:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)3/24/2009

Beasiswa S2: Scholarship in Various Master`s Programmes

6 Leiden University Fund Scholarship in Various Master`s Programmes

Each year the organisation of alumni, Leiden University Fund (LUF) awards 6 LUF scholarships to truly outstanding foreign students pursuing an English language Masters Degree at Leiden University . The LUF scholarship is open to highly talented students from all countries of the world except the Netherlands. Please see below for further requirements.

Master`s programmes in Leiden. Areas of interest:
1. Arts and Humanities
2. Business, Communication and IT
3. Education
4. Law/Criminology for Dutch Students (regular LL.M./Msc)
5. Law for International students and professionals (LL.M../LL.M.Advanced)
6. Science and Biomedical Science
7. Social and Behavioural Sciences

Application deadline: 1 April 2009.

See the list of eligible English language masters programmes on

Scholarship amount
The scholarship consists of € 10.800,- for one academic year and is available for master`s programmes starting per September 2009.

Applications can only be made by sending the completed online scholarship application form below to the Leiden University Fund (LUF).


Requirements for eligibility
1. The applicant has been admitted unconditionally to an English language Masters programme of Leiden University on the basis of prior education outside the Netherlands.
2. The applicant is not in his/her second year of the masters programme.
3. The applicant must have obtained excellent results in his/her previous studies and be for instance in the top 10% of students in his/her programme.
4. The applicant`s studies in the Netherlands must constitute a deepening and broadening of his/her previous studies in the home country.

Further information about the procedures
1. The International Office of Leiden University will forward the necessary documents to the selection committee of LUF. Please note: students applying for a LUF scholarship still have to submit an application for admission to a master`s programme in order to be admitted to the programme. This is a seperate procedure and can be done via on-line application for admission to a master`s study as described on the website: www.mastersinleiden.nl/admissions
2. Students have to pay the application fee and necessary deposits for MVV and or housing themselves.
3. Students will be informed by LUF about the decision by the end of May 2009.
4. Allowances will be paid by LUF in September 2009.

More information about the scholarship:

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Beasiswa: Full Scholarships for Graduate Study at MASDAR Institute in Abu Dhabi

Full Scholarships Available for Graduate Study at MASDAR Institute in Abu Dhabi

The MASDAR Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi is pleased to announce full scholarships to highly qualified graduate students from around the world. (6-10 scholarships are available to U.S. students).

The MASDAR Institute is the centerpiece of the MASDAR Initiative, a landmark program by the government of Abu Dhabi to establish an entirely new economic sector dedicated to alternative and sustainable energy. The MASDAR Institute is a private, not-for-profit, independent, research-driven
institute developed with the support and cooperation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT provides assistance in recruitment of faculty members and senior administrative staff and the provision of course curriculum, amongst other matters. The Institute is located inside the world’s first carbon neutral, zero waste Masdar City which will be powered solely by alternative energy, mainly solar energy.

The Institute offers Masters and (in 2011) PhD programs in science and engineering disciplines, with a focus on advanced energy and sustainable technologies. It welcomes and encourages applications from qualified students and provides scholarships to talented students who meet its high admission standards.

Beginning September 2009, the MASDAR Institute will offer five 24-month Master of Science programs (coursework and thesis).

* MSc in Engineering Systems and Management
* MSc in Information Technology
* MSc in Materials Science and Engineering
* MSc in Mechanical Engineering
* MSc in Water and Environment

Full scholarship is available to qualified talented students who meet its high admission standards which include appropriate TOEFL score, GRE and an excellent CGPA from a recognized university. A minimum CGPA of 3.0 (on a 4 point scale) or 2:1 in the British system, minimum TOEFL score of 577, and a minimum GRE quantitative score of 700 are the basic requirements without which an applicant will most likely not be considered.

Students accepted into the Masdar Institute will be offered a full scholarship which includes the following:

* 100% tuition fee scholarship
* Textbooks
* Laptop
* Medical Insurance
* Housing in a single unit apartment (at the Masdar campus)
* International students will receive reimbursement of travel expenses (economy class air-ticket) into Abu Dhabi and back home after completion of studies. Travel expenses (return economy class air-ticket) back to the student’s home country at the end of the 1st year of studies will also be reimbursed.
* Reimbursement of TOEFL and GRE exam fees (upon registration at Masdar Institute and submission of original receipts)
* A competitive stipend per month (cost of living allowance).
* No bond or conditions to the scholarship upon graduation

The scholarship and benefits are subject to the student maintaining a minimum CGPA as determined by Masdar Institute of Science and Technology and satisfactory progress on their research.

Details of faculty profiles, current research, programs offered, course description, scholarships, and other information is available on the website at www.masdar.ac.ae.

Any questions about the Institute and scholarships may be directed to Stephen Lee, Assistant Provost, at slee@masdar.ac.ae.

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)3/19/2009

Beasiswa S2 Denmark: COP15 Climate Scholarship 2009

Master Programmes - Study Climate Change in Denmark for a COP15 Climate Scholarship

Denmark offers a number of full scholarships within studies of climate change.

Climate Change is one of the major challenges that our world faces today. In December 2009, Denmark will host the United Nations Climate Change Summit. To emphasise the importance of sustainable climate solutions, the Danish government is now launching the ‘COP15 Climate Scholarship’ for highly qualified students.
The scholarships, which cover both tuition fees and living expenses, are made available for a range of excellent two-years Master’s programmes, including MSc programmes in wind energy, environmental engineering or sustainable energy planning.


In line with the overall aim of securing a climate friendly Climate Conference, the Danish Government has decided not to give any gifts or conference-kits for COP15 participants. The resources saved is instead used to create the ‘COP15 Climate Scholarship’, which gives a number of international students the opportunity to pursue a masters degree within climate change studies at a university in Denmark.

Study Programmes
The following master programmes are eligible for applying for the COP15 Climate Scholarship.


Application deadline: March 2009

How to apply

The COP15 Climate Scholarship is closely linked to a range of master programmes. Applications are made directly to the university. When you apply for a masters programme, you should indicate your interest in applying for the COP15 Climate Scholarship

Application process

1. Find the master programme you wish to apply for.
The following master programmes are available under the scholarship programme.
2. Apply at the university responsible for the programme. A link to the university in question can be found at the end of each programme description .
3. When you apply for your masters programme, you should indicate your interest in applying for the COP15 Climate Scholarship at the university responsible for the masters programme.


For more details information please visit the website:

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)3/16/2009

Beasiswa S2 S3: International Scholarships at Victoria University

Victoria University
will offer you a place if you meet the entry requirements, including the English language requirements and academic requirements.

For Indonesian Students
The Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) offers scholarships to lecturers in Indonesian Polytekniks to study
at masters and doctorate level.
For Malaysia Students
The MARA Scholarships provides financial aid for Bumiputera students to study courses in science, engineering, management and other courses at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level.

Saudi Arabia
The King Abdullah Scholarship Program sponsors highly qualified Saudi students, who meet the highest level of academic standards, to study TAFE, undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Application Forms
For more details please visit http://www.vu.edu.au/international-students/apply-now/application-forms

Contact us

If you have further questions about scholarships, make you check our section on frequently asked questions on scholarships.

ASKVU Find answers and ask questions
Phone +61 39919 5568
Email scholarships@vu.edu.au
Location Footscray Park Campus, Building M, Level 2 (via Student Engagement Reception)

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)3/11/2009

Beasiswa S1 dalam negeri: The GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program 2009


Beasiswa GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program ditawarkan kepada para mahasiswa S1 di Indonesia, yang diberikan mulai semester tiga sampai dengan semester delapan.

1. Mahasiswa S1 angkatan 2007/2008 dari ITB, ITS, UGM, UI, UNAIR, UNDIP, UNIBRAW dan UNPAD; di salah satu jurusan berikut: Ekonomi (Akuntansi, Studi Pembangunan,
Manajemen), MIPA (Fisika, Kimia, Matematika), Ilmu Komputer, Ilmu Lingkungan, Teknik (Teknik Elektro, Teknik Fisika, Teknik Industri, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Komputer, Teknik Lingkungan, atau Teknik Mesin).
2. IP semester I, II, dan III minimal 3.0 (skala 0-4).
3. Aktif dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan atau kegiatan sosial lainnya.
4. Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik.
5. Berasal dari keluarga tidak mampu.
6. Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari institusi/sponsor lain.

Formulir pendaftaran dapat diambil/difotokopi di bagian Kemahasiswaan, di masing-masing Jurusan atau HIMA, atau diakses dari website IIEF. Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi harus dilengkapi dengan transkrip nilai semester 1 dan 2 (dilegalisir); 2 surat rekomendasi (dari dosen wali dan dosen lainnya); 2 surat keterangan tidak mampu (dari kelurahan dan pihak universitas); surat pernyataan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan tidak akan menerima beasiswa lain apabila ditetapkan sebagai penerima beasiswa GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program; serta salinan sertifikat dan dokumen pendukung lainnya (bila ada).

Seluruh dokumen harus dikirim ke IIEF paling lambat pada:
14 Maret 2009 (cap pos)
dengan alamat

Beasiswa GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program - IIEF
Menara Imperium Lt. 28 Suite B
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980
Tel.No.: 021-8317330, Fax.No.: 021-8317331;
E-mail: scholarship@iief.or.id, Website: www.iief.or.id

Hanya dokumen pendaftaran yang lengkap dan memenuhi syarat yang disertakan dalam proses seleksi.

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)3/04/2009

Beasiswa S1 Korea: Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students

1. Program Objective

The objective of the Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students is to provide international students with the opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea in order to promote international exchange in education and mutual friendship between countries.

2. Study Fields and the Universities
4-year undergraduate courses which are provided by designated universities.

※ Students may apply only to schools where the level of tuition is similar with the average level of Korean universities.

※ NIIED will select the designated universities. (Selected school information will be updated later.)

3. Academic Programs

Undergraduate degree courses for four years after successfully completing a one-year Korean Language Training. University transferring is not allowed.(e.g. Beginning in 3rd year is not allowed.)

4. Total Candidates for Selection : 150 people

Refer to the attachment.

5. Qualifications

Prospective applicant must meet the following qualification criteria :

(1) Applicants should be a citizen of the country to which this scholarship program is offered. (including applicant’s parents)

※ Applicants should not be a holder of Korean citizenship.

(2) Applicants should be under 25 years of age as of March 1, 2009.

(3) Have an adequate health, both physically and mentally.

※ Persons who are pregnant or having severe illness may not apply.

(4) Have finished or be scheduled to finish formal education of elementary, middle, high school outside of Korea as of March 1, 2009.

(5) Possess a grade point average (G.P.A.) above 80% from the last educational institution attended or have earned top 10% of G.P.A. among classmates.

(6) Not at any time have received a Korean government scholarship for his/her undergraduate study before.

(7) Not have enrolled in an undergraduate course in Korea before.

(8) Preferential selection for applicants who are good at Korean or English.

6. Scholarship Payment

(1) Scholarship Period

ㅇ 1 year of Korean language course and 4 years of undergraduate degree Course

(2) Scholarship Benefits

① Airplane ticket or airfare : The grantees will receive an airplane ticket or be paid an economy class airfare of the shortest route between their country and Korea when they come to Korea, and, thereafter, when the grantees leave Korea after the completion of their study.

※ NIIED does not compensate fees for the domestic travel both in the grantee’s country and Korea.

※ Airfare for entry into Korea will not be provided to a grantee who already arrived and has been staying in Korea as of the confirmation date of selection of scholarship students.

② Monthly Allowance : 800,000 won per month

③ Tuitions (an entrance fee and a registration fee) : The full entrance fee are exempted by the host institution. The full tuition is exempted by NIIED.

④ Settlement Allowance : 200,000 won upon arrival

⑤ Repatriation Allowance : 100,000 won upon completion of studies

⑥ Korean Language Training Expenses : The full costs up to 1 year (NIIED pays directly to the entrusted language training institution)

⑦ Medical Insurance: The grantees will be provided with health insurance during the period of their study program in Korea for major accidents and illnesses. (The medical fee will be reimbursed through the insurance company to the grantee after he/she pays first)

※ NIIED does not compensate fees for insurance of traveling to and from Korea.

⑧ Any grantee who gives up one’s study during the scholarship period will not receive airfare and allowance for repatriation except for the cases approved by NIIED such as severance of diplomatic relations, war or other natural disasters.

※ Any grantee who quits the program in 3 months after one’s entrance into Korea, should refund all scholarship fees(The airfare of arriving Korea, settlement allowance, monthly allowance, Korean language training expenses, etc.).

7. Cancellation or temporary suspension of Scholarship

(1) If a grantee is found engaged in any of the following activities during one’s stay in Korea, his/her scholarship will be suspended and then will be disqualified from a grantee position.

① When any documents of the scholarship application has been found false.

② When the grantee is punished by the university or involved in any form of political activity.

③ When the grantee has violated the written pledge which he/she has given to NIIED.

④ When the grantee has violated the guidelines and regulations set by NIIED.

⑤ When the grantee has been cautioned more than 2 times due to an unexcused absence or a prolonged absence from the Korean language training or the temporary departure without permission or notification

⑥ When the grantee has not earned at least 2/3 of the registered credit courses of the semester.

⑦ When the grantee has not submitted a request for re-enrollment to the university and not notified NIIED of re-enrollment without any proper reasons within one month after the period of ‘temporary absence from school’ has ended.

⑧ When the grantee has given up one’s studies.

⑨ When they refuse to study at the assigned university which is designated by NIIED after he/she finished one’s Korean language course.

(2) After the grantee begins their study at undergraduate course, the grantee should obtain a proper approval from the university where he/she studies in order to exit Korea for more than 30 days. Neglecting this rule will cause their monthly allowance to be cut for the period of absence exceeding 30 days.

8. Submission of Required Documents

(1) Place of Submission: Documents must be submitted to the Korean Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin.

(2) Deadline of Submission: The date set by the Korean Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin.

(3) Documents to be submitted

① One completed application form (on the prescribed form)

② Two 4cm x 5cm color photos

③ One Copy of a high school diploma

④ One Copy of a high school grade transcript

⑤ Two recommendation letters (from the applicant’s teacher or principle of the school, academic advisor or the relevant chief of the organization)

⑥ One Self-introduction Essay (on the prescribed form)

⑦ One NIIED Pledge (on the prescribed form)

⑧ One Study Plan (on a prescribed form)

⑨ One personal medical assessment (on a prescribed form)

⑩ One Certificate of Health authorized by a doctor (only for those candidates who are filtered and recommended by Korean Embassy or Consulate)

⑪ One copy of a certificate of Korean proficiency or English proficiency (only applicable to those who have, In 2 years after he/she took the test)

⑫ The certificates of a citizenship of the applicant and one’s parents if the applicant is a Korean abroad.

(4) Note

① Application form and other program materials are to be filled out either in Korean or in English. Certificates, credentials, etc. issued in languages other than Korean or English must include official translation verified by a notary.

② Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant.

③ Incomplete or incorrect documents are subject to rejection by NIIED.

9. Scholarship Award Procedures

(1) The Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad makes a preliminary checking of applicants based upon the recommendations and cooperation of the government of the applicant’s.

(2) The Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad recommends the selected candidates to the National Institute for International Education (NIIED), along with the documents through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

(3) NIIED Review Committee selects the final candidates and, through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, informs the Korean Embassies in the countries concerned.

(4) If there is a vacancy by abandonment of the nominee, then the additional selection can be made among those applicants who have good academic record, concerning the demand of other countries.

10. Academic Study in Korea

(1) Korean Language Course

① Duration : One year (Additional class for 6 months is available after entering the undergraduate school)

② Institution : Institutions which NIIED designates for Korean language training

③ Note : The Bachelor’s degree candidates are expected to possess a good command of Korean since the language of instruction is Korean in most university classes.

(2) Admission to an Undergraduate Degree Program

① Be admitted to a designated university selected by NIIED.

② The grantees can apply to up to 3 schools among designated universities, then the admission will be decided by the total grade of Korean proficiency, English proficiency and each university’s own evaluation.

③ If the grantee can not get admission to any of the 3 universities to which he/she applied, then NIIED and university will assign a school to the grantee at discretion.

(3) Graduation of Undergraduate Course

① If the grantee is needed to write a final thesis, then it must be written in Korean in principle.

② If the final thesis is must be written in another foreign language, then the grantee should submit a summary in Korean to NIIED.

11. Important things

(1) Entry

① The grantees must arrive in Korea by March 27, 2009.

② If the grantee does not enter Korea by the date stated above without any special reason, the scholarship award will be canceled.

(2) Preparation for Entry

① Prior to arrival, the grantees should acquire some knowledge about the Korean climate, customs, culture, etc.

② Every grantee should read the 「Guidebook for Korean Government Scholarship - Undergraduate Students」 thoroughly, which will be distributed prior to arriving in Korea. The grantee should keep it for reference while staying in Korea.

③ The grantee will begin to receive their monthly allowance from April 1st, 2009. Therefore, he/she is advised to bring extra money to cover their living expenses for the first month.

④ The grantee is required to get a visa before arriving in Korea.

※ Visit the Consular section of the Korean embassy or consulate in one’s country of residence with the invitation letter from NIIED, after being informed of one’s selection.

⑤ The grantee is strongly asked not to bring one’s family to Korea in principle. However, if the grantee who is already married wants to bring his/her family, then the one can bring only his/her spouse and children. Even in this case, the grantee must not bring one’s family during his/her Korean language training period. After the language period, if the grantee wishes to be accompanied by one’s family, the living expenses will not be provided for family dependents and the grantee should make a proper preparations.

⑥ The grantee supposed not leave Korea during the period of Korean language training, in principle.

※ In special cases(e.g. funeral of one’s parents, one’s own wedding, treatment of illness, etc.), the grantee may leave Korea for a maximum of 2 weeks after he/she gets the permission from NIIED

⑦ Useful Websites

ㅇ Korean Language Study http://www.kosnet.go.kr

ㅇ Korean Universities http://www.studyinkorea.go.kr

ㅇ Korean Culture http://korea.net/

ㅇ The Korean Embassy abroad http://www.mofat.go.kr

ㅇ Entry & Residence http://immigration.go.kr

(3) Housing :

① The grantees would reside in a university dormitory.

② The dormitory fee would be deducted by university out of the monthly allowance.

(4) The grantee under the auspices of the Korean Government should abide by the regulations specified by NIIED and the University.

(5) For further information, please contact :

① The Korean Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin.

② The National Institute for International Education (NIIED)

ㅇ Mailing Address : #205, Dongsung-dong 181, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-810, Republic of Korea

ㅇ Website : ① http://yoohak.niied.go.kr → Korean Government Scholarship Program → FAQ

② http://www.niied.go.kr → News

ㅇ Phone : +82-2-3668-1355



ㅇ Fax : +82-2-743-4992

ㅇ E-mail : edukor@mest.go.kr



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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)3/01/2009

Beasiswa S2: International Master program in Evolution, Ecology and Systematics (EES) LMU Munich

EESLMU stands for the Munich Graduate School for Evolution, Ecology and Systematics. Since 2007 the University of Munich (LMU) offers a 2-year, international Master program in Evolution, Ecology and Systematics (EES).

The EES Master program contains many innovative elements such as a mentoring program, integrated skills courses and individual research training. We also apply a feedback and revision system instead of simple grading. All courses are offered in English. Classes are small and students have a lot of contact to the teachers. Thanks to funding by the Volkswagen Foundation, students can apply for their own research and travel money and for money to invite international speakers.
Applications to start in October 2009 are now welcome from highly motivated students who have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in biology or a related subject.

Application deadlines: 30th of April (for non-EU students) and 30th of June (for EU-students and others who don’t need a visa to study in Germany).

For more information, please have a look at our website (http://www.eeslmu.de) or contact me by e-mail.

Elisabeth Brunner
* Program Coordinator of the Munich Graduate School for Evolution, Ecology, and Systematics
Department Biologie II
University of Munich (LMU)
Gro?haderner Str. 2
D-82152 Planegg-Martinsried

Tel: 0049 89 2180 74 208

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