Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)dalam negeri dan luar negeri untuk sekolah S1, S2, S3, D3 dan (non gelar)bagi warga negara indonesia baik mahasiswa murni, dosen atau PNS dll. Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship) is information scholarship for indonesia and international student.
BEASISWA S2 INGGRIS DARI The James Henry Scott Master Scholarship
[UK] The James Henry Scott Master Scholarship in Environmental Science at University of Aberdeen
Applications are invited for the James Henry Scott Scholarship, starting in September 2007 (the academic year 2007/08).
The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic merit. The scholarship is open to candidates who satisfy the following conditions:
* Students must be commencing a one-year Master of Science degree (MSc) in Environmental Science at the University of Aberdeen in September 2007. * Students must be from the People’s Republic of China, or Hong Kong
The scholarship will cover:
* International Postgraduate Tuition Fees for the 2007/08 academic year of £11,250 * ?maintenance award of £4,750
To apply, please submit the following:
* a CV including grades achieved to date, and a covering letter. * a personal statement detailing what you plan to do once you complete your studies.
Please send completed applications to:
Mrs Jean Harley Secretary, Postgraduate Office University of Aberdeen School of Biological Sciences Room 112, Cruickshank Building St Machar Drive Aberdeen, AB24 3UU Scotland, UK.
Informal enquiries should be directed to Mrs Jean Harley (Tel: +44 (0) 1224 272692, email:
Deadline for applications (closing date) is 30 June 2007
For more information on the MSc in Environmental Science, please view our website at:
Important information Please note: To be considered for The James Henry Scott Scholarship you will need to have applied to the University of Aberdeen for a place starting in September 2007. (Application forms to study at the University are available at: To be awarded The James Henry Scott Scholarship you must receive and then firmly accept an offer, either conditional or unconditional, of a place at the University.
Notification of Awards: You will be told whether or not your application has been successful by email/post at the correspondence address you give us no later than 23 July 2007. If your application has been successful the award will be subject to your admission to the University.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
5:44 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/29/2007
Beasiswa S2 di USA & Eropa
MBA Scholarship in USA [Europe]
Qualifications: The primary bases for selection are scholarship and a commitment to management consulting. Other qualities such as initiative, character, responsibility, and community service are also considered. The applicant must:
Be currently pursuing an MBA at a leading institution of higher learning. Be able to demonstrate academic excellence. Be able to evidence strong leadership skills and have demonstrated responsible citizenship through community service or related activities. Be currently pursuing an MBA at a leading institution of higher learning. Be able to demonstrate academic excellence. Be able to evidence strong leadership skills and have demonstrated responsible citizenship through community service or related activities. Be able to evidence a commitment to pursuing a career in the field of management consulting. Be able to provide a letter of recommendation from either an academic or professional source. The scholarship amounts to a total of $2500 each, one for the US and one for Europe. It should be noted that applying for this scholarship does not guarantee an award will be granted. Contact Information 380 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1700 New York, NY 10168 United States Tel: 212 551 7887 Fax: 212 551 7934; Email: Web:
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
1:37 PM
Beasiswa Pascasarjana Depag 2007
A. Pendahuluan Tugas pokok yang diemban Direktorat Pendidikan Madrasah adalah menyelenggarakan pendidikan pada madrasah dengan hasil yang sesuai sebagaimana diharapkan masyarakat. Masyarakat menghendaki lulusan madrasah yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi, bisa diterima di perguruan tinggi negeri yang baik dan bagi yang ingin bekerja bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan yang layak. Untuk itu, siswa madrasah di berikan semua mata pelajaran yang diajarkan di sekolah dan dengan menambah pelajaran Agama Islam yang lebih banyak. Ada sejumlah madrasah yang telah mampu memenuhi harapan masyarakat dan mengungguli mutu yang dicapai sekolah. Namun, secara jujur disadari bahwa sebagian besar madrasah belum bisa memenuhi harapan masyarakat dan mutu pelajaran umum masih tertinggal dari sekolah. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan adanya kesenjangan antara harapan masyarakat dengan hasil yang dilahirkan madrasah serta kesenjangan antara mutu madrasah dan sekolah. Salah satu penyebab utamanya adalah rendahnya kompetensi guru di bidang materi yang diajarkan kepada siswa di madrasah.
Ditjen Pendidikan Islam melalui Direktorat Pendidikan Madrasah telah bertekad untuk melakukan segala upaya agar madrasah secara bertahap mampu memenuhi harapan masyarakat dan mengurangi kesenjangan antara mutu pendidikan madrasah dengan sekolah umum. Salah satu upaya yang ingin segera dilakukan adalah dengan meningkatkan kompetensi guru di bidang substansi materi yang diajarkan. Pada tahun anggaran 2006, Direktorat Pendidikan Madrasah memberikan beasiswa penuh untuk program S-2 kepada guru dan pegawai di berbagai bidang studi yang penyelenggaraannya melalui kerja sama dengan 15 (lima belas) perguruan tinggi negeri utama di Indonesia. Sedangkan pada tahun anggaran 2007 ini, program yang sama masih dilaksanakan, bahkan mengalami berbagai peningkatan yang cukup signifikan, baik jumlah penerima beasiswa, bidang studi maupun perguruan tinggi sebagai mitra program ini. Info beasiswa depag lebih detail silahkan download filenya (ms word) di sini.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
1:35 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/28/2007
Beasiswa S2 dari The GCRI Trust
The University of Warwick is inviting applications for the GCRI Trust studentship which will pay for tuition fees for an MSc degree at Warwick HRI. The MSc can be either a taught MSc course (Enterprise in Horticulture or Plant Bioscience for Crop Production) or an MSc by research.
A condition of the GCRI Trust sponsorship is that the student will complete a research project which is appropriate and relevant to the British horticulture industry. The taught MSc courses include a research project of 4-5 months duration which may be laboratory or literature based, or a commercial placement. MScs by research at Warwick HRI are a practical approach on a single research project under the training and supervision of one of our Research Leaders and is for the full duration of the study, 12 months. Research at Warwick HRI is interdisciplinary and ranges from laboratory-based fundamental science to field-based applied horticulture. For more information on Warwick HRI’s taught MSc courses (Enterprise in Horticulture and Plant Bioscience for Crop Production) visit the website:
For more information about Warwick HRI’s research areas visit the website: or contact:
Students wishing to be considered for the GCRI Trust studentship should apply in writing with a CV outlining their education, qualifications and professional experience and a personal statement, in not more than 300 words.
Applications should be sent to Nicola Glover by e-mail at: or by post to: Warwick HRI, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EF, UK
The GCRI sponsorship will cover tuition fees at UK/EU rates. The student will be registered at the University of Warwick and based in the Department Warwick HRI
This link provides information relating to admission requirements (including the supporting documentation required)
Glasshouse Crop Research Institute (GCRI) Profile
The GCRI Trust was founded in 1988 to administer funds donated originally by Chestnut growers. It aims to promote scientific research and education focusing on the cultivation of glasshouse crops and mushrooms, and of bulbs, flowers and shrubs grown in the open. The GCRI Trust also provides small travel grants to researchers and interested parties involved in British horticulture
DEPARTMENT: Warwick HRI, The University of Warwick START DATE: 1st October 2007 REFERENCE NUMBER: GCRI/01 CLOSING DATE: 31st July 2007
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
5:40 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/27/2007
Beasiswa Doktor S3 Ilmu Politik di Denmark
Denmark PhD Scholarships in Political Science at the Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark
At the Department of Political Science and Public Management, a number of Ph.D.-scholarships are available for appointment as of 1 September 2007 or as agreed. The allocation of a Ph.D.-scholarship presupposes enrolment in the Ph.D.-programme in Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark. The Ph.D.-programme in Political Science covers the following areas: general and comparative political science, international politics, public organization and management and policy studies.
As a part of the scholarship, an individual programme must be followed, covering Ph.D.-courses, seminars, active participation in conferences and workshops. The programme must also include a Method course, a course within the specific discipline, a specific thesis course, and a joint Ph.D.-seminar. The Ph.D.-student is expected to gain teaching experience and other forms of communication and presentation qualifications. As a part of the Ph.D.-study, the Ph.D.-student is expected to make an extended visit to a research institution abroad. It is likewise expected that the student participates in the Department’s various activities and spends regular hours at the Department.
Applications are invited from candidates with a Master’s Degree.
The application should include a detailed description of the Ph.D.-project. Besides a general problem formulation it should contain considerations about relevant theory and empirical analysis, methodological considerations and a work schedule.
For further information about the Ph.D.-scholarships as well as the requirements to project description, please contact Ph.D.-coordinator, Professor Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard, tel +45 6550 4305 or Head of Department, Associate Professor Niels Ejersbo, tel. +45 6550 3193. Information about the Ph.D.-programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, can be found at
Application, salary, etc.: Your employment as a Salaried Ph.D. Research Fellow is governed by the agreement of 11 January 2006 on Graduate Employees in government appendix 5 – protocol on Ph.D. Research Fellows.
Fill in the application form available on our web page or call the Social Science Faculty secretariat, Dorte Cohrt Nebel, phone +45 6550 3895, e-mail: a>
All interested persons are encouraged to apply, regardless of age, gender, religious affiliation or ethnic background.
Please send in 4 copies of the application including curriculum vitae, project description, publications if any, marked 351/556-075403″ before 30 May 2007 at 12.00 to the University of Southern Denmark, The Faculty of Social Sciences, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark.
Application form
Closing date 30.05. 2007 at 12 noon Location: Odense
Mark application Job ID 351/556-075403 and send it to:
Syddansk Universitet Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Campusvej 55 5230 Odense M
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
6:53 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/26/2007
Research Assistant 2007-2008 for Ph.D. Student in Distributed Algorithms Germany
Germany: Research Assistant / Ph.D. Student in Distributed Algorithms, Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at ETH Zurich
The distributed computing group is a young research group at the department of information technology and electrical engineering at ETH Zurich. Currently we are ten members. We are interested in a variety of hot topics in the area of distributed computing, such as distributed algorithms, peer-to-peer computing, wireless ad hoc or sensor networks, or social and mobile networks. In our group we try to apply and unite the approaches and techniques of algorithmic theory and systems implementation. Some members of our group focus on algorithms and analysis, some on systems design and building. All of us work together to build scalable, fault-tolerant, and efficient primitives and applications for the distributed future of computing. Please visit the group web site for more information.
We are looking for highly motivated computer scientists with a strong algorithmic background (and a Masters degree in Computer Science or Mathematics). A candidate should be attracted by and proficient in areas such as approximation algorithms, complexity, distributed algorithms, graph theory, online computation, computational geometry, probabilistic algorithms, combinatorics, or optimization. A new group member can choose and shape a project according to his or her interests and talents within the first months of employment.
Successful candidates are expected to work towards a doctoral degree, and participate in the teaching activities of the group.
Please submit your application (CV, and proof of algorithmic interests, e.g. a student thesis) to Roger Wattenhofer. If you have questions or need more information about the position, we encourage you to visit our website or to contact Roger Wattenhofer directly.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
8:22 PM
Beasiswa S3 di Australia
[Australia] PhD Scholarship on Climate Change at Macquarie University
MQRES Modelling Climate Change Impacts on Australian Forests PhD Scholarship
Closing Date: 11 June 2007 Australian forests provide a range of important ecosystem services, such as wood production, carbon sequestration and protection of water catchments. Climate change is highly likely to modify how forests function, and land managers urgently need information about how these ecosystem services will be affected. To address this need, this project will develop ecophysiologically- based models of climate change impacts on Australian forests over the next century. Data assimilation techniques will be used to incorporate information from state-of-the- art climate change experiments, both local and international. Strong collaboration with experimental scientists will be encouraged.
TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, SAT Preparation Material. Its Free!! toefl test, gmat test, ielts test, gre test free toefl, free gmat sample test, free ielts, gre practice test MQRES scholarships are available to Australian and international students. Applicants should have completed an Australian four-year undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline with first class honours, or demonstrate equivalent research qualifications from an Australian or overseas University. This project would suit a candidate with a strong numerical aptitude and an interest in plant ecology. Candidates should have a background in one or more of the following areas: plant physiology, ecology, pure or applied mathematics, physics or statistics.
The scholarship pays a living allowance currently $19,616 per annum, tax exempt (2007) and the tenure is 3.5 years full time, subject to satisfactory progress. Tuition fees will be funded for the scholarship tenure, with domestic students receiving Research Training Scheme (RTS) placement for their tuition, and International award holders having their fees sponsored.
Further information on the project is available from supervisors: Dr Belinda Medlyn, telephone +61 2 9850 8208,, and Professor Lesley Hughes, telephone +61 2 9850 8195,
Application forms (see below), and conditions for MQRES awards, are available from the Higher Degree Research Office, telephone +61-2-850 7663, or e-mail:
Applications should be forwarded to: The Scholarship Officer Higher Degree Research Office Cottage C4C Macquarie University NSW 2109 Australia
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
8:20 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/23/2007
Doctoral Research Scholarship in Political Thought 2007-2008 South Africa
One National Research Foundation (NRF) scholarship is on offer for three years doctoral research in the School of Politics, University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Durban, South Africa. Dr Lawrence Hamilton, a political philosopher in the school, has recently been awarded the NRF President’s Award for his research achievements, which enables him to fund doctoral and postdoctoral research under his supervision. The Scholarship must be taken up from 1 July 2007. The successful candidate will receive R45,000 per annum, which is sufficient to cover university and living expenses in South Africa, and this can be supplemented by employment within the School of Politics. This scholarship is part of a project to create a Centre of Excellence in Political Philosophy at UKZN. The doctoral research must, therefore, be on a topic within the fields of History of Political Thought, Political Philosophy or Political Theory. However, the latter in particular can be construed fairly widely to include research that makes use of empirical analysis, case studies, etc, so long as the main focus of the research is on furthering the understanding or applicability of a question within political thought. Applications are therefore also encouraged from students who have an interest in grounding their theoretical analysis in existing political contexts and problems.
Dr Hamilton’s research interests and publications include a book (The Political Philosophy of Needs [Cambridge University Press, 2003 (2007)]) and a number of articles and ongoing research on the state, coercion, popular sovereignty, rights, needs, interests, citizenship, markets, imperialism, civil society, judgment in politics, the French Revolution and representative democracy, the political thought of Hobbes, Rousseau, Sieyès, Hegel, Proudhon and Marx, African political thought, and land reform, public debt and constitutionalism in South Africa. However, applicants should not feel they have to restrict their research to these or cognate areas. Dr Hamilton can supervise research on most topics within the History of Political Thought, Political Philosophy and Political Theory, and the final choice of candidate will not be influenced by their choice of research topic.
Candidates should email their curriculum vitae (CV) and a one-page summary of their proposed doctoral research to Dr Hamilton ( by 14 June 2007. They should also ask three referees to send assessments of their work and suitability for doctoral study by the same deadline. They can also post their applications to: Dr Lawrence Hamilton, School of Politics, Howard College Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 4041, South Africa, making sure they arrive by the deadline. The successful candidate will be informed by the 20 June 2007 at the latest.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
6:19 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/22/2007
Beasiswa S2 di USA dan Eropa: The Richard Metzler MBA Scholarships 2007-2008
[USA][Europe] The Richard Metzler MBA Scholarships 2007-2008
he Foundation for Excellence in Management Consulting in affiliation with the Association of Management Consulting Firms is pleased to announce: "The 2007-2008 Richard Metzler Scholarships"
The primary bases for selection are scholarship and a commitment to management consulting. Other qualities such as initiative, character, responsibility and community service are also considered. The applicant must:
* Be matriculated and attending an MBA degree program at a leading institution of higher learning for the period Fall 2007– Spring 2008. * Demonstrate academic excellence. * Evidence strong leadership skills and have demonstrated responsible * Citizenship through community service or related activities. * Evidence a commitment to pursuing a career in the field of management consulting * Be able to provide a letter of recommendation from either an academic or professional source.
Deadline for applications has been extended to June 30, 2007.
The scholarship amounts to a total of $2500 each, one for the US and one for Europe. It should be noted that applying for this scholarship does not guarantee an award will be granted.
Contact Information 380 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1700 New York, NY 10168 United States Tel: 212 551 7887 Fax: 212 551 7934; Email: Web:
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
5:15 PM
Beasiswa S2 Ekonomi di Inggris
[UK] The University of Warwick Masters Scholarships in Economics and Finance
Warwick Business School are offering a number of funding awards for exceptional candidates on our Masters courses. The awards will cover full fees and in some cases a contribution towards maintenance will also be given.
* MSc Marketing & Strategy: 5 x WBS Scholarships of £3,900 for UK/EU/overseas students * MSc Economics & Finance: 2 x WBS Scholarships of £8,075 for UK/EU students * MSc Finance: 5 x WBS Scholarships of £8,075 for UK/EU students * MSc Management Science & Operational Research: 10 x EPSRC Scholarships for UK/EU students of full fees (£5,200) plus a merit based maintenance grant of us to £7,500 * MA Industrial Relations & Personnel Management and MA European Industrial Relations: 4 x WBS Scholarships of £5,200 for UK/EU full-time students and 1 x £4,850 for a part-time student * MA Organisation Studies: 4 x WBS Scholarships of £5,200 for UK/EU full-time students
All scholarships are available on a competitive basis and eligible candidates are automatically considered for the awards.
Funding information
Title: Warwick Business School Masters Scholarships Funding notes: UK, EU and International students depending on course - see information above Funding duration: 1 year
Contacts and how to apply Eligible applicants will automatically be considered. You are encouraged to submit your course application as soon as possible. Please visit the web site for more information on our courses and how to apply or contact us:
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
5:14 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/20/2007
Beasiswa Pemerintah Turki 2008-2009
Turkey The Government of Turkey Scholarships for Indonesian Students
The Government of Turkey offers scholarship for Indonesia students. The scholarship program that is offered by the government of Turkey consisted of some programs. Addresses for 11 Indonesia students. Scholarship that is on the market is 2 scholarships to research into, 2 scholarships for graduate program and 2 scholarships for Summer Course for Turkish Language and Culture. Although not available of scholarship for Postgraduate Program this year, if you want to request for postgraduate program, the government of Turkey will labor available of the scholarship for Indonesia student.
Scholarship given include; covers living cost per month for the price of 185 Lira Turkey and expense of hospital except for disease required old treatment and operation of complex, the participants nor burdened by filling fee and expense of study.
For further information, enthusiast can contact: Ms. Selcan Sanli, First Secretary Tel. 021-525 62 50 ext. 116 E-mail: selcansanli@telkomnet
Registration deadline of 30 Junes 2007, except for program Summer Course on Turkish Language date of 30 Aprils 2007
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
4:55 PM
Beasiswa S1, S2, S3 dari Fullbright Scholarship Program 2008-2009
[USA] Fulbright Scholarship Program 2008-2009 Academic Year
The American Indonesia Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) is pleased to announce the availability of Fulbright scholarships to study in the United States for the 2008 - 2009 academic year. The primary focus of the Fulbright Program in Indonesia is to promote mutual understanding between the Republic of Indonesia and the United States of America through educational exchange and academic scholarship. Fulbright scholarships are available to Indonesian citizens with the appropriate qualifications as stipulated in the program descriptions listed below. Fulbright Master`s Degree Program; Fulbright-Freeport Master`s Degree Program; Fulbright Doctoral Degree Program; Fulbright Presidential Scholarship Program (Ph.D Program); 2008 International Fulbright Science and Technology Award For Ph.D Sudy; Fulbright Doctoral Dissertation Research Program; Fulbright Senior Research Program; Fulbright Tsunami Relief Initiative Program; Fulbright Foreign Language (Bahasa Indonesia) Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program; Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program For Mid-Career Professionals; Fulbright-Sampoerna Foundation Master`s Degree Program In Business Administration (MBA); Fulbright Visiting Specialist Program: Direct Access to The Muslim World
1. Fulbright Master`s Degree Program 2008-2009
2. Fulbright-Freeport Master`s Degree Program 2008-2009
3. Fulbright Doctoral Degree Program 2008-2009
4. Fulbright Presidential Scholarship Program (Ph.D Program) 2008-2009
5. 2008 International Fulbright Science and Technology Award For Ph.D Study
6. Fulbright Doctoral Dissertation Research Program 2008-2009
7. Fulbright Senior Research Program 2008-2009
8. Fulbright Tsunami Relief Initiative Program 2008-2009
9. Fulbright Foreign Language (Bahasa Indonesia) Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program 2008-2009
10. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program For Mid-Career Professionals 2008-2009
11. Fulbright-Sampoerna Foundation Master`s Degree Program In Business Administration (MBA) 2008-2009
12. Fulbright Visiting Specialist Program: Direct Access to The Muslim World
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
4:54 PM
Beasiswa S2 di Ireland
MSc Fellowship: Design and implementation of a web-based microarray analysis system
MSc Fellowship: Teagasc, Animal Production Research Centre, Athenry, co. Galway Design and implementation of a web-based microarray analysis system
Project Background Microarrays are now widely used for gene expression profiling in many animal science-based experiments. Raw data emanating from microarray experiments, however, are very noisy and there are many sources of variation and bias. The raw data needs to be quality assessed and interactively “pre-processed” to minimise or remove this variation before statistical analysis in order to achieve any meaningful result. This requires a combination of visualisation and statistical tools which vary depending on what microarray platform or experimental design is used. A number of stand alone tools based on the statistical software R and Bio-conductor routines are readily available for these types of analyses. However, the analysis pipeline is not always clear to the user, and the desired tools are not always available from the one source, without resorting to a command line interface, unfamiliar to most users. A user friendly interface is required to facilitate the pre-processing and analysis of microarray experiments in Teagasc addressing the most common microarray platforms and following a logical progression through an analysis pipeline that is extensible and capable of addressing current as well as future needs.
Objective To set up a bio-informatics web server running Linux with core bio-informatics software. To design and implement a web based microarray analysis system with core and extensible functionality based on R and bio-conductor capable of addressing the current and future microarray pre-processing and analysis requirements of Teagasc research programmes.
Position A post-graduate position is available to work on all aspects of the research project outlined above.
Requirements Applicants should have a good primary degree (1 or 2.1) with a significant component in computing. Good quantitative data skills are essential and some knowledge of biology and bioinformatics would be a distinct advantage. It is expected that the successful candidate will register with the Mathematics Department, NUIG for a Masters degree.
Funding The position is funded by a Teagasc Walsh Fellowship of €21,000/pa to cover postgraduate stipend and tuition fees.
Location and supervision The student will be located, for approximately 50% of the time at the Teagasc, Animal Production Research Centre, Athenry, Co. Galway, and for the remainder at the Department of Mathematics, NUIG.
The University supervisors will be Prof John Hinde Mathematics Department and Dr Aaron Golden Information Technology and NCBES Bioinformatics Research Group, NUIG; and the Teagasc supervisor will be Dr Dermot Morris, Teagasc, Athenry.
Starting date The project will start at the beginning of September 2007. Students will be required to register for a Masters degree at NUIG (to be completed by end of August 2009).
Application procedure Applicants should submit curriculum vitae, detailing their qualifications and experience, together with a covering letter stating why they wish to pursue this project, by Friday, 1 June 2007. Applications should be sent by post or email to:
Prof John Hinde Department of Mathematics National University of Ireland Galway Galway
Dr Dermot Morris Teagasc Animal production Research Centre Mellows Campus Athenry County Galway.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
4:52 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/18/2007
Beasiswa S2 di Australia: Master Scholarship (S2) Australia 2007-2009
Master Scholarship (S2) Australia 2007-2009 in Water Resources Management
Australia Master Scholarship in Water Resources Management at ICE WaRM
International Centre of Excellent in Water Resources Management (ICE WaRM) is offering international candidates the opportunity to further their education in the field of water resources management, in Australia. Full or part tuition scholarships to undertake full-time postgraduate studies in a Master of Water Resources Management programme are available for the July 2007 intake. This scholarship programme offers to attract high quality international students to education and training in water resources management, delivered by ICE WaRM partner institutions. Field of study This scholarship is available for courses on the following fields of study: Land and Marine Resources, Animal Husbandry Engineering, Surveying Health, Community Services Science Life Sciences Physical Sciences
The ICE WaRM Scholarship Programme aims to: provide high calibre students with the opportunity to study with ICE WaRM partners to further their knowledge; provide students with the opportunity to participate in research and advance their scientific knowledge in water resources management; encourage the exchange of ideas on best practice within water-related fields; provide students with the opportunity to participate in presentations, conferences, seminars and forums on contemporary issues in water resources management; provide the opportunity for students from organisations and countries currently facing major water issues to participate in programmes which they may not be able to fund; and demonstrate a commitment to cultural change and diversity and the international sharing of knowledge and skills related to water resources management. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS, PROGRAMME INFORMATION AND PARTNER UNIVERSITY WEBLINKS
We recommend that you visit the Post-Graduate Programmes page of the website to find out more about the programme.
Application Deadline:
Semester 1 (February) - Deadline 22nd September of the previous year Semester 2 (July) - Deadline 22nd March of the same year ICE WaRM offers two rounds of scholarships annually, in February and July. Applicants are able to begin applying for current or future rounds at any time. The current round (Semester 1 - February 2008) has a deadline of September 22, 2007. However applicants can begin applying for future rounds at any time, ie. Semester 2, 2008 or Semester 1, 2009 (see deadlines above).
How do I Apply?
Complete the online registration form below to gain access to the relevant application forms. Once you press “submit” you will see a webpage with links to 3 documents: - Scholarship Guidelines - Scholarship Application Form - Scholarships Confidential Referee Report Print and/or save these files. You will also receive an automatic email acknowledgement with a direct link to the application forms. Complete the Scholarship Application Form and send to ICE WaRM with relevant documentation by the deadline. NOTES:
ICE WaRM will acknowledge receipt of all applications and advise if any documents are outstanding. Completion of the online registration form allows ICE WaRM to monitor interest in the scholarship programme and remind applicants of closing dates. Any applications that are incomplete by the application deadline will not be eligible for consideration. Hard copy documents (transcripts, parchments, passports/birth certificates) must be original or certified copies - uncertified photocopies will not be accepted. Scholarship Funding ICE WaRM offers full and partial scholarships which cover the cost of the programme (fee tuition). For international students the fully funded scholarship is AUD$30,000 and partially funded scholarship is AUD$15,000*.
ICE WaRM Contact Info: For more information on ICE WaRM’s scholarship programme or your application status, please contact:
*Please note: the ICE WaRM scholarship does not include a living allowance.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
7:58 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/16/2007
Beasiswa APS Australia 2007-2008
Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) are funded by the government of Australia for postgraduate study at Australian Universities. The main goal of ADS is to promote Indonesia's human resource capacity to contribute to:
Improving economic management; Strengthening democratic institutions and practise; Increasing the accessibility and quality of basic social services; and Enhancing security and stability. ADS have played a significant role in Australia's development cooperation program in Indonesia, with around 10.000 scholarships provided over more than 50 years. ADS continues to be a major component of the program with up to 300 scholarships offered in 2007/2008. Please note that the ADS scholarship program is a different program to the new Australian Partnership Scholarship (APS) Program. For full details on APS go to
The off-shore component of the ADS Program is managed by IDP through an IDP established ADS Project Office in Jakarta to ensure efficient end effective administration of the ADS scheme in Indonesia.
Each year, the Australian Government sponsors people from some developing countries to study in Australia through Australian Development Scholarships (ADS). The Australian Development Scholarship program in Indonesia aims to promote private and public sector human resource development in areas of agreed development priority.
This will be achieved by providing post-graduate scholarships for Indonesians to study in Australia and by working in close cooperation with the Indonesian Government to deliver a program which is flexible to Indonesia's changing training needs.
Consistent with the principles of AusAID's education and training policy (August 1996), the ADS program will be implemented to ensure : quality (of project personnel, fellows and procedures); transparency (of selection); equity and merit (in the awarding of fellowships); access (of beneficiaries to scholarship documentation and information); and consistency (in award administration).
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
4:14 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/14/2007
KOREA Samsung Electronics Undergraduate Scholarships 2007-2008 in Business Administration, Art and Social Science
Korea Samsung Electronics Undergraduate Scholarships in Business Administration, Art and Social Science
Electronics Division of Samsung Asia offers scholarship for final year students (undergraduate) majoring in Business Administration, Art and Social Science. Application deadline is December 31, 2007.
Scholarship provider:
Samsung Electronics Who Can Apply This scholarship reserved for final year students university. Eligibility:
The students must have (top 10%) outstanding academic results. willing to work in the Marketing or Export Division of Samsung Electronics in Korea
General Information About this Awards:
Full subsidy of registration / tuition fees Two free return air tickets to Seoul Monthly living allowances Hostel accommodation and student group medical insurance provided Accommodation will be provided Scholar will have to sign a two years contract to work in Samsung Electronics in Korea upon completion of the Master Program. Will receive annual salary of U$20,000 - U$25,000 Scholars will have to reimburse all monthly living allowances if they are unable to complete the course or evaluated during the marketing training program and internship to be unfit to work in Samsung
Documents Required: Resume and academic transcript If available, a letter introducing her/him and a reference letter(s) from a professor(s) to: Ms Chang Jae Ryon Samsung Asia Pte Ltd Electronics Division 83 Clemenceau Avenue #08-07, UE Square Singapore 239920 E-mail:
Note: This Scholarship will be closed at the end of December 2007. Only applicant fulfilling criterion which will be called.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
2:57 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/13/2007
Beasiswa IJARI 2007 – 2008
PT Triputra Investindo Arya menawarkan BEASISWA IJARI untuk tahun akademik 2007 – 2008.
Tahun ini Universitas Indonesia mendapatkan beasiswa untuk 30 (tigapuluh) mahasiswa. Untuk formulir dan informasi lebih lanjut, peminat dapat menghubungi: Direktorat Kemahasiswaan & Hubungan Alumni UI
Gd. Pelayanan Mahasiswa Terpadu (ex. DRPM)
Kampus UI Depok
Penerimaan calon beasiswa paling lambat tanggal 27 Juli 2007.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
6:49 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/10/2007
INGGRIS: Beasiswa Masters Scholarships 2007-2008
Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies Masters Scholarships 2007-2008
The Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies welcomes applications for the following Scholarships from applicants who have accepted an offer of a place to study for a one-year Masters programme in the following areas:
Firefox with Google Toolbar
* International Journalism
* International Public Relations
* Journalism Studies * Political Communications
Funding: One Scholarship is available in each of the following areas:
* Cardiff International Journalism Scholarship – £5,000
* Cardiff International Public Relations Scholarship – £5,000
* Cardiff Journalism Studies Scholarship – £5,000
* Cardiff Political Communications Scholarship – £5,000
Qualification: To be eligible for an award, applicants must:
* Have been offered, and accepted, a place on a full-time Masters programme for the 2007-2008 academic year;
* Hold a degree of at least first class, or upper second class honours standard or equivalent to that standard. This requirement may be waived for candidates over 25 years of age with relevant professional experience;
* Demonstrate oral and written fluency in English. A minimum score of 7.0 in the International English Language Test (IELTS) is required;
* Be classified as an overseas student for fees purposes. It is not possible to be awarded a scholarship in addition to a full award from a separate body.
Selection: Each application will be considered by the relevant Course Coordinator, with the final decision being made by the Chair of the Board of Studies.
Deadline: Once you have accepted your offer, any applicant wishing to be considered for the above Scholarships must complete the attached application form, and return it no later than FRIDAY, 29TH JUNE 2007. Applications submitted in any other format other than using the form provided will not be considered.
Applications should be returned to: Huw Thomas, MA Administrative Assistant, Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Bute Building, King Edward VII Avenue, CARDIFF, CF10 3NB.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
4:11 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/08/2007
Beasiswa S3 Jerman 2007-2008: Molecular Cell Biology
Germany International PhD Program Molecular Cell Biology - Max-Delbrück Centre
The International PhD Programme “Molecular Cell Biology” has been established in 2003, and is a joint activity of the Max-Delbrück Centre (MDC) for Molecular Medicine and the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin. Every year 10-12 students from around the world are being selected on a competitive basis to join the Programme. The Programme provides exceptional research opportunities and in-depth interdisciplinary training in Molecular Cell Biology, with strong emphasis on the fundamental molecular biology and molecular cell biology as a foundation of modern medicine. It is aimed at university graduates (with Diploma or Masters degree), who wish to obtain a PhD in the fields of Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics, Molecular Cardiovascular Research, Developmental Biology and Neurobiology.
There are 41 Research Groups you could select from and it is up to you to choose that "big" question you wish to find an answer for during your PhD research. And because we have critical mass of the scientific expertise at the MDC and Berlin-Buch Campus, you would never be far away from a world expert, be it in cancer signalling pathways or genomics, systems biology or macromolecular structure, gene therapy or neuronal stem cells.
Language The working language of the Programme is English.
Starting Date Students should be able to start in September/October 2007
Funding Successful PhD candidates are awarded a 3-year Scholarship from the MDC or HU, with a possibility of extension decided on a case-by-case basis. The salary level for the graduate students employed as research assistants is in accordance with the standard tariff for public service sector and is about 1400 EUR gross, which translates to between 900 - 1100 EUR net. MDC also provides travel grants to its PhD students, encouraging them to attend international scientific meetings to present their findings.
PhD Degree As a rule, our PhD students are enrolled at the Humboldt University of Berlin or the Free University of Berlin to obtain their degree - Doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat.), translated as Doctor of Natural Sciences. This is a German equivalent of the PhD degree and is internationally recognised and accepted as such. Students could also opt for a university of their home country to get their PhD degree from.
Wider PhD students community at the MDC The MDC`s PhD student community is not limited to the International PhD Programme only, - there are about 150 of graduates working on their PhDs at any point in time (do check our students` web site). Every year our PhD students organise a PhD Retreat (please, see the photo from the last one), where they present their results, meet distinguished invited speakers of their own choice, exchange ideas and socialise. But you do not have to wait for a year to get out of the lab, - in their free time our graduates also organise regular outings, or, as it is called here `Stammtisch`.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
1:53 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/07/2007
Beasiswa Doktor S3 Singapore (Singapura)
PhD Scholarships at Singapore's First Comprehensive International University
The University of New South Wales, Asia (UNSW Asia) is Singapore's newest university. Building on the research strengths of its parent university - UNSW, this campus will focus on research issues of significance to the Asian region. It will also be establishing Research Centres of Excellence in Membrane and Water Technologies, Photovoltaics and Interactive and Digital Media. Its rich mixture of students from across Asia and the world will have the opportunity to move seamlessly between the Sydney and Singapore campuses. Graduates from UNSW Asia will receive degrees from its parent university - UNSW.
PhD Programs
UNSW Asia is inviting suitably qualified, highly motivated candidates to apply for PhD positions in the following disciplines:
* International studies, economics, accounting, finance, marketing, management
* Chemical and environmental engineering, mechanical and mechatronics engineering, electrical and telecommunications engineering, computer science and engineering, mathematics, physics, biological sciences
* Membrane technology related to water, environment and biotechnology
Interested candidates can read more about PhD program here
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
4:03 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/06/2007
Master Doctoral Scholarships 2007-2008 Government of Netherlands
The Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation’s Master’s and Doctoral scholarships in Sustainable Poverty Reduction
The opportunity Students from Asian developing nations are offered the opportunity to pursue their master’s or doctoral studies in fields relating to sustainable poverty reduction at one of Asia ’s leading postgraduate institutions. The scholarships The Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation and the Asian Institute of Technology have partnered to offer a program called “Human Resource Development for Asian Partner Countries” from October 2006 to December 2009. Master’s and doctoral scholarships will be provided to students from seven partner countries of the Netherlands in Asia, i.e., Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Indonesia , Mongolia , Pakistan , Sri Lanka and Vietnam . The scholarships cover the costs of degree programs in fields relevant to sustainable development, environmental protection and the promotion of gender equity. The three focal areas are water engineering and management, rural development and sustainable use of natural resources, and urban environmental management.
Water engineering and management includes waterways and coastal engineering, irrigation engineering, water resources and water supply drainage. Expertise areas also include water transport, flood control, beach protection, erosion, water supply and wastewater collection and sewerage treatment systems, and integrated watershed development management.
Rural development and sustainable use of natural resources addresses rural development and the need to consider economic productivity versus the necessity to conserve rural areas. In AIT many programs aim to contribute to technology to stimulate rural developments including agricultural and food engineering, bioprocess technology, aquaculture and aquatic resources management, pulp and paper technology, natural resources management, as well as regional and rural development planning.
Urban environmental management addresses the sustainable development of urbanized areas as many of the partner countries are facing rapid urbanization. Thus, the concerns should address urban economy and living environment, conservation of urban natural environments and greening, prevention of environmental deterioration, impacts of urbanization, urban transportation, urban affordable sanitation and sewage treatment. Urban environmental management focuses on the utilization of human and other resources to improve and maintain the quality of urban areas.
Details • Scholarship recipients will be selected according to AIT’s admission criteria, rules and regulations to ensure that the most suitable candidates are admitted based on an assessment of the needs in the Netherlands ‘ seven partner countries in Asia . • At least 40 per cent of the scholarships will be offered to women candidates. • After successful completion of graduate studies and professional training in AIT, the scholarship recipients are obliged to return to their home countries for strengthening institutional capacities and contributing in building sustainable societies. • Recipients are required to conduct thesis research on topics relevant to their respective home country’s development needs incorporating environmental protection and sustainable development concerns. • A scholarships provides grants for tuition and fees, monthly stipend, medical insurance, educational visa and one round trip air travel. • For the master’s program, preference will be given to staff of public sector agencies, government departments, training institutions and universities. • Doctoral scholarships are available only to candidates who are lecturers or university teaching staff. Doctoral degree program candidates must be certified by their local employers to study abroad and must have re-employment contracts to ensure that they return back to work after their completion of the doctoral degree program at AIT. Applicants must provide a relevant research proposal and demonstrate a strong academic background and experience. • All recipients of the scholarships should take at least one course on gender and development issues.
Entry requirements • Applicants must adhere to AIT’s admissions requirements, procedures and policies. To learn more, click here:
Deadline August semester: 15 March Note: Applicants who are required to attend Bridging program, who require early offer of admission or who have visa or passport restrictions, are encouraged to submit applications at least two months before the deadline. You may apply online or download application forms at: You may also receive the application package by mail for a nominal application processing fee of US$25.
Please contact: Admissions and Scholarships Unit Asian Institute of Technology P.O. Box 4 , Klong Luang Pathumthani 12120 , Thailand Phone: (662) 5245031-5033 Fax: (662) 524-6326 E-mail: Web site:
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS An applicant must apply to only one of the academic programs leading to the degree of Master’s of Engineering, Master’s of Science, Master’s of Business Administration, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Technical Science, Doctor of Philosophy, or Doctor of Business Administration; or in the executive programs leading to the degree of Master’s of Engineering (Executive) or Master’s of Business Administration (Executive). No applicant is admitted to more than one academic program at a time. AIT is an international institute with English as the sole language of instruction. Admission to AIT requires proof of English language proficiency. This requirement may be satisfied in any one of four ways:
Submission of an official test score from any of the following standardized English exams: TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, CU-TEP ( Thailand ), ARC (Lao PDR). The minimum scores for admission are shown in the table below.
If you attained a previous degree from a university where the sole medium of instruction is English, you may submit a Certificate of University Medium of Instruction. Applicants may take the AIT English Interview Test. The test result should be submitted to the Admissions and Scholarships Unit. For details, please contact: Applicants from countries where English is the native language are exempt from this requirement. Detailed Eligibility Requirements for each Program Doctoral Program To be eligible for admission to the Doctoral program, an applicant must:
have strong academic records (both undergraduate and graduate) and normally hold a four-year bachelor’s degree, and a Master’s degree, preferably with a combination of course and thesis work, from an institution of good standing, acceptable to AIT. The minimum GPA requirement for admission to the doctoral program is 3.50 or equivalent at the master’s degree level. submit a brief outline of dissertation research proposal including the required research facilities, if necessary. receive a written confirmation that a faculty member at AIT is available and willing to supervise. Starting January 2006 Semester the offer of non-resident doctoral program on admission is no longer available as an option for doctoral applicants. Master’s Degree Program To be eligible for admission to the master’s program, an applicant must:
hold a Bachelor degree (normally from a four-year program), or its equivalent, in an appropriate field of study from an institution of good standing acceptable to AIT. have undergraduate grades significantly above average; the minimum GPA requirement for admission to the master’s program is 2.75 or equivalent at the Bachelor degree level. be in satisfactory physical and mental health, and have a record of good conduct.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
5:35 PM
Pengumuman Panduan Test Seleksi Calaon Mahasiswa S1 Beasiswa Depag
A Pendahuluan
Dewasa ini, minat lulusan lembaga pendidikan pondok pesantren untuk melanjutkan studi di perguruan tinggi tidak hanya terkonsentrasi pada kajian-kajian keislaman (Islamic Studies) di IAIN atau STAIN semata. Banyak diantara mereka memiliki potensi akademik yang mumpuni dalam bidang ilmu sosial (social science) dan ilmu alam (natural science). Hal ini terbukti dengan keikutsertaan para santri mengikuti seleksi program Beasiswa Departemen Agama di berbagai perguruan tinggi yang terus meningkat. Antusias ini tentu sangat menggembirakan dan harus direspon dengan berbagai upaya untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan sains dan teknologi di pondok pesantren.
Respon riil dari upaya di atas adalah adanya perluasan kerjasama Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam dengan beberapa perguruan tinggi dan sekaligus penambahan jumlah kuota santri yang akan diterima sebagai peserta program beasiswa santri berprestasi. Gagasan besar ini tentu membutuhkan langkah-langkah yang sinergis dari berbagai pihak termasuk di dalamnya adalah sosialisasi yang intens dan dini kepada perguruan tinggi penyelenggara, penyelenggara seleksi di di daerah, serta calon peserta dari pondok pesantren.
Sebagai realisasi dari gagasan tersebut, maka Direktorat Pendidikan Diniyah dan Pondok Pesantren Ditjen Pendidikan Islam memandang perlu untuk menyusun dan mensosialisasikan panduan test/seleksi calon mahasiswa S1 Program Beasiswa Santri Berprestasi Departemen Agama RI tahun akademik 2006/2007 ini.
B Dasar Hukum Program Santri Berprestasi Penerima Beasiswa Departemen Agama RI. yang studi di ITB, UGM, ITS, IPB, UNAIR, UIN, dan IAIN merupakan tindak lanjut dari ditandatanginya: 1. Naskah kesepahaman Nomor 07/MOU/2005 dan DJ.II/120/05 Naskah Kerjasama Nomor 06/SPK/2005 dan Dt.II.II/91/2005 antara Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) dan Departemen Agama (Depag) dalam rangka penerimaan calon mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) program sarjana (S1) jalur Beasiswa Utusan Daerah (BUD) melalui pondok pesantren. 2. Naskah Kesepahaman Antara Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Islam Departemen Agama RI. dengan Rektor Institut Teknologi Bandung Nomor: DJ.II/57/06 dan Nomor 009/K01/DN/2006 tertanggal 27 Maret 2006 tentang Kerjasama dalam bidang pendidikan, penelitian, pengembangan dan penerapan IPTEK bagi pengembangan madrasah, pondok pesantren, perguruan tinggi agama Islam, pendidikan agama Islam pada sekolah, dan di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam. 3. Perjanjian Kerjasama Pelaksanaan Program Nomor UIN/ER/OT/01.6/ 398/VI/2005 dan nomor DT.II.II/107/05 antara UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta dengan Direktorat Pendidikan Keagamaan dan Podok Pesantren, Direktur Jenderal Kelembagaan Agama Islam, Departemen Agama RI dalam rangka penerimaan mahasiswa program sarjana jalur PMDK Khusus Pondok Pesantren Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter dan Kesehatan Masyarakat. 4. Naskah Kesepahaman Nomor 020/ITS/KS/I/2006 dan DJ.II/13/06 Perjanjian Kerjasama Nomor 021/ITS/KS/I/2006 dan Dt.II.II/24/2006 antara Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya dengan Departemen Agama (Depag) dalam rangka Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Program Sarjana (S1) Melalui Beasiswa Departemen Agama Jalur PMDK Kemitraan. 5. Naskah Kesepahaman Nomor 1170/PI/KS/2006 dan DJ.II/46/2006 Perjanjian Kerjasama Nomor 1022/PI/Dir. Akademik/2006 dan Dt.II.II/66/ 06 antara Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta dengan Departemen Agama (Depag) Dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Program Sarjana ( S1) Melalui Beasiswa Departemen Agama Jalur Penelusuran Bibit Uggul Pembangunan Derah (PBUD) Khusus Pondok Pesantren. 6. Perjanjian Kerjasama Pelaksanaan Program Nomor In.03.1/PP.00.9/ 482a/P/2006 dan Nomor Dt.II.II/76/06 tanggal 27 Maret 2006 antara IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya dengan Direktorat Pendidikan Diniyah dan Pondok Pesantren, Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, Departemen Agama RI dalam Rangka Penerimaan Mahasiswa Program Sarjana Jalur PMDK Khusus Pondok Pesantren Program Studi Syari¡¦ah.
C Tujuan Memilih santri berprestasi yang memiliki kemampuan akademik, kematangan pribadi, kemampuan penalaran, dan potensi untuk dapat mengikuti dan menyelesaikan pendidikan program sarjana S1 di perguruan tinggi yang telah menjalin kerjasama dengan Departemen Agama RI. sesuai minat dan bakatnya dalam batas waktu yang telah ditetapkan dalam Program Santri Berprestasi Penerima Beasiswa Departemen Agama RI.
D Persyaratan Santri Calon Penerima Beasiswa 1 Santri yang belajar pada Madrasah Aliyah (MA) dan sederajat di pondok pesantren. 2 Sedang mengikuti pendidikan pada MA dan sederajat di pondok pesantren. 3 Memiliki prestasi yang baik (terbaik 1-3) di sekolah selama pendidikan. Bagi program IPA nilai rata-rata mata pelajaran Matematika, Fisika, Kimia, Biologi, dan Bahasa Inggris selama 5 semester minimal 7 dan tidak terdapat nilai 5 untuk mata pelajaran tersebut. 4 Diajukan oleh Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren yang bersangkutan. 5 Pada saat mendaftar berumur tidak lebih dari 20 tahun dan belum menikah. 6 Berbadan sehat, tidak memiliki latar belakang penyakit akut/kronis, tidak buta warna, dan bebas narkoba yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari dokter. 7 Bersedia dikeluarkan dari pencalonan penerima beasiswa apabila dinyatakan tidak lulus Ujian Nasional tahun 2007. 8 Keluarga bersedia menanggung komponen biaya lain yang tidak ditanggung oleh Departemen Agama RI. 9 Bersedia mengikuti bridging program/matrikulasi/orientasi yang dilaksanakan oleh Departemen Agama bekerjasama dengan perguruan tinggi yang bersangkutan selama + 2 bulan. 10 Bersedia mengembangkan sains dan teknologi di pondok pesantren asal setelah selesai masa studi, dibuktikan dengan perjanjian antara calon mahasiswa dengan Departemen Agama. E Prosedur Pengajuan 1 Pimpinan pondok pesantren mengajukan santri yang memenuhi syarat ke Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama masing-masing selambat-lambatnya tanggal 15 Pebruari 2007. Selain menyertakan dokumen persyaratan di atas, pengajuan santri dilengkapi dengan dokumen sebagai berikut: a Surat pengajuan dari pimpinan pondok pesantren yang bersangkutan. b Surat pernyataan dari calon peserta program (contoh format terlampir). c Pas photo berwarna dan terbaru, dengan ukuran 3 x 4 cm sebanyak 4 lembar. d Photo copy raport dari kelas 1 semester 1 sampai dengan kelas III semester 5 yang telah dilegalisir Kepala MA masing-masing. e Foto copy akte kelahiran atau surat kenal lahir. f Formulir yang telah diisi dan ditandatangani peserta program, meliputi: (i) Kemampuan diri pelamar (Lampiran A1). (ii) Keadaan Pondok Pesantren dan MA/SMA (Lampiran A1). (iii) Sosial ekonomi kelurga (Lampiran A3). (iv) Anda dan perguruan tinggi (Lampiran B1). (v) Biodata pelamar (Lampiran B2), bermaterai diisi dengan tulisan tangan pelamar. (vi) Surat lamaran (Lampiran B5) bermaterai yang ditulis tangan oleh pelamar dan disetujui oleh orang tua/wali. 2 Berdasarkan surat pengajuan dari Pimpinan pondok pesantren, Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama kemudian menyeleksi dan merekapitulasi calon mahasiswa yang memenuhi persyaratan akademik dan administratif. Dokumen yang telah diseleksi dan direkapitulasi selanjutnya dikirim ke Departemen Agama RI. Up. Direktorat pendidikan Diniyah dan Pondok Pesantren, Jl. Lapangan Banteng Barat 3-4 Jakarta Pusat. Telp./fax.021-3811810. Dokumen peserta sudah diterima oleh Departemen Agama Pusat paling lambat tanggal 16 Pebruari 2007 untuk diproses lebih lanjut. 3 Departemen Agama Pusat memanggil santri yang memenuhi syarat untuk mengikuti test/seleksi calon mahasiswa S1 program santri berprestasi penerima beasiswa Departemen Agama RI. 4 Pelamar hanya diperkenankan memilih satu perguruan tinggi pilihan (ITB/IPB/UIN /UGM/ITS/UNAIR/IAIN). 5 Penempatan fakultas dan program studi mahasiswa didasarkan atas bakat dan minat serta ketentuan yang berlaku di masing-masing perguruan tinggi. F Mekanisme Seleksi 1 Test/seleksi dilaksanakan Departemen Agama RI. bekerjasama dengan perguruan tinggi yang telah menjalin kerjasama dengan Departemen Agama RI. 2 Test/seleksi akan dilaksanakan secara serentak di Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama yang ditunjuk pada tanggal 22 Pebruari 2007. 3 Khusus bagi calon penerima beasiswa S1 ITB, santri akan ditest/seleksi dalam dua tahap. Tahap II akan diselenggarakan di Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Jawa barat (Bandung) pada tanggal 17 s.d. 18 Maret 2007. Biaya pendaftaran test/seleksi Tahap II sebesar Rp. 600.000,- (enam ratus ribu rupiah) per peserta ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh Departemen Agama, sedangkan komponen pembiayaan lainnya (transport, akomodasi, konsumsi, dan alat tulis) sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab lembaga pondok pesantren pengirim atau orang tua/wali yang bersangkutan. 4 Sistem penetapan calon penerima beasiswa pada prinsipnya didasarkan pada pertimbangan hasil nilai test tertulis. Nilai raport peserta menjadi bahan pertimbangan terakhir apabila hasil nilai test beberapa peserta tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan. G Materi Test/Seleksi Santri yang memenuhi syarat akan diberi kesempatan untuk berkompetisi melalui test tertulis. Materi test tertulis meliputi: 1 Test Bakat Skolastik (TBS) Ujian ini untuk mengukur kemampuan dalam logika dan penalaran, sehingga dapat dievaluasi kemampuan santri untuk melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi. Materi dibuat oleh (PUSPENDIK) 2 Test Kemampuan Akademik Ujian ini terdiri atas materi IPA (mencakup Matematika, Fisika, Kimia, dan Biologi) terpadu, untuk mengukur potensi prestasi akademik santri calon mahasiswa. Materi test/seleksi dibuat oleh masing-masing perguruan tinggi. 3 Test Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Ujian ini untuk mengukur kemampuan dalam berbahasa Inggris, sehingga dapat dievaluasi kemampuan komunikasi santri dalam bahasa Inggris untuk melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi. 4 Test Kepesantrenan Ujian ini untuk mengukur kemampuan kepesantrenan (penguasaan kitab kuning) bagi santri berprestasi calon penerima beasiswa Departemen Agama RI. 5 Test Bahasa Arab (tertulis dan wawancara) Ujian ini khusus bagi santri yang berminat untuk melanjutkan studi di IAIN. Test ini untuk mengukur kemampuan dalam berbahasa Arab, sehingga dapat dievaluasi kemampuan komunikasi santri dalam bahasa Arab untuk melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi. H Jadwal dan Perlengkapan Test/Seleksi 1 Jadwal Jadwal dan materi test/seleksi meliputi:. 08.00 - 09.30 Test Kemampuan Akademik 10.00 - 11.30 Test Bakat Skolastik 13.00 - 14.30 Test Bahasa Inggris 15.00 - 16.30 Test Kepesantrenan/Bahasa Arab 16.30 - selesai Wawancara Bahasa Arab
2 Perlengkapan Test/Seleksi Perlengkapan yang harus dan/atau tidak boleh dibawa pada saat test/seleksi adalah: a Membawa kartu tanda peserta test/seleksi. b Membawa pensil 2B (untuk mengisi Lembar Jawaban Komputer), ballpoint, dan penghapus pensil. c Tidak diperbolehkan membawa buku, catatan, kamus, kalkulator, penggaris, dan alat tulis lainnya. d Tidak diperbolehkan membawa peralatan komunikasi dalam bentuk apapun, seperti telepon seluler, dsb. e Peserta test/seleksi harus mengenakan pakaian rapi dan sopan, serta bersepatu. 3 Tempat Seleksi a Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama DKI b Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Banten c Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Jawa Barat d Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Jawa Tengah e Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama DIY f Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Jawa Timur g Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Lampung h Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Palembang i Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Bangka Belitung j Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Jambi k Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Padang l Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Pekanbaru m Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Kepulauan Riau n Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Medan o Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Banda Aceh p Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama NTB q Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Bali r Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Kalimantan Selatan s Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Kalimantan Tengah t Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Kalimantan Barat u Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Sulawesi Selatan v Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Sulawesi Tengah w Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Sulawesi Tenggara x Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Sulawesi Barat y Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Maluku Utara
I Penempatan Fakultas/Sekolah dan Program Studi 1 Santri yang dinyatakan memenuhi syarat dan lulus test tertulis akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti bridging program/matrikulasi (khusus di IAIN hanya bersifat orientasi). Bridging program/matrikulasi yaitu program penyetaraan kemampuan dan kualifikasi akademik calon mahasiswa dengan kualitas kemampuan minimum yang diperlukan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan S1. 2 Calon dinyatakan mengundurkan diri dan atau gugur dalam pencalonannya sebagai peserta program penerima beasiswa apabila tidak mengikuti program bridging program/matrikulasi/orientasi. 3 Santri yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti bridging program/matrikulasi/orientasi diminta untuk membawa kelengkapan persyaratan sebagai mana poin D dan E dengan menunjukkan dokumen aslinya. Selain itu, peserta juga diminta untuk membawa perlengkapan pribadi (pakaian dan lain sebagainya). 4 Khusus ITB, hasil bridging program akan sangat menentukan penempatan santri berprestasi di salah satu Fakultas/Sekolah yang berada di ITB. Penempatan fakultas dan jurusan/program studi di ITB dan IPB dilaksanakan pada tahun kedua setelah mahasiswa menjalani Tahap Persiapan Bersama (TPB). Sedangkan pada UGM, UIN, ITS, UNAIR, dan IAIN, fakultas dan jurusan ditetapkan setelah santri secara resmi dinyatakan sebagai peserta program beasiswa santri berprestasi Departemen Agama RI. Oleh karena itu, pelamar sudah diminta untuk menentukan pilihan pertama, kedua, dan ketiga terhadap program studi/jurusan yang diminati pada saat mendaftar. 5 Fakultas/Sekolah dan Program Studi Fakultas/sekolah dan program studi yang dapat dipilih dan diikuti adalah sebagai berikut: a ITB (a) Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (MIPA) „± Matematika „± Fisika „± Astronomi „± Kimia (b) Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknologi Mineral (FIKTM) „± Teknologi Geologi „± Teknik Pertambangan „± Teknik Perminyakan „± Teknik Geofisika „± Geofisika „± Meteorologi „± Oseanografi „± Teknik Metalurgi (c) Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) „± Teknik Kimia „± Teknik Mesin „± Teknik Fisika „± Teknik Industri „± Teknik Penerbangan „± Teknik Material (d) Sekolah Farmasi „± Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi „± Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas (e) Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) „± Teknik Sipil „± Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika „± Teknik Lingkungan „± Teknik Kelautan (f) Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (STEI) „± Teknik Elektro „± Teknik Informatika (g) Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati (SITH) „± Biologi „± Mikrobiologi (h) Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK) „± Arsitektur „± Perencanan Wilayah dan Kota
b IPB Bidang Keahlian Utama (Major) di IPB Program S1 yang dapat dipilih adalah: (a) Agribisnis (b) Agronomi dan Holticulture (c) Biokimia (d) Biologi (e) Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan (f) Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan (g) Fisika (h) Ilmu Gizi (i) lmu Komputer (j) Kedokteran Hewan (k) Kimia (l) Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (m) Konserfasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata (n) Manajemen (o) Matematika (p) Meteorologi Terapan (q) Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan (r) Proteksi Tanaman (s) Silvikultur (t) Statistika (u) Teknik Pertanian (v) Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Budidaya (w) Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap (x) Teknologi Hasil Hutan (y) Teknologi Hasil Perairan (z) Industri Pertanian (aa) Teknologi Kelautan (bb) Teknologi Pangan (cc) Teknologi Produksi Ternak (dd) Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan (ee) Manajemen Sumberdaya Lahan c UIN Fakultas dan jurusan/Program studi yang dapat dipilih meliputi: Fakultas Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat: (a) Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter (b) Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat d ITS Fakultas dan jurusan yang dapat dipilih meliputi: (a) Fakultas Teknik Industri, Jurusan Teknik Mesin. (b) Fakultas Teknik Industri, Jurusan Teknik Elektro (c) Fakultas Teknik Industri, Jurusan Teknik Indstri (d) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Jurusan Teknik Informatika (e) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Jurusan Sistem Informasi. (f) Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perecanaan, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan. (g) Fakultas Tenik Sipil dan Perencaaan, Jurusan Teknik Sipil (h) Fakultas MIPA Jurusan Fisika (i) Fakultas MIPA, Jurusan Matematika (j) Fakultas MIPA, Jurusan Kimia (k) Fakultas MIPA, Jurusan Biollogi (l) Fakultas Teknologi Kelautan, Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan (m) Fakultas Teknologi Kelautn, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan e UGM Fakultas dan jurusan yang dapat dipilih meliputi: (a) Fakultas Farmasi, Bidang Studi Farmasi (b) Fakults Farmasi, Bidang Studi Obat Alami (c) Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Bidang Studi Kedokteran Hewan (d) Fakultas MIPA, Bidang Studi Ilmu Komputer (e) Fakultas Kedokteran, Bidang Studi Pendidikan Dokter (f) Fakultas Kedokteran, Bidang Studi Gizi dan Kesehatan (g) Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Bidang Studi Teknologi Industri Pertanian (h) Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian,Bidang Studi Teknologi Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian (i) Fakultas Pertanian, Bidang Studi Agronomi (j) Fakultas Pertanian, Bidang Studi Pemuliaan Tanaman (k) Fakultas Pertanian, Bidang Studi Budidaya Perikanan (l) Fakultas Peternakan, Bidang Studi Nutrisi dan Makanan ternak (m) Fakultas Peternakan, Bidang Studi Produksi Ternak (n) Fakultas Hukum, Bidang Studi Ilmu Hukum (o) Fakultas Teknik, Bidang Studi Teknik Elektro (p) Fakultas Teknik, Bidang Studi Teknik Mesin (q) Fakultas Teknik, Bidang Studi Teknik Sipil (r) Fakultas Psikologi, Bidang Studi Psikologi (s) Fakultas Ilmu Sosoial Politik, Bidang Studi Ilmu Komunikasi (t) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Bidang Studi Sastra Inggris (u) Fakultas Ekonomi, Bidang Studi Akuntansi Fakultas sebagaimana pada nomor urut (r) sampai (u) (fakultas Psikologi, Ilmu Sosial Politik, Ilmu Budaya, dan Ekonomi) dapat diikuti oleh santri yang berasal dari MA dan sederajat program IPA, IPS dan Bahasa. f UNAIR (a) Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (MIPA) „± Matematika „± Fisika „± Biologi „± Kimia (b) Fakultas Kedokteran „± Pendidikan Dokter „± Ilmu Keperawatan (c) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi „± Pendidikan Dokter Gigi (d) Fakultas Farmasi „± Farmasi (e) Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat „± Kesehatan Masyarakat (f) Fakultas Psikologi „± Psikologi (g) Fakultas Sastra „± Sastra Inggris „± Sastra Jepang Fakultas sebagaimana pada nomor urut (f) dan (g) (fakultas Psikologi dan sastra) dapat diikuti oleh santri yang berasal dari MA dan sederajat program IPA, IPS dan Bahasa. g IAIN Untuk IAIN, fakultas yang ditawarkan adalah Fakultas Syariah dan dapat diikuti oleh santri yang berasal dari MA dan sederajat program IPA, IPS dan Bahasa.
J Pembiayaan 1 Selama mengikuti bridging program/matrikulasi, Departemen Agama akan menanggung komponen pembiayaan pendidikan, akomodasi dan konsumsi, uang saku, serta biaya transport dari daerah ke Jakarta satu kali Pergi-Pulang (Jawa, Madura, dan Lampung memperoleh penggantian biaya transport bus/kereta api, sedang daerah lainnya tarif pesawat kelas ekonomi). Di luar komponen pembiayaan tersebut ditanggung oleh orang tua/wali masing-masing. 2 Seluruh biaya yang diperlukan oleh santri berprestasi selama 5 (lima) tahun menjadi tanggung jawab Departemen Agama RI. Komponen pembiayaan bagi santri berprestasi terdiri dari: a Biaya Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan (SPP). b Sumbangan Dana Pengembangan Akademik (SDPA) yang besarannya tergantung pada perguruan tinggi masing-masing. c Biaya bridging program/matrikulasi/orientasi. d Biaya pendaftaran ulang. e Biaya hidup (living cost) peserta program selama 5 tahun (besarnya bantuan biaya hidup akan disesuaikan dengan kemampuan anggaran Departemen Agama RI.).
K Lain-lain Hal-hal lain yang belum tercantum pada panduan ini akan disempurnakan dan diinformasikan kemudian.
Jakarta, 23 Januari 2007 Direktur Pendidikan Diniyah dan Pondok Pesantren,
H. Amin Haedari
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
5:30 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/04/2007
Beasiswa S2 Korea 2007-2008
Beasiswa dari KOICA
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) menawarkan beasiswa untuk Master Degree Program for the Year of 2007 in Korea Economy and Development Cooperation Program.
Beasiswa ini ditujukan bagi para staf pengajar yang melanjutkan studi ke program Master di Graduate School of Pan-Pasific International Studies (GSP), Kyung Hee University, Korea selama 14 bulan. Beasiswa yang diberikan mencakup akomodasi, tiket pesawat, biaya hidup dan asuransi kesehatan. Batas waktu pendaftaran adalah tanggal 10 Juni 2007. Formulir pendaftaran dan berkas pendukung dapat dikirimkan ke Kantor Kerjasama dan Internasional UI, Gd. Pusat Administrasi UI, Lt. 5, Kampus UI Depok.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, peminat dapat menghubungi,
KOICA Indonesia Office
Korean Embassy
Korea Center Building 5th floor
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 58
Jakarta Selatan
Tel. 522 7771
Fax 524 4735
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
2:48 PM
Master Doctoral Scholarships 2007-2008 Government of Netherlands
Kategori: Beasiswa S3 di Belanda
The Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation’s Master’s and Doctoral scholarships in Sustainable Poverty Reduction
The opportunity Students from Asian developing nations are offered the opportunity to pursue their master’s or doctoral studies in fields relating to sustainable poverty reduction at one of Asia ’s leading postgraduate institutions.
The scholarships The Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation and the Asian Institute of Technology have partnered to offer a program called “Human Resource Development for Asian Partner Countries” from October 2006 to December 2009. Master’s adoctoral scholarships will be provided to students from seven partner countries of the Netherlands in Asia, i.e., Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Indonesia , Mongolia , Pakistan , Sri Lanka and Vietnam . The scholarships cover the costs of degree programs in fields relevant to sustainable development, environmental protection and the promotion of gender equity. The three focal areas are water engineering and management, rural development and sustainable use of natural resources, and urban environmental management.
Water engineering and management includes waterways and coastal engineering, irrigation engineering, water resources and water supply drainage. Expertise areas also include water transport, flood control, beach protection, erosion, water supply and wastewater collection and sewerage treatment systems, and integrated watershed development management.
Rural development and sustainable use of natural resources addresses rural development and the need to consider economic productivity versus the necessity to conserve rural areas. In AIT many programs aim to contribute to technology to stimulate rural developments including agricultural and food engineering, bioprocess technology, aquaculture and aquatic resources management, pulp and paper technology, natural resources management, as well as regional and rural development planning.
Urban environmental management addresses the sustainable development of urbanized areas as many of the partner countries are facing rapid urbanization. Thus, the concerns should address urban economy and living environment, conservation of urban natural environments and greening, prevention of environmental deterioration, impacts of urbanization, urban transportation, urban affordable sanitation and sewage treatment. Urban environmental management focuses on the utilization of human and other resources to improve and maintain the quality of urban areas.
Details • Scholarship recipients will be selected according to AIT’s admission criteria, rules and regulations to ensure that the most suitable candidates are admitted based on an assessment of the needs in the Netherlands ‘ seven partner countries in Asia . • At least 40 per cent of the scholarships will be offered to women candidates. • After successful completion of graduate studies and professional training in AIT, the scholarship recipients are obliged to return to their home countries for strengthening institutional capacities and contributing in building sustainable societies. • Recipients are required to conduct thesis research on topics relevant to their respective home country’s development needs incorporating environmental protection and sustainable development concerns. • A scholarships provides grants for tuition and fees, monthly stipend, medical insurance, educational visa and one round trip air travel. • For the master’s program, preference will be given to staff of public sector agencies, government departments, training institutions and universities. • Doctoral scholarships are available only to candidates who are lecturers or university teaching staff. Doctoral degree program candidates must be certified by their local employers to study abroad and must have re-employment contracts to ensure that they return back to work after their completion of the doctoral degree program at AIT. Applicants must provide a relevant research proposal and demonstrate a strong academic background and experience. • All recipients of the scholarships should take at least one course on gender and development issues.
Entry requirements • Applicants must adhere to AIT’s admissions requirements, procedures and policies. To learn more, click here:
Deadline August semester: 15 March Note: Applicants who are required to attend Bridging program, who require early offer of admission or who have visa or passport restrictions, are encouraged to submit applications at least two months before the deadline. You may apply online or download application forms at: You may also receive the application package by mail for a nominal application processing fee of US$25.
Please contact: Admissions and Scholarships Unit Asian Institute of Technology P.O. Box 4 , Klong Luang Pathumthani 12120 , Thailand Phone: (662) 5245031-5033 Fax: (662) 524-6326 E-mail: Web site:
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS An applicant must apply to only one of the academic programs leading to the degree of Master’s of Engineering, Master’s of Science, Master’s of Business Administration, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Technical Science, Doctor of Philosophy, or Doctor of Business Administration; or in the executive programs leading to the degree of Master’s of Engineering (Executive) or Master’s of Business Administration (Executive). No applicant is admitted to more than one academic program at a time. AIT is an international institute with English as the sole language of instruction. Admission to AIT requires proof of English language proficiency. This requirement may be satisfied in any one of four ways:
Submission of an official test score from any of the following standardized English exams: TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, CU-TEP ( Thailand ), ARC (Lao PDR). The minimum scores for admission are shown in the table below.
If you attained a previous degree from a university where the sole medium of instruction is English, you may submit a Certificate of University Medium of Instruction. Applicants may take the AIT English Interview Test. The test result should be submitted to the Admissions and Scholarships Unit. For details, please contact: Applicants from countries where English is the native language are exempt from this requirement. Detailed Eligibility Requirements for each Program Doctoral Program To be eligible for admission to the Doctoral program, an applicant must:
have strong academic records (both undergraduate and graduate) and normally hold a four-year bachelor’s degree, and a Master’s degree, preferably with a combination of course and thesis work, from an institution of good standing, acceptable to AIT. The minimum GPA requirement for admission to the doctoral program is 3.50 or equivalent at the master’s degree level. submit a brief outline of dissertation research proposal including the required research facilities, if necessary. receive a written confirmation that a faculty member at AIT is available and willing to supervise. Starting January 2006 Semester the offer of non-resident doctoral program on admission is no longer available as an option for doctoral applicants. Master’s Degree Program To be eligible for admission to the master’s program, an applicant must:
hold a Bachelor degree (normally from a four-year program), or its equivalent, in an appropriate field of study from an institution of good standing acceptable to AIT. have undergraduate grades significantly above average; the minimum GPA requirement for admission to the master’s program is 2.75 or equivalent at the Bachelor degree level. be in satisfactory physical and mental health, and have a record of good conduct.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
2:45 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/03/2007
Beasiswa S2 S3 Teknik Informatika Korea
Korea: Masters and PhD Scholarships for IT Technology Program, Information and Communications University (ICU)
Since the IT industry has become a key asset for the competitiveness of a nation, developing human resources is of great importance for a nation. The Republic of Korea, as one of the leading countries in the IT industry, seeks to play a more active role to meet this demand of the time.
One of the efforts to meet this challenge is IT Technology Program(ITTP) newly offered at the Information and Communications University(ICU) with an aim to build global network of IT leaders around the world. ITTP, sponsored by the Korean government, offers a customized master’s and doctoral degree program for government officials, employees of public institutions or senior-level researchers at national research centers working in the IT fields of foreign countries. All the students will receive scholarships, up to 2 years for master degree students and up to 3 years for doctoral degree students.
This program focuses on transferring advanced technologies and business strategies of Korea to the next generation global IT leaders. After the education at ICU, a distinguished IT university, the ITTP students will acquire not only all the accumulated know-hows of the IT industry of Korea but also the creative abilities to apply learned knowledges and skills to their own countries. The graduates of the program will receive updates of current developments in the IT fields of Korea through annual or biannual newsletters, and remain networked through regularly scheduled seminars.
Important Dates for Application and Admission for 2007 Fall - June 8th, 2007: Application Deadline - July 6th, 2007: Acceptance Notification - August 28th, 2007: Start of Semester
Contact person & Enquiries:
Coordinator, Administration Office of ITTP Information and Communications University (ICU) 119 Munji-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon Republic of Korea, 305-732 Telephone: 82 42 866 6845 Fax: 82 42 866 6858 Email: Homepage:
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
5:34 PM
:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)5/01/2007
INGGRIS: Beasiswa S3 Physical Activity, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Neural Health in Humans
UK PhD Studentships Physical Activity, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Neural Health in Humans at Oxford Brookes University
Epidemiological evidence indicates that regular physical activity is neuroprotective, with physically active older persons demonstrating improved cognitive function and reduced risk of dementia. The biological mechanisms responsible for this relationship between exercise and brain health are not well understood, but one molecule in particular is implicated in this process, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). BDNF is vital for synaptic plasticity in adult mammals and is produced by varied peripheral tissues as well as the brain and crosses the blood-brain barrier.
Research with animal models demonstrates that levels of BDNF fall with inactivity and age, while voluntary physical activity significantly increases levels within the central nervous system (CNS) and that this increase correlates with both the amount of exercise and improved performance on cognitive tasks. In humans, CNS BDNF levels are reduced in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and decreased levels are found in the blood in AD, schizophrenia, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Aims To determine the relationship between levels of blood BDNF (plasma and serum), physical activity and neural/cognitive function in humans. Finding an optimum dose-response relationship between exercise intensity/frequency and blood BDNF levels could be of major importance for determining the use of exercise prescription in prevention and treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Objectives:
To examine levels of plasma and serum BDNF between sedentary and active individuals of similar ages to determine any relationship between physical activity level and blood BDNF. To determine if there is any correlation in healthy humans between plasma and serum BDNF, measurable neural control of physiological function (Heart Rate Variability) and cognitive function. To investigate if regular exercise in healthy humans increases levels of plasma and serum BDNF and if so, to investigate which form of exercise is most effective at increasing blood BDNF to gain insight into the dose-response relationship between BDNF and exercise. Methodologies The research student would have the opportunity to learn and use immunoassay techniques to determine blood levels of BDNF, acquire skills in the physiological testing of human subjects to determine the effect of exercise on neural function, and assist with neuropsychological testing of study participants if desired.
An opportunity to develop teaching skills in higher education may be included in the training available with this studentship.
For further details, eligibility criteria and how to apply for this studentship, please visit lifesci/ pg_gilderstudentship.html
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
8:22 AM
Beasiswa S1 dari Lippo Bank
PT Bank Lippo Tbk (LB), a major investee company of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Malaysia, believes in developing the human capital in the Republic of Indonesia. In this regard, LB is pleased to offer scholarships and financial assistance to deserving Indonesian students who intend to pursue their tertiary education at a university in Indonesia.
Therefore, LB is inviting applications from high school graduates who would like to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree program majoring in Commerce, Finance, Economic, Accounting, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, and Law. The scholarship grant will be based on the merits of the applicant, including academic grades and school extra-curricular activities. However, to provide opportunities to those who would otherwise have difficulties in financing their tertiary education, special consideration will be given to applications from students that come from a financially disadvantaged family.
Coverage of the Scholarship: Registration fees at the university at which the scholarship recipient is enrolled. • Tuition fee for the four year duration of study. • Living allowance to cover living expenses throughout the period of study. • Book and internet allowance required for study. • Personal computer. • Research allowance required for final-year research study.
Basic Eligibility: Applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements: • Must be an Indonesian citizen. • Grade Point Average for the National Examination Result and Average Point for High School Examination Result must be 8.00 or higher. • Not presently receiving any other equivalent scholarship or award. • Must complete the application form. The application form can be downloaded from LB website at here or obtained directly from LB Head Office.
How to Apply: Interested candidates should complete the application form and return them along with copies of all supporting documents required no later than June 29, 2007 to: PT Bank Lippo Tbk Head Office Menara Asia 15th Floor Jalan Raya Diponegoro 101 Lippo Karawaci - Tangerang 15810 Indonesia
Attention: Corporate Secretary LB will only consider completed application that fulfilled all requirements. LB will not return any application documents submitted to LB. The decision to award the scholarship is subject to the sole discretion of LB and can not be appealed for reconsideration. LB will only announce successful applicants in LB website.
FURTHER INFORMATION For further information about LB Scholarship please feel free to contact us at 021-5460555 Ext. 6567.
posted by Lowongan Kerja( at
8:20 AM