, phone: +45 2020 6856). Hypothesis: Bayesian statistical methods based on a unified approach for divergence approximations can be used to improve the performance of data receivers for mobile communications where the challenge is to make a decision on what data was originally sent by a transmitter or a group of transmitters, when the data is corrupted due to interferences, e.g. generated by other transmitters. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: Data receiver design, wireless communication, signal processing, and Bayesian statistics. Contact: Professor Bernard Fleury (E-mail: , phone: +45 9940 8629). Hypothesis: Quantitative model checking, simulation, static analysis and compiler optimizing methods may be used for designing and implementing optimal mappings and scheduling of embedded applications onto multi-core, multi-processor and networked architectures. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: Computer science, embedded systems, multi-core architectures, and verification and scheduling. Contact: Professor Kim Guldstrand Larsen (E-mail: , phone: +45 9940 8893). Hypothesis: Advances in spatial and computational statistics are capable of improving the foundation for understanding and exploiting data-dependent characteristics of spatio-temporal indexing and query processing techniques for the mobile Internet, thus resulting in more effective techniques. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: computer science and statistics – in particular interest in the mobile Internet and spatial and computational statistics. Contact: Professor Jesper Møller (E-mail: , phone: +45 3057 3127). Hypothesis: Utilizing simultaneous coverage from multiple wireless access devices and exploiting knowledge about typical spatio-temporal communication patterns obtained through spatio-temporal data mining techniques, it is possible to predict which links can be kept in a low power state at certain times, while still allowing data packets to be routed in the mobile core network, and thereby reducing the overall power consumption very significantly. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: databases, data mining, and/or spatio-temporal data management, combined with an interest in wireless communications. Contact: Professor Torben Bach Pedersen (E-mail:, phone: +45 9940 9975).
If you want to apply for more than one PhD position you must submit an application for each position. Please indicate in the comment box which stipend (A, B, C, D or E) you are applying for. Applications sent by email will not be accepted.
The projects are supported by three departments as mentioned earlier; Dept. of Electronic systems, Dept. of Computer Science, and Dept. of Mathematical Sciences. For all projects two supervisors will be appointed – a main supervisor and a co-supervisor. The two supervisors will always be from different departments. It is the plan to have some joint activities for all 5 PhD students – for example, a summer school is planned.
Requirements Since the PhD stipends have been funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation with the plan to improve mobility, you are not allowed to have a Masters degree from Aalborg University. As long as your qualifying masters degree has been received from any other university than Aalborg University you can apply – also if you have your degree from another Danish university.
The application The applicant must submit an application for each stipend he or she wishes to apply for. The application must include the following: An application letter stating the motivation of the applicant to apply for precisely this stipend, applicants background, other relevant information etc. This letter must also include a list of submitted material. A Curriculum Vitae. Copies of all relevant degrees obtained as well as copies of relevant scientific papers etc. These must be in Danish or English (signed by an authorized translator). Exam papers in other languages can`t be assessed. A maximum 2 page (11 point Calibri / 2 cm margins all sides) proposal for the research to be pursued in the project containing: Suitable title. Brief background for the project. Initiating problem. Short state-of-the-art in the field with use of a few key references. Novel ideas to solve the proposed problem (in the form of bullet points). Main challenges to work on in the project (in the form of bullet points). A rough sketch of a time and work plan. Up to 5 key references.
PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Masters degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 18 of January 14, 2008 on the PhD Programme at the Universities. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed every six months. It is a prerequisite for continuation of salary payment that the previous progress is approved at the time of the evaluation.
The qualifications of the applicant will be assessed by an assessment committee. On the basis of the recommendation of the assessment committee, the Dean of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine will make a decision for allocating the stipend.
For further information about stipends and salary contact Ms. Helen Kjerstein Kristensen, The Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, phone: +45 9940 7373.
The faculties have a research school, The Doctoral School of Engineering, Science and Medicine: http// and a Network for all PhD students:
Agreement Appointment and salary as a PhD fellow are according to the Ministry of Finance Circular of January 11, 2006 on the Collective Agreement for Academics in Denmark, Appendix 5, regarding PhD fellows, and with the Ministry of Finance Circular of June 13, 2007 on the employment structure at Danish Universities.
Deadline August, 12th 2010 Apply online
Aalborg University (AAU) conducts teaching and research to the highest level in the fields of humanities, engineering, and natural, health, and social sciences.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
7:06 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/16/2010
PhD Scholarship in Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Sheffield, UK
PhD Scholarship in Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Sheffield
Overview Optimisation of the processing of green/recyclable composites for reduced carbon footprint in automotive/sustainable development applications University of Sheffield – Department of Mechanical Engineering
Applications are invited for a three-years, fully funded PhD studentship, open to candidates in the UK/EU or UK permanent resident only. The studentship will be funded at the normal rate (full home student fees plus a tax-free grant of up to £13,000), with the opportunity of undertaking additional paid undergraduate teaching. For overseas student only the tuition fee could be covered. Overseas candidates need to clearly state in their application that they would be able to cover their maintenance in order for their applications to be considered.
Project The successful candidate will be working on developing optimum process and compounding of composites of natural fibres with possibility of biodegradation and recycling. The project would involve a multiobjective optimisation as the aims would be to reduce the carbon footprint and also to obtain best quality green composite. The quality of the manufactured composite would be checked for the standards required for the application in automotive and sustainable developments.
Applicants Applicants should have a first class degree in Mechanical/ Materials/Manufacturing Engineering.
Informal inquiries and further detail about the research project can be obtained from Dr. E.Ghassemieh ( )
Interested applicants should initially email their brief CV (Please avoid sending large files/excess documents) indicating their education, work experience and current state with the names of two academic referees to . (Not later than 20th July 2010). The candidates shortlisted will be informed in order to fill in the following forms at later stage.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
9:03 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/14/2010
Master Scholarship at Marshall Scholarships 2011, UK
Master Scholarship at Marshall Scholarships 2011
Overview Marshall Scholarships finance young Americans of high ability to study for a degree in the United Kingdom. Up to forty Scholars are selected each year to study at graduate level at an UK institution in any field of study.
As future leaders, with a lasting understanding of British society, Marshall Scholars strengthen the enduring relationship between the British and American peoples, their governments and their institutions. Marshall Scholars are talented, independent and wide-ranging, and their time as Scholars enhances their intellectual and personal growth. Their direct engagement with Britain through its best academic programmes contributes to their ultimate personal success.
The objectives of the programme are as follows: To enable intellectually distinguished young Americans, their country`s future leaders, to study in the UK. To help Scholars gain an understanding and appreciation of contemporary Britain. To contribute to the advancement of knowledge in science, technology, the humanities and social sciences and the creative arts at Britain`s centres of academic excellence. To motivate Scholars to act as ambassadors from the USA to the UK and vice versa throughout their lives thus strengthening British American understanding. To promote the personal and academic fulfilment of each Scholar
Eligibility To be eligible for a 2011 Marshall Scholarship, candidates must: be citizens of the United States of America (at the time they apply for a scholarship); (by the time they take up their scholarship ie September 2011) hold their first undergraduate degree from an accredited four-year college or university in the United States; have obtained a grade point average of not less than 3.7 (or A-) on their undergraduate degree. (Exceptions will be considered only on the specific recommendation of the sponsoring college.) have graduated from their first undergraduate college or university after April 2008. not have studied for, or hold a degree or degree-equivalent qualification from a British University.
Scholarship instruction To apply, you must create an account. Please make a note of the e-mail address you have used and your password, as you will need it if you wish to work on your application for more than one session. Already registered? Sign in here. NB: This login is for candidates only. For information for institutional advisors please click here
Full instructions on filling in the application form are available once you start the process of applying on-line.
The rules for Marshall Scholarships can be found here.
In addition before applying for a 2011 Marshall Scholarship, candidates should review the information on the Marshall Partnership Scholarships.
Enquiries about the Marshall Scholarship Application should be sent to
Address for Commission Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission Woburn House 20-24 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9HF UK Telephone: +44 207 380 6700 Email: Miss Mary Denyer (Assistant Secretary) E-mail: Miss Elizabeth Martin (Administrative Assistant) E-mail: Any enquiries sent to these email addresses will not be answered and will be deleted. For general enquiries, please contact
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
7:49 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/11/2010
PhD in Learning Assessment at Sydney Business School, Australia
PhD in Learning Assessment at Sydney Business School
Brief Description Sydney Business School is offering a 3-year PhD Scholarship for a student to explore issues relating to the assessment of learning outcomes and graduate qualities in a graduate business school, to validate and measure the effectiveness of various forms of assessment, to benchmark against international best practice, and to work with academic staff to develop and implement appropriate forms of assessment at Sydney Business School. Reference Number: 4895 Study Subject: Assessment of learning outcomes and graduate qualities in a graduate business school
Web Address: Provided By: Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong To be undertaken at: University of Wollongong. Level: Post Graduate (Research)
Availability This scholarship is offered once only to one person. Open for applications from June 9, 2010 until July 15, 2010.
Payment Information The value of this scholarship is AUD22500 (per annum). This award is to be used for living expenses. This scholarship is paid fortnightly for the period of 3 years.
Research Information This scholarship is for one of the following fields of research: Business and management or EDUCATION. It is required that your study starts no later than August 31, 2010.
Eligibility This scholarship is for study in Australia for those who have achieved Honours 2a or equivalent, or Masters or equivalent. There are no restrictions on citizenship.
Application Details To apply for this scholarship you must apply directly to the scholarship provider. You can download a PDF with more information about the scholarship here. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Always confirm details with scholarship provider before applying.
Main Contact Dr Grace McCarthy (Senior Lecturer) Sydney Business School Email: Address: University of Wollongong Wollongong NSW, Australia 2520
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
7:39 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/10/2010
PhD Studentship in Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
PhD Studentship in Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London
3-year full-time PhD Studentship in Sociology Goldsmiths, University of London – Department of Sociology The Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths is pleased to announce one 3-year PhD studentship in sociology, available from October 2010 or January 2011.
The studentship is open to home and overseas applicants, and covers fees and an annual stipend at the standard UK Research Council level (currently £13,590 per annum). The studentship will be awarded to an exceptional candidate whose profile has the potential to enhance the Department`s overall research and/or make a significant contribution to the work of a research group within the Department.
Research in the Department is focused in six clusters: Race, Religion, Ethnicity and Nationalism World Cities, Economies and Social Exclusion Culture Gender and Social Life Politics, Rights and Globalisation Life-sciences, Medicine, Technology and Health.
You are advised to consult our staff pages to identify a potential supervisor whose research is closely relevant to your area of interest. For individual staff expertise, please visit the staff web pages at
Applicants should hold, or expect to have attained, a Master`s degree (distinction or merit) by the time the studentship commences. A Master`s degree in methods of social research is not a requirement, but would be particularly desirable. As part of the studentship, the successful candidate will be expected to carry out light teaching and/or administrative duties, normally in years two and three.
Applications should be sent by e-mail to Dr Monica Greco, Postgraduate Convenor (, and should consist of a short covering letter, a research proposal (maximum 2,000 words) and a full CV, including the names of two academic referees.
Application deadline: 21 July 2010 Interview date: week commencing 2 August 2010
For more information, please contact our Postgraduate Secretary, Bridget Ward ( Further information about the Department is available at
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
7:18 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/07/2010
Beasiswa di Jepang: International Doctoral Program (IDP) in Energy Science Graduate School of Energy Science Kyoto University, Japan
International Doctoral Program (IDP) in Energy Science Graduate School of Energy Science Kyoto University
The international Doctoral Program in Energy Science is offered to provide foreign students and researchers, who have a Master’s degree (or equivalent), an opportunity to further their studies toward a Doctoral degree at Kyoto University. In this Doctoral Program, Japanese proficiency is not required since students can obtain the
necessary credits by choosing ones among a variety of subjects presented in English and their research works are also supervised in English. An evaluation of eligibility for admission will be made on the basis of the documents submitted to our School Affairs Office. Eight students will be admitted each year with a scholarship from the Japanes Government. Scholarship Allowance: 155,000 to 158,000yen per month for at most 36 months (subject to change depending upon the annual budget of each year) Travel to and from Japan: Economy-class round trip airfare School fees: Exemption from the entrance and tuition fees
Eligibility Nationality: Any of the countries with which Japan has official diplomatic relations Age:under 35 years of age as of April 1, 2011 Academic qualifications: Master’s degree or equivalent (by the end of September, 2011) Language ability: Good command of English (Japanese is not required)
Document for Applciation For enrollment in October, 2011, the following documents must arrive before November 15, 2010 at our School Affairs Office (address given below). Application forms, including the Certificate of Health, which can be downloaded from our homepage (see below) Official document verifying nationality Certificates: Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees (or equivalents) Official academic records: Undergraduate and graduate levels Recommendation letters: Dean of the graduate school and supervisor (undergraduate and/or graduate) and head of the employing organization (if currently working) Research plan / List of scientific publications / Brief description of academic achievements A copy of Master’s Thesis (or equivalent) A copy of an official GRE (General test), TOEFL or TOEIC test score, taken within the last 24 months
To ensure a successful Application Each applicant should contact his/her prospective supervisor at Graduate School of Energy Science Kyoto University before applying.
Notification of Decision The applicants will be informed of the result of the 1st stage selection by Kyoto University by around the end of March, 2011. The selected applicants will then be recommended to the Japanese Government as applicants for the scholarship. Applicants will be informed of the final result by around the end of April, 2011.
Correspondence Any inquiry can be accepted at School Affairs Office The Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan E-mail: Fax: +81-75-753-4745
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
7:50 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/04/2010
Beasiswa S2 German: Master`s Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance (PPGG) at DAAD
Master`s Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance (PPGG) at DAAD
Overview This programme is designed to academically qualify future leaders in politics, law, economics and administration according to the principles of Good Governance and to prepare them in a praxis-oriented course for their professional life. The programme offers very good graduates with a first university degree the chance to obtain a Master’s degree in disciplines that are of special relevance for the
social, political and economic development of their home country. With the knowledge and experience acquired in Germany the scholarship holders should later contribute to the establishment of democratically oriented economic and social systems aimed at overcoming social tensions. In addition, the training at German institutions of higher education should especially qualify the scholarship holders as partners in
political and economic cooperation with Germany. With this programme, DAAD intends to contribute to the support of Good Governance and civil society structures in selected partner countries and regions.
Who can apply? The scholarship scheme is open to candidates from Africa, Latin America, South Asia, Southeast Asia as well as from countries in the Middle East (see attached list of countries).
Target group Very well qualified graduates with a first university degree (Bachelor or equivalent) who in the future want to actively contribute to the social and economic development of their home countries. The scholarships are offered both for young graduates without professional experience and for mid-career professionals.
What is fundable? The scholarships are (generally) for two-year Master courses at a German institution of higher education. The successful candidates will study on one of the selected Master courses listed below. The courses have an international orientation and are taught in German and/or English. The scholarship holders will study in groups and be offered special tutoring at their host institutions. Furthermore, there is the possibility of networking events for participants in different courses and their attendance at tailor-made summer-schools. Before taking up their Master studies the scholarship holders will be placed on German courses in Germany for normally 6 months (this also applies to scholarship holders in Master courses taught in English). DAAD pays a monthly scholarship rate of currently 750 EUR. The scholarship also includes contributions to health insurance in Germany. In addition, DAAD grants an appropriate travel allowance as well as a study and research subsidy and in applicable cases rent subsidies and / or family allowances.
Selection In addition to the study results achieved so far, the main criterion for selection is a convincing description of the subject-related and personal motivation for the study project in Germany and the expected benefit after the return to the home country. For Master courses taught in German or in German and English, good knowledge of German (ideally at completed A 2 level at the time of application) is an advantage for being able to pass the German language test required for admission to the Master programme at the end of the six-month preparatory German course. For courses taught in English, proof of good knowledge of English (generally a minimum of 550 TOEFL scores or equivalent) is required. The university degree should have been obtained during the six years before the application for the scholarship. Applicants cannot be considered if they have been in Germany for more than one year at the time of application. All Master courses have further additional requirements that must be fulfilled by the applicants at any case.
Application Application papers to be submitted include DAAD application form for research grants and study scholarships (please download here);
Motivation Letter containing a precise description of the applicant’s academic / professional and personal reasons for wishing to participate in the programme; Full Curriculum Vitae including information about precise field of study and, if applicable, description of job experience; Recent language certificates giving evidence of your level of proficiency in English (TOEFL, IELTS) and if applicable in German. Please make sure to register in time for the respective tests. Fees for obtaining such certificates are considered as a personal career investment and will not be reimbursed. Two letters of recommendation by university professors and/or current or former employers; Officially authenticated copies of all certificates.
Further information about the papers to be submitted is listed on the application form which can be also obtained from the Internet (, from the diplomatic and consular representations of the Federal Republic of Germany or from the local DAAD lecturers, Offices or Information Centres. The application must be written in English or German. Papers should not be stapled and preferably be in DIN A4 format (or smaller). DAAD cannot consider incomplete applications. Applications have to be made for one of the Master courses listed below. You can indicate a second choice from the list. Studying on a Master course not included in the list cannot be funded within this programme. The decision on the award of scholarships will be taken by a selection committee composed of professors from the Master courses and representatives of DAAD.
Deadline The complete set of application papers must be submitted by 15 August 2010 to the usual application address in your home country (in most cases the local DAAD or diplomatic representation) .
Contact and advice Further information can be obtained from DAAD Section 444 ( This programme is sponsored by the German Federal Foreign Office.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
6:38 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)7/01/2010
Beasiswa S2 Singapora: Master Scholarship in Hospitality at Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management
Master Scholarship in Hospitality at Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management
Overview Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management offers a grant of SGD 15,000 to contribute to the successful applicants Tuition Fees for the following program at its institution:
MASTER OF MANAGEMENT IN HOSPITALITY (MBA EQUIVALENT) Please note: Payment of the above funds will be awarded to the successful student by direct payment off the tuition fees for the above programme only. The scholarship grant is administered by the nominated member institution. The scholarship money does not include any air fares international student health cover, accommodation or text books and it is the scholar`s responsibility to finance balance of tuition fees, additional expenses and living costs over and above the SGD 15,000. Please do not submit an application if you do not meet the general eligibility and merit based selection criteria, or if you do not have adequate financial support to cover the expenses outlined above
General Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for the scholarship applicants must: Candidates are appraised on their academic achievements, personal attributes, and career track record. Applicants must have gained acceptance to the MMH Program and be medically fit to pursue the course and future employment in the lodging industry. satisfy Singaporean Government Visa requirements for international student entry to Singapore; satisfy American Government Visa requirements for international student entry to the US meet or exceed the institution`s admission (qualify for the program to which you wish to apply for) requirements for the program which is to be considered for a scholarship (for more information on specific admission requirements refer to the program search available at; Short-listed candidates will be interviewed and selected by the CNI Scholarship selection committee. Recipients the Cornell-Nanyang Scholarship may not hold other award(s) concurrently for the CNI MMH Programme. be applying to commence a new program of study and not be seeking support for a programalready commenced in Singapore; be able to commence study in the Semester for which the scholarship is offered.
Merit Based Selection Criteria To comply with merit-based selection criteria applicants must: have a Grade Point Average of at least 3.0 (on a scale of maximum 4.0); write 250-270 words stating the reasons they wish to a Master of Management in Hospitality in Singapore; demonstrate that their current level of English language proficiency is above minimum entry requirements, i.e. IELTS overall score 6 (no subtest score below 5.5) demonstrate excellence in past academic performance (high school and/ tertiary level).
Conditions of Award of Cornell Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management Scholarship: Student that is successful in his/ her application and is awarded the scholarship will be required to enrol at Cornell- Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management on a full time basis. The scholarship is tenable at the Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management and paid towards the students tuition fees according to the Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management policy; Student failure of one unit/ course of the enrolled program will result in immediate termination of the scholarship; The scholarship is not transferable between programs The scholarship is not transferable to other institutions of THE-ICE Network Members; Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management scholarship recipient will be asked to participate in the promotion of THE-ICE and Cornell Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management`s tourism and hospitality programs; Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management scholarship recipient must complete the admission requirements for the institution which is to be considered for a scholarship.
TO COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION YOU WILL NEED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: 1 copies of the completed THE-ICE International Scholarship Application Form 1 certified copies of your Birth Certificate OR Passport 1 certified copies of your IELTS results (minimum obtained in 2009 or 2010), or proof (a letter from the Principal or Registrar of the Institution at which you studied, confirming that you studied full-time with two or more years at university in a country where the official primary language was English and the medium of instruction was English) of completion of at least 5 years secondary and/or tertiary education with English as the language of instruction 1 certified copies of all academic results in English; if not in English please include certified official English translation in addition to certified original language copy. For High School studies certified copies of high school certificates and results are required; for tertiary studies certified copies of award certificates and full academic transcripts (with key/guide to grading system) must be included Explanation of the grading system and academic criteria at the institution of study of all academic results, which can generally be found at the back of your academic record
Arrange for two letters of reference from university/ school personnel to be completed using the attached forms; Applications received without the required documentation will not be considered. Completed application and supporting documentation should be mailed to the following address and received by the closing date: Postal Address: THE-ICE Scholarship Applications International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education P0 Box 1272 Tweed Heads NSW 2485 AUSTRALIA
Street Address (for courier): THE-ICE Scholarship Applications International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education Comarco House Suite B, Level 1, 145 Wharf Street Tweed Heads, NSW 2485 AUSTRALIA Contact person: Ms Julie Glass T: 61- (07) 5536 6755