:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/28/2007

Beasiswa Prancis 2007-2008 S2 S3 Postdoc

Kategori: Beasiswa luar negeri / negri

Informasi beasiswa studi di Prancis
1. Beasiswa Kedutaan Prancis 2007

Pemerintah Prancis, melalui Kedutaan Prancis di Jakarta, telah menawarkan kembali program beasiswa bagi warga Indonesia yang ingin melanjutkan jenjang studi S2 dan S3 mereka ke Prancis. Beasiswa ini diberikan kepada para pegawai pemerintahan, dosen, maupun bagi mahasiswa (dengan prioritas bagi mereka yang menyangkut program kerjasama antara Prancis dan Indonesia) untuk jenjang :
- S2, dengan durasi maksimal 2 tahun
- S3, dengan durasi maksimal 3 tahun (only on a shared cost basis)
- Post-Doctoral, dengan durasi maksimal 6 bulan (only on a shared cost basis)

Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai persyaratan dan formulir pendaftaran, Anda dapat langsung menghubungi kami atau men-download langsung di :
- Brosur beasiswa (klik disini)
- Formulir permohonan beasiswa (klik disini)

Formulir yang sudah dilengkapi, beserta dengan persyaratannya, harus sudah dikirimkan ke alamat yang kami selambat-lambatnya tanggal 30 April 2007.

The French Government Scholarships Program 2007 for Indonesian: Master, Doctoral, Postdoctoral

Kategori: Beasiswa s2 s3 posdoktoral luar negeri di Perancis / Prancis

France: The French Government Scholarships Program 2007 in Master, Doctoral, and Postdoctoral Studies For Indonesian Citizens

The French Government, through the Embassy of France in Jakarta, has been providing excellence scholarships to Indonesian citizens for more than 25 years. In order to pursue its objective to improve Indonesian human resources, the Embassy of France will offer scholarships for the year 2006. These scholarships are given to government officials, lecturers, students (with a priority to those involved in a cooperation program between France and Indonesia) to undertake three kinds of training :
Master degree (maximum duration of 2 years)
Doctoral degree (maximum duration of 3 years, only on a shared cost basis)
Post-Doctoral program (maximum duration of 6 months, only on a shared cost basis)


Applicants must fulfill the following requirements :
Minimum diploma : bachelor degree / S1.
Fluent English.
Less than 35 years old.
Minimum GPA score of 3 (except for fundamental sciences - 3.5).
2 years of working experience (except for fresh graduate students).
Submit all the documents specified in the application form.
Fields of studies
Public administration *
Law and political sciences *
Engineering (water management, agronomy, civil engineering...)
Fundamental sciences (mathematics, physics) - Minimum GPA score of 3.5.
* Please note that these . elds of studies (1.2) require a minimum level of French language.

To get the application form, send an e-mail to To get the application form, send an e-mail to

or download it by click the link below
Application form

Applicants from outside Java are encouraged to apply to this scholarship program.

The selection committee will greatly appreciate applicants who have already identified a master/doctoral program and have been in correspondence (via e-mail) with the Professor in charge of the program, as a proof of their motivation and interest to study in France.

Please note that applicants are not requested to get an acceptance letter.

The Edufrance offices in Indonesia may help you in order to find the study program that suits your project.

Centre Culturel Français de Jakarta
Jl Salemba Raya no 25
Tel. : (021) 310 18 84
Fax : (021) 310 13 17
Email: edufrance@ccfjakarta.or.id

CCF Bandung
Jl Purnawarman no 32
Tel. : (022) 421 54 30br /> Fax : (022) 420 78 77
Email: edufrance.bandung@ccfbandung.org

Selection procedure

Step one :
Selection based on the application forms and required documents submitted.

Step two :
Motivation interview (French or English languages only) in Jakarta.

The Embassy of France scholarship covers
Intensive French language course (11 months in French Cultural Center)
Airplane tickets
Tuition fees
Monthly living allowance
Application deadline

All applications must be sent before Monday 30th April 2007 at the following address :

Ambassade de France en Indonesie
Service de cooperation et d`action culturelle
Jalan Panarukan no 35, Menteng - Jakarta 10310

Please note that applications sent via e-mail will not be taken into consideration.


:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/26/2007

UK: International Master Scholarships 2007

Kategori: Beasiswa s2 di inggris

UK: International Master’s Scholarships at The University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh will offer sixteen Master’s scholarships for postgraduate study in any subject offered by the University.

Each scholarship will have a value of £3,000 which will be deducted from the tuition fee. The scholarships will be tenable for one academic year.

The scholarships will be awarded to students who are accepted for admission on a full-time basis for a postgraduate Master’s programme of study at the University of Edinburgh from the following countries:

Africa Mexico
Canada Middle East
China Norway
Hong Kong Russia
India Singapore
Japan Taiwan
Korea Thailand
Malaysia USA

Applicants should already have been offered a place at the University of Edinburgh and should have firmly accepted that offer or be intending to do so.

The scholarship will be awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit. Candidates must have, or expect to obtain, a UK first class or 2:1 Honours degree at undergraduate level or the international equivalent.

In addition to the above academic qualifications, the selection panel will also take into account the financial circumstances of applicants to ensure that as far as possible a student’s financial situation does not impede a university education at the University of Edinburgh.
Application Procedure

Applicants can download an application form in Rich Text Format (RTF) or PDF http://www.scholarships.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/internat/PG%20Scholarship%20Application%20Form.pdf (which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader), or request one to be sent to them from:

The Scholarships and Student Finance Office
The University of Edinburgh
Old College
South Bridge

E-mail: scholarships@ed.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 131 651 4070

A completed scholarship application form, together with a copy of your degree transcript and two academic references, should be received by the Scholarships and Student Finance Office by the closing date of 2 April 2007 in order to be considered for the scholarship.

Selection Procedure
A Selection Committee will meet in late May 2007 to select the scholarship holders. The winners of the scholarships will be announced by the end of May 2007.

Via: Official Announcement

Beasiswa Rusia 2007 2008

Kategori: Beasiswa

Beasiswa Federasi Rusia
Pemerintah Rusia membuka kesempatan bagi warga negara Indonesia untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di Rusia dengan beasiswa dari dana Pemerintah Rusia.
Beasiswa untuk tahun ajaran 2007/2008 diberikan kepada 25 orang yang akan belajar pada jenjang pendidikan S1, S2, S3, dan program post-doktor.

Selain itu, ada program Stazhirovka (penelitian/pelatihan). Pendaftaran beasiswa dibuka hingga 22 April 2007. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi Pusat Kebudayaan Rusia di Jalan Diponegoro 12, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, atau 021-31935290. (INE)

:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/22/2007

Beasiswa SMA Taruna Nusantara 2007 2008

Kategori: Beasiswa

Lembaga Perguruan Taman Taruna Nusantara (LPTTN) selaku Pengelola SMA Taruna Nusantara menerima Pendaftaran Siswa Kelas X (sepuluh) TP 2007/2008 dengan ketentuan :

1. Persyaratan :
Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) Laki-laki dan Perempuan.

Usia maksimal 17 tahun pada bulan Juli 2007.
Sehat jasmani dan rohani (Surat Keterangan Dokter)
Tinggi dan Berat Badan seimbang.
Berkelakuan baik.
Siswa Kelas III atau berijazah SLTP/ sederajat.
Nilai Raport kelas I s/d Kelas III SLTP minimal 7 (tujuh) untuk Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika
Nilai UAN minimal rata-rata 7 (tujuh) untuk mata pelajaran tersebut 1) di atas.
Bersedia tinggal di asrama selama mengikuti Pendidikan.
Persetujuan Orang Tua/Wali

2. Waktu dan Tempat Pendaftaran
Waktu : Mulai 2 Januari 2007 s.d. 31 Maret 2007.
Tempat : KODAM atau KOREM setempat .
3. Cara Pendaftaran :
Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran FORM : 02-2005 (Formulir dapat dibeli di tempat pendaftaran seharga Rp 75.000,-)
Menyerahkan Formulir Pendaftaran beserta lampiran masing-masing rangkap 3 (tiga). Lampiran Formulir sebagai berikut :
Foto copy Rapor KELAS VII, VIII dan IX (III) SLTP yang telah dilegalisasi Sekolah.
Foto copy Akte Kelahiran yang dilegalisasi.
Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik dari sekolah.
Pas Photo hitam putih ukuran 3x4 cm sebanyak 3 lembar.
Surat Keterangan Dokter (Dokter Rumah Sakit Pemerintah atau Militer setempat).
4. Seleksi :

Calon Siswa (Casis) yang memenuhi persyaratan harus mengikuti Seleksi :
Akademik : Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, (dilaksanakan sekitar bulan April 2007 di Ajen Kodam/ Ajen Korem)
Psikologi, Kesehatan dan Wawancara dilaksanakan sekitar bulan Juni 2007 di SMA Taruna Nusantara di Magelang.
Catatan :
Selama Seleksi akomodasi dan komsumsi disediakan Panitia dengan membayar, transportasi ditanggung peserta.
Bagi Calon Siswa yang diterima langsung masuk pendidikan di SMA Taruna Nusantara.
5. Biaya :
Bagi calon siswa yang diterima diwajibkan membayar :
Uang Pangkal Rp 17.000.000,-
Biaya Operasional Pendidikan (BOP)
Iuran Komite Sekolah Rp 500.000,-
Cara Pembayaran :
Uang pangkal dibayarkan pada waktu tiba di Magelang untuk mengikuti Seleksi Akhir (bagi Casis yang mengundurkan diri setelah dinyatakan diterima, uang tersebut tidak dapat diambil kembali, sedang bagi Casis yang dinyatakan tidak diterima uang tersebut dikembalikan) .
Biaya Operasional Pendidikan (BOP) dibayarkan tiap bulan/ 3 bulan/ 6 bulan/1 tahun terhitung mulai bulan Juli 2007.
6. Beasiswa :

Pada TP. 2007/2008, SMA Taruna Nusantara menyediakan sejumlah BEASISWA secara terbatas bagi Calon Siswa yang berprestasi tinggi dan orang tua tidak mampu membayar BOP dan uang pangkal dengan persyaratan sbb:
Mengikuti prosedur pendaftaran dan seleksi yang telah ditetapkan Panitia.
Mengisi Formulir Pengajuan Beasiswa FORM NO : 03-2005.
Menyerahkan daftar penghasilan orang tua (Bapak dan Ibu atau Wali) dari Instansi tempat bekerja dan diketahui Lurah/Kepala Desa setempat.
Menyerahkan Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga dan KTP orang tua/wali.
Menyerahkan peringkat di sekolah yang dikeluarkan oleh sekolah.
Dinyatakan memperoleh Beasiswa oleh Panitia Penerimaan Casis.
Keterangan Lebih Lanjut dapat diperoleh di tempat-tempat pendaftaran


KODAM dan KOREM di seluruh Indonesia

Ajendam Iskandar MudaJI.A.Yani No. 1 Banda Aceh 23122

Ajendam I / Bukit BarisanJl. Binjai Km. 7 Medan 20123

Ajendam 032/ WirabrajaJl. Samudera No. 1 Padang 25117

Ajendam II/ SriwijayaJl. Urip Sumoharjo Sekojo Palembang 30118

Ajendam JayaJl. Letjend Sutoyo Jakarta 13640

Ajendam III/ SiliwangiJl. Boscha No. 4 Bandung

Ajendam IV/ DiponegoroJl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Watugong Semarang 50269

Ajendam V/ BrawijayaJl. Belakang RSU Syaiful Anwar No 1 Malang 65111 F. 325382

Ajendam VI/ Tanjung PuraJl. A. Yani 10 Balikpapan 76113

Ajenrem 101/ AntasariJl. Tendean No. 60 Banjarmasin 70231

Ajenrem 102/ PanjungJl. Iskandar Palangkaraya 73111

Ajenrem 072/ PamungkasJl. Demak Ijo, Ring Road Barat Yogyakarta

Ajenrem 121/ AbwJl. Adisucipto Km. 6, Sungai Raya Pontianak 78124

Ajenrem 131/ SantiagoJl. A. Yani No. 19 Manado 95114

Ajenrem 132/ TadulakoJl. Jenderal Sudirman Palu 94111

Ajenrem VII / WirabuanaJI. Garuda No. 2 Makassar 90124

Ajenrem 174 / MalukuJl. A. Yani Ambon 97124

Ajenrem IX / Udayana Jl. Panglima Besar Sudirman Denpasar 80114

Ajenrem XVII/ TrikoraJl. Gurabesi Ujung Jayapura 99111

Ajenrem 041 / GamasJl. Pembangunan No. 3 Padang Harapan Bengkulu 38225

Ajenrem 042 GaputJl. A. K. Gani No. 3 Jambi 36113

Ajenrem 043 GatamJl. Soekarno - Hatta Bypass Sukarame I B. Lampung 35242. Way Halim

Ajenrem 143/ HOJl. Drs. Abd. Silandai No. 41 Kendari 93111

Ajenrem 161 WirasaktiJl. Tompello No. 2 Kupang 85225

Ajenrem 165/ WirabhaktiJl. Pejanggik No. 23 Mataram 83121

Ajenrem 131/ WirabimaJl. Perwira No. 1 Pekanbaru, Riau

Dandim 0413 / BangkaJl. Sei Selan Pangkal Pinang

Danrem 064 / Maulana YusufJl. Maulana Yusuf No. 9 Serang 42111

Beasiswa Belanda StuNed 2007 2008

Kategori: Beasiswa Belanda

Pembukaan Pendaftaran Beasiswa StuNed 2007

Netherlands Education Centre (NEC) membuka pendaftaran beasiswa StuNed 2007 mulai 1 Januari - 15 April 2007. Sebanyak 165 beasiswa untuk program master dan sekitar 100 beasiswa untuk program short course dan customized-training program tersedia bagi para profesional dari kalangan staf pemerintah pusat dan daerah, pengajar di PTN dan PTS, staf LSM, wartawan dan juga karyawan swasta.
"Beasiswa StuNed bertujuan untuk peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia pada institusi-institusi di seluruh propinsi di Indonesia. Ini berkaitan erat dengan kebijakan pemerintah Belanda dalam upaya mendukung proses desentralisasi." ujar Monique Drenthem Soesman, Head Scholarships Department, Netherlands Education Centre (NEC) Indonesia.

Program studi yang dapat dipilih sesuai dengan kebijakan Belanda dalam kerjasama pembangunan dengan Indonesia yang terfokus pada tema-tema seperti:

pendidikan dasar dan menengah
penanggulangan HIV AIDS
kesehatan masyarakat
Pelestarian lingkungan
pengelolaan air dan sanitasi
pemberdayaan dan pengembangan masyarakat
good governance dan human rights
reformasi hukum
Informasi lengkap mengenai prosedur dan formulir pendaftaran, silahkan e-mail ke beasiswa@nec.or.id atau klik disini.

UK MA and MSc Scholarships in Languages 2007-2008

Kategori: Beasiswa s2 (master / msc) di Inggris

UK MA and MSc Scholarships in Languages, Swansea University

For the academic session 2007/08, Swansea University is offering up to 12 Taught Masters Bursaries to applicants from the UK or EU aiming to pursue MAs in Languages. Each award is worth GBP 1,500 towards tuition fees. Swansea University is also offering a number of International Office Postgraduate Scholarships. These awards make a GBP 1,000 contribution to fees for applicants from outside the EU. Both types of funding are available for the MA Translation with Language Technology and the MA Literary Translation.

MA Translation with Language Technology (MATLT)
The MATLT is a professionally focused, integrated course designed to ensure that entrants with proven foreign language competence emerge as successful and marketable future professionals equipped with the skills now in demand in the language services industry worldwide. Particular attention is paid to in-depth training with the latest Computer-Assisted Translation tools and to key techniques for building up translation specialisms. Our philosophy can be summed up in the phrase `hands on`: students learn by doing and we aim to teach strategies as much as solutions, based on our own extensive experience of working as and training translators. Successful MATLT graduates are now employed all over the world as freelance and in-house translators, project managers, terminologists, software developers and in many other capacities.

MA Literary Translation (MALT)

The MALT is designed to offer both an independent, intellectually stimulating scheme of study for advanced linguists and literary specialists, and a practical and theoretical training for those wishing to pursue literary translation in the course of their career. It is also suitable for practising translators who do not yet have but wish to gain formal qualifications. If you have a strong interest in literature and the specific features of literary expression in different languages, this flexible programme will give you a unique opportunity to develop your interests.

Both MA degree schemes can be pursued as full-time or part-time programmes. They are suitable for recent graduates of single or joint honours BAs (or international equivalents) in fields related to Languages, as well as for people with a less formally documented background who have significant relevant experience. All successful applicants for the MAs can be considered for either the Bursaries or the Scholarships, depending on their nationality.

Web Address for Applications:

Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Judith Meyrick
Post-Graduate Admissions, Swansea University
Singleton Park
Swansea SA2 8PP
United Kingdom

Applications are due by: 23-Jul-2007
Contact Information:
Prof Andrew Rothwell
Phone:+44-1792- 295967
Fax:+44-1792- 295978

Download Application Materials (all in PDF format):
English PG Application Pack (Download)
Welsh PG Application Pack (Download)

:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/21/2007

Beasiswa Jepang Monbukagakusho

Kategori: Beasiswa master/ magister/ s2 yg melanjutkan studi riset

Bersama ini kami sampaikan dengan hormat informasi mengenai 2007 Japanese
Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship for Research Students untuk mahasiswa program Magister yang bermaksud untuk melanjutkan studi dan research di Keio University sebagai research students dengan non-degree status, graduate level students.

Persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi diantaranya adalah:
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Berusia dibawah atau tepat 35 tahun pada tanggal 1 April 2007
3. Program studi yang dipilih harus sama dengan program studi sewaktu S1
4. Resume thesis
5. Surat rekomendasi dari Dekan yang ditujukan kepada Keio University
President Yuichiro Anzai
6. Transkrip akademik dalam bahasa Inggris
7. Mengisi lengkap formulir-formulir yang terdiri dari : Application form,
Pledge, Questionnaire 1, Questionnaire 2, dan Check list.
Informasi lebih lanjut serta forlmulir-formulir aplikasi mengenai program
ini dapat didownload di alamat website
atau dicopy di Kantor Urusan Internasional ITB, Jl. Tamansari 64 lt. 5
Gedung CCAR - Bandung, telp. 022-4240250 up. Ibu Dini Ariastuty.

Berkas aplikasi dibuat 2 (dua) rangkap dan diserahkan ke Kantor Urusan
Internasional ITB paling lambat pada tanggal 26 Februari 2007 untuk
dikirimkan ke Keio University.

Mohon bantuannya untuk dapat menyebarluaskan informasi ini di lingkungan
yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin.

Atas perhatian dan kerja sama yang baik, kami sampaikan terima kasih.

Staf Ahli Bidang Kemitraan/
Kepala Kantor Urusan Internasional ITB,

GERMANY: Master Scholarship in Polymer Science

Kategori: Beasiswa S2 di Jerman

Master program polymer science, berlin
A joint Master Program of the Free University Berlin, the Humboldt University Berlin, the Technical University Berlin and the University of Potsdam.
Entrance requirements: Qualified Bachelor of Science
Starting dates: October and April

2-year program with selected contributions from each of the 4 Universities
1st Year - Basic Polymer Science (4 quarters):
Polymer Chemistry/Synthesis (FU Berlin)
Polymer Physics/Characterization (HU Berlin)
Polymer Engineering/Processing (TU Berlin)
Polymer Properties/Colloids (U Potsdam)
2nd Year - Advanced Polymer Science:
In-depth courses in one special discipline (essentially at one of the four universities)
Master thesis at the same university
Degree: Master of Science in Polymer Science (granted jointly by the four universities)

Total of 120 credit points according to the ECTS (including thesis)
Possibility to continue within a Ph.D. program

Amerika: Beasiswa Posdoktoral Life-Science

Kategori: Beasiswa

USA: Postdoctoral Fellowships in Life Sciences, The Department of Biological Sciences at Dartmouth College

The Department of Biological Sciences at Dartmouth College, with funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, seeks applications for two HHMI Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Life Sciences.

The HHMI Fellowships are two-year, non-tenure track positions with NIH NRSA scale salaries and comprehensive Dartmouth health benefits; they are designed to provide further training to beginning postdoctoral fellows in the arts of teaching and research. Each fellow will pursue a life science-related research project in the laboratory of a Dartmouth faculty member from an appropriate department in the Arts and Sciences, Medical School, or Engineering School. Collaborative projects that involve more than one laboratory at Dartmouth will also be considered.
In addition, during each of the two academic years that span their fellowship, each fellow will be paired with a senior faculty member with whom they will co-teach an undergraduate course in biology, thus receiving substantial training under the guidance of an experienced faculty mentor. The goal of the HHMI Fellowships is to ensure that the fellows develop strong research and teaching credentials

Applicants should prepare a cover letter, in which they indicate up to three laboratories with which they would like to be affiliated (contact with these laboratories prior to application submission is encouraged but not required; see this link for more information) a curriculum vitae, and a statement of career goals and teaching interests.

These materials, plus three letters of recommendation from individuals qualified to comment on the applicant’s credentials, should be sent to:

Materials may also be submitted by FAX (603-646-1347) or U. S. mail:

HHMI Fellowship Search Committee
Department of Biological Sciences
6044 Gilman
Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire 03755

Consideration of applications will begin on 16 April 2007 and continue until the positions are filled. Fellowships will run for two years and could begin as early as 1 September 2007

Dartmouth College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/19/2007

Greece: The Government of Greece Postgraduate Scholarships 2007

Kategori: Beasiswa pascasarjana di Yunani

Greek The Government of Greece Postgraduate Scholarships For Student From Balkans, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa

The Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, Directorate of International Relations in Education, Section A` of Scholarships, announces that up to ten (10) scholarships for people of foreign nationality (foreigners and not of Greek Origin) from the Balkans, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa will be offered for postgraduate studies in Greece, MA. / M.Sc., up to three (3) years, (i.e. one (1) year for the acquisition of the Greek Language and two (2) years MA. / M.Sc., beginning in the academic year 2007-2008


Applicants must:
Be nationals of one of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, FYROM, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, Pakistan, Russia, Serbia, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
Hold a graduate degree from a foreign University.
Have an excellent knowledge of Greek or English or French. The knowledge of Greek language will be taken under consideration.
Not exceed thirty-five (35) years of age.
Have never been scholarship holders of the Ministry of National Education.
Have foreign citizenship.

Applicants having the above requirements should submit through the Greek Diplomatic Authorities in their country - or in a neighboring country in case of absence of a Greek Embassy or Consulate in their country - the following documents :
An application form (available at the relevant Greek Diplomatic Authority duly filled).
A curriculum vitae.
Transcripts of previous University studies and certified copies of their degrees.
An official certificate indicating the excellent knowledge of Greek or English or French.
A health certificate signed by a general physician confirming the good health of the applicant.
Two (2) letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a University professor.
Validated copy of the passport.
A recent photograph.
Letter of admission to the Greek University issued by the relevant faculty or faculty professor of the University.
All documents, if not originally in English or French, must be translated into Greek, English or French. Incomplete, inaccurate, inadequate or illegible application dossiers may lead to disqualification from consideration. Applicants must submit only certified copies of the originals because the submitted documents will not be returned.


The submission deadline is the 30th of April 2007. ?he Greek Diplomatic Authorities will notify the candidates of the results after June 2007.

Students accepted for postgraduate studies, whose knowledge of the Greek language is insufficient, could attend Greek Language classes, only if the Committee of the University considers Greek Language indispensable for their enrolment in the post-graduate program. The scholarship program begins after the candidate`s arrival in Greece, at a School of Modern Greek Language either at the Didaskaleio of the University of Athens or the School of Modern Greek Language of the University of Thessaloniki (the courses for Modern Greek Language usually commence on 1st October). The candidate must at least be conditionally admitted by a Greek University as proven by a formal letter issued by the relevant Faculty or faculty professor of that University. In this case the duration of the scholarship can be extended up to three (3) years (one for the Greek Language and two for the Postgraduate Studies)

The candidates must notify one month in advance about the exact date of their arrival in Greece and the number of their passport, plus the date of its issue, so that all the necessary arrangements concerning student VISA could be made by the Ministry of Education before their arrival in Greece. A tourist visa cannot be changed into a student visa in Greece; that’s why candidates are advised not to come to Greece without having previously secured a student visa.

The scholars will be deprived of their scholarship in any of the following cases:
A false statement has been made on their application dossier.
They don’t comply with the terms and conditions of the scholarship.
They hold a scholarship from another source.
They will be subjected to disciplinary action by the University or will have no prospect for academic achievement (e.g. failure to achieve a satisfactory level in the Greek language or in their major field of studies).

They leave Greece -regardless of the reason- without having informed the Ministry of Education in writing prior to their departure.
Applicants who are or have been scholarship holders of the State Scholarships Foundation will be excluded from all future programmes of Ministry of Education.
The duration of the postgraduate scholarship is for two years, unless a third year is considered necessary by the University, for the study of Greek Language.
A scholarship renewal is decided by the Ministry of Education, according to the scholars’ research-studies. It all depends on students’ satisfactory progress, in order for them to obtain their relevant degrees. In any case, the Ministry of Education examines and decides upon the total duration of each student’s scholarship.

All scholarships provide:
600 euros for initial expenses.
Stay permit dues.
Tuition fees for the School of Modern Greek Language.
Free medical care in public hospitals in case of emergency.
The scholarships for postgraduate studies include a monthly allowance of 500 euros for living expenses.
No support is provided for transportation, conferences, seminars, symposia or research activities.
No additional assistance is provided for the spouse or other dependants of the scholarship holder.
The scholarship holders are not permitted to undertake paid employment of any kind, as they are expected to devote themselves fully to their studies.
The scholarship will be withheld for periods spent outside Greece.

On their arrival in Greece, students are obliged to present themselves to the Ministry of Education, receive their file and settle all formalities, concerning their medical assurance and financial provisions from the Ministry. The Ministry is not authorized to provide boarding facilities ( lodging facilities/ meals in University Campus etc. ).

Scholars have to submit to the Ministry of Education the following:
In case of attending a language course a certificate for having successfully completed the necessary examination in the Modern Greek Language ( before the end of the first year).
A progress report on their studies signed by their supervisor (at the end of every semester).
An annual examination result notice for postgraduate students issued by the relevant Department of the University.
At the end of their programme of studies, a validated copy of the academic title they have obtained.
The above-mentioned documents ( 1,2,3 ) along with the relevant application form submitted by the scholar are absolutely necessary for the renewal of the scholarship at the end of each academic year of studies. Otherwise, the Ministry of Education has the right to proceed to the discontinuance of the scholarship.

Scholarship holders must sign a declaration that they commit themselves to return to their native countries. The Greek Diplomatic Authorities are responsible for ensuring that the scholarship holders do, in fact return and stay in their native countries.

Document to download :
Application form (download)
Postal address: 15, Mitropoleos St., 101 85, Athens, GREECE
Telephone number: (+3010) 3236567, (+3010) 3210156
Fax number: (+3010) 3236567 - E-mail: des-a@ypepth.gr

UK: PhD Studentship in Health Psychology 2007

Kategori: Beasiswa psikologi kesehatan di inggris

UK: PhD Studentship in Health Psychology at University of Plymouth

PhD Studentship Health Psychology In Practice Peninsula Medical School.

The Peninsula Medical School is a joint initiative between the Universities of Plymouth and Exeter and the NHS. This is a University of Plymouth appointment.

The Peninsula Postgraduate Health Institute works with the NHS, the Peninsula Medical School and the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth to offer an exciting range of PhD programmes. On successful completion the candidate receives a joint award from the University of Exeter and the University of Plymouth.
Health Psychology in Practice: Understanding behavioural intervention processes for improving patient self-care in chronic illness.

As part of our commitment to research excellence, applications are invited from suitably qualified graduates for a full-time PhD studentship in the Peninsula Medical School’s Institute of Health and Social Care Research, working in the Institute’s Primary Care Research Group. The studentship will cover a tax-exempt stipend of £12,300 per annum and tuition fees at the home
rate for a 3-year period. Candidates from countries outside the European Union will be liable for the difference between ‘home student fees’ and ‘foreign student fees’.

This project aims to improve our understanding of the psychological processes which are important in behavioural interventions for improving patient self-care of chronic illnesses. The consequences of poor self-care in people with chronic illnesses (e.g. medication use, lifestyle) are a major source of NHS cost and developing NHS systems to improve the support of patient self-care is central to current government policy. At the same time, the science of self-care intervention development and evaluation is a rapidly developing area in behavioural medicine, but one which still needs strengthening with empirical evidence and methodological development
(Hardeman W et al. Health Educ Res 2005;20:676-87. Michie S et al. Quality and Safety in Health Care 2005;14:26-33). The proposed studentship will be conducted initially in the context of the piloting and trial evaluation of an intervention for promoting better asthma self-care. This is part of an ongoing programme of work developed by Dr Colin Greaves. The studentship
will focus initially on addressing the following objectives:

Identifying suitable process measures to assess the
inter-relationship between variables in a theoretical model of self-care
behaviour modification in an asthma self-care intervention.
Piloting the process measures framework alongside the intervention
pilot (or in a separate study).
Conducting qualitative research to elicit patient and practitioner
experiences of using the intervention and to gain further insights into the
processes involved.
Applying the process measures framework and qualitative feedback in
the planning of larger studies, including a randomised controlled trial
evaluation of the asthma self-care intervention.
The post will allow the student to develop a range of qualitative and quantitative research skills in a growth area of behavioural science and to gain experience in an applied research setting. This would be particularly relevant for candidates considering a career in behavioural science
/behavioural medicine research. The student will be based in the Primary Care Research Group. Supervision will be provided jointly by Dr Colin Greaves (Health Psychologist and Senior Research Fellow) and Professor John Campbell (Professor of Primary Care and General Practice) and the work will be supported by the PMS Clinical Trials Methodology Unit. Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr Colin Greaves (01392 262751, 0798 9895165 Colin.Greaves@pms.ac.uk).

Students should hold, or expect to obtain, a minimum of an upper-second class degree in a relevant health related subject. Relevant disciplines include psychology, health psychology /behavioural medicine.

For an application form, please contact:

The Postgraduate Office,
Peninsula Medical School,
John Bull Building,
Tamar Science Park,
PL6 8BU.

Telephone number 01752 437300 or email: Vicky.Clarke@pms.ac.uk


:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/17/2007

AUSTRALIA: Foundation Studies Scholarships, RMIT University

Kategori: Beasiswa S1 dan S2 di Australia

RMIT University will be offering 12 scholarships, valued at AUD $5,000 each, to students in 2007 intakes of Foundation Studies. The scholarships are available to students from all countries and may be awarded to students in any Foundation studies stream. The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and a scholarship application.

Please note that RMIT University International College will be publishing details of successful scholarship applicants. Therefore, all successful applicants must consent to having their photograph and name published in printed and electronic promotional material.

Commencing students who wish to apply for the scholarship are invited to submit the scholarship application form (PDF 41.6kb) together with their application for a Foundation Studies program. The scholarship application form should be completed and attached to the application for Foundation Studies. Students who have already applied for a 2007 Foundation Studies program may also submit a scholarship application form by sending, taking or faxing it to:

RMIT International Services

GPO Box 2303U
Melbourne, Victoria 3001

Street address:
Level 4, 239 Bourke Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Fax: +61 3 9663 6925
Closing dates for 2007 scholarship applications are:

* February intake: 1 December 2006
* June intake: 27 April 2007
* August intake: 15 June 2007
* September intake: 20 July 2007
* November intake: 5 October 2007

For more information, please contact:

Dr Marian Matic
Academic Manager, RMIT University International College
Tel: +61 3 9925 1589
Email: marian.matic@rmit.edu.au


:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/16/2007

UK: Overseas PhD Scholarships in Computer Science 2007

Kategori: Beasiswa doktor di inggris ilmu komputer

UK: Overseas PhD Scholarships in Computer Science, University of Wales, Aberystwyth (UWA)

Three University of Wales, Aberystwyth (UWA) overseas PhD scholarships are available within the Department of Computer Science starting in late September 2007. Interested applicants are invited to visit the following department web page which provide a list of example projects which fall within the interests of the four department research groups:

Example projects within the department research groups are:

1. Advanced Reasoning
2. Computational Biology
3. Intelligent Robotics
4. Vision, Graphics and Visualisation

The scholarships are for a three year period and will waive the difference between full-time overseas student fees and full-time UK/EU student fees per annum. The scholarships will not support part-time PhD studies. Based upon the fees for the 2007-2008 academic year (£10,275 to be confirmed), then the value of the scholarship is £7,035 for this year.
Please note that an Overseas PhD Scholarship does not provide funds for living expenses (i.e. a maintenance grant), and successful applicants will have to pay full-time UK/EU student fees for the duration of the scholarship (£3,240 for the 2007-2008 academic session - to be confirmed).

Applicants should have a first class or upper-second class honours degree in computer science, engineering, mathematics, or the physical sciences. Applicants may wish to contact the Postgraduate Admissions Office for advice regarding the comparability of their qualifications.

To apply for an Overseas PhD Scholarship, forms can be obtained by visiting the UWA Postgraduate Admissions Office web. Please follow the ‘Application’ link, and use the Research Programmes (PhD, MPhil and LLM by Research) forms.

When you apply:

1. Under application form ‘Section 4: Proposed Study at Aberystwyth’, please provide a short (maximum 1000 words) research proposal. This can relate directly to one of the example projects provided via the web links above, or to a project of your own choice. (The request for a short proposal applies to this Overseas PhD Scholarship scheme, and not to a standard Computer Science research studies application.)
2. Under application form ‘Section 5: Funding & Scholarships’ please tick the ‘Departmental funding (if available)’ box and type the Reference Number: CS210.
3. Please make sure that one of your references is an academic from the institution where you last studied.
4. Return the application form to the Postgraduate Admissions Office by 1st March 2007.

We will consider all candidates and select a short list by early May. The three scholarships will be awarded to the best candidates under the following criteria: relevance of the proposed research to the department’s research interests, and academic quality of the applicant. All candidates will be informed as to the outcome of their application.

Founded in 1872, the University of Wales, Aberystwyth was the first university institution to be established in Wales. Today, it has over 7,000 registered students, including over 1,100 postgraduates across seventeen academic departments. The Department of Computer Science has an international reputation for high quality research and was graded 4A in the 1996 and 2001 UK Research Assessment Exercise.

For further information about the department please visit the web page.

For all general enquiries about the Overseas PhD Scholarship scheme, please contact:

Mrs. Margaret Anthony,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Wales, Aberystwyth,
Ceredigion, SY23 3DB, United Kingdom
Email: mta@aber.ac.uk
Fax: +44 (0)1970 628536
Phone: +44 (0)1970 622421

Please quote Reference Number CS210 on all application forms and communications.

Via: Official Announcement

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/15/2007

Beasiswa S1 Singapura

Kategori: Beasiswa singapura

Singapore SembCorp Industries Undergraduate Scholarship
The SembCorp Industries Undergraduate Scholarships are awarded to applicants of Indonesian nationality who have completed the SMU UAN (Ebtanas) in 2006, or are completing the SMU UAN (Ebtanas) in 2007, or its equivalent.

Applicants who have excellent actual SMU UAN (Ebtanas) results or the most recent school examinations results, or equivalent high school results will be considered. Candidates are expected to show strong records of participation in co-curricular activities. Candidates who are completing the SMU Ebtanas in 2007 may be required to sit the University Entrance Examination (UEE).

Candidates will be considered and shortlisted for interviews through their application for admission to NUS. No separate scholarship application is required.

Terms and conditions

Please click here for the terms and conditions of the SembCorp Industries Undergraduate Scholarship.

Application and shortlisting process

Please click here for the appplication and shortlisting process of the SembCorp Industries Undergraduate Scholarship.

Website: click here.


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UK: PhD Studentships at School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication

Kategori: Beasiswa

UK: PhD Studentships at School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication, Queen Margaret University

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh is a research led institution specialising in high quality research in its niche areas. The core of our research identity is characterised as:

grounded in policy & practice and targeted at being usable and accessible
multi-disciplinary in its approach
methodologically innovative with an emphasis on user involvement and practice as research focused on touching people’s everyday lives.
Our postgraduate research students make a valuable contribution to the University’s research community. Each student works with a dedicated team of academic supervisors and receives specialist training in key areas of research. Research students who receive bursaries are expected to attend research seminars and to participate in the learning & teaching of undergraduate students.

The School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication is proud of its dynamic research culture. QMU was awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize in 2002 for the clinical application of speech sciences, and the Speech Science Research Centre continues to be at the forefront of research into speech and communication. The School is also home to the Centre for Health Psychology, as well as fostering a wide range of research into culture, media, public relations and sociology.

QMU is making funds available for up to 8 PhD studentships in our distinctive research areas. Successful applicants will have all fees waived for three years and will receive support with living costs. Within the School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication studentships are available in:

Creativity, culture and film studies
Environmental justice
The Public Relations Industry
Gender, body image, bullying, social exclusion
Health psychology in relation to vulnerable / older patients
Speech Sciences
Language requirements: IELTS 6.5 with no element less than 6.0 / TOEFL 250

Contacts and how to apply

Administrative contact and how to apply:
For more information see our website or email: researchdegrees@qmuc.ac.uk

Application deadline: 26 March 2007

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/12/2007

JAPAN: The International Priority Graduate Program (PGP)

Kategori: Beasiswa pascasarjana di jepang

Japan] The International Priority Graduate Program (PGP) - Ritsumeikan University
Deadline: 2 March 2007
The Monbukagakusho offers scholarships to international students with recommendations from their host universities, under the following guidelines:


Applicants must be graduate students who will newly enter Japan for the purpose of study.

Applicants must have nationality of a country that is recognized by the Japanese government as of April 1, 2007.

Applicants must be those born on or after April 2, 1972 .
Educational Qualifications
Applicants must have obtained educational qualifications of at least the level of an undergraduate degree.
Major Fields
Applicants must specialize in the field that they have majored in at their home university or its related field, and which must be a field in which the applicant can receive supervision and guidance at the institution where the applicant has been admitted.
All courses at this program are conducted in English. Applicants must possess suitable English proficiency.
Applicants must be in both good physical and mental health.
Arrival in Japan
Applicants must arrive in Japan on the date designated by the host institution between October 1 and 7, 20 07. Neither travel allowances nor lump-sums will be provided in case when travel to Japan is not possible between the designated dates.
Application Deadline
Ritsumeikan will undertake preliminary screening of applications prior to forwarding them to the Monbukagakusho (including other documents prepared by the university). Completed applications must be submitted with all necessary documents to the Ritsumeikan University Office of International Education at Biwako Kusatsu Campus (address written below) by March 2, 2007 . Fax is also acceptable, however all original documents must arrive at the Office of International Education, Kinugasa Kusatsu Campus by the above date.
Application Mailing Address :
Office of International Education at Biwako-Kusatsu Campus
Ritsumeikan University 1-1-1 Nojihigashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577 JAPAN
Tel. +81-77-561-3946
Fax. +81-77-561-3956


1) Amount
170,000 yen per month (subject to change)

2) Tuition Fees
This scholarship does not provide financial assistance towards payment of tuition fees, however Ritsumeikan University will exempt students from tuition fees.

3) Travel Allowances < (a) Travel expenses for coming to Japan An economy class air ticket from the international airport closest to the present address of the student to the New Tokyo International Airport (Narita) will be furnished (or to the closest international airport to the university where the student has been admitted, if this is financially more viable for Monbukagakusho). In the case that the student arrives at Kansai International Airport in Osaka, and the cost is more than the cost to Tokyo, the student will be required to pay the difference. (b) Travel expenses for returning home At the conclusion of the term of the scholarship, an economy class air ticket shall be provided from New Tokyo International Airport (or from the closest international airport to the university where the student has been admitted, if this is financially more viable for Monbukagakusho) to the international airport closest to the place of the student’s residence ( in the country in which the student holds citizenship), in the case that the student plans to return home by the designated date. 4) Term of scholarship payment III. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS 2007 Application form

2007 Application form2 (Titled as: Attachment)

Field of Study and Study Program (Description of Major field of study and research planning. Additionally, within the Research plan column, summarize / outline a detailed plan for proposed theme of final thesis.)

Application Questionnaire

Certificates of completion or certificates/letters stating expected graduation date of programs and academic degrees awarded by undergraduate or graduate schools (copy)
Academic transcripts issued by undergraduate or graduate schools attended ( to be attached with a clear indicator, such as GPA or specific rank order.) (copy)
Copy of the student's family or citizen register in the home country. If such a certificate cannot be obtained, a birth certificate is also acceptable (copy)
Recommendations by the dean or a person of higher position at the applicant’s school or institution (to be addressed to the President of Ritsumeikan University, Japan)(original)
Three (3) photographs of the student (taken within 6 months, 6x4 cm, from the waist up, full faced, no hats or caps on and including the student's name and nationality on the reverse side, one to be pasted on the designated spot on each form)
Summary of thesis written for degree most recently completed (applicant to attach with application)
Proof of linguistic talent/practical expertise (e.g., TOEFL, TOEIC)

1) All documents must be written in English or Japanese on A4 sized paper (Please attach translations in English or Japanese if the documents are in another language. Typed documents will be preferred.).
2) Documents submitted with the application will not be returned to the applicant.
3) Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
4) Interviews (by Internet, e-mail) will be conducted by at least three instructors belonging to the applicant’s desired specialty / course and the interviews will be conducted about three times by each instructor.

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Beasiswa Dalam Negeri Sampoerna Management Scholarship Program 2007

Kategori: Beasiswa sampoerna

What is Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate in Management Scholarship Program?

The Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate in Management Scholarship Program is a mean to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides full scholarships to a maximum of 10 (ten) outstanding young Indonesians who demonstrate excellent academic, professional, personal and leadership qualities to pursue Magister Management or Master of Business Administration degree at leading business schools in Indonesia as recommended by Sampoerna Foundation.

What are the requirements?

A. Basic Requirements

Applicant must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
Indonesian citizen
Under 30 year old when lodging the application
Hold a Bachelor degree in any discipline from an Indonesian tertiary institution with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale)
Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after the completion of their undergraduate degree when lodging the application.
Have valid proof (validity of two years) of an Institutional TOEFL with a minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based)*
Have valid proof (validity of two years) of an Academic Potential Test (TPA) with a minimum score of 550**
Not currently enrolled in graduate or post-graduate program or school, or has already obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent.
Not enrolled or graduated from an overseas tertiary institution unless was on a full scholarship.
Not in receipt of another equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
Demonstrate they are from financially disadvantaged family and that without the scholarship he/she will not be able to study for a graduate degree.

B. Further Requirements
Demonstrate leadership potential.
Demonstrate interest in and commitment to community and national development.
Attend all stages of selection process conducted by Sampoerna Foundation and the examinations conducted by the recommended university(ies).
Comply with the application for scholarship rules and regulations as stipulated by Sampoerna Foundation, partner institution for each respective program, and the university.
What is covered?

This full-time scholarship is worth approximately between IDR 70.000.000 – IDR 110.000.000 per student, depending on the university, for the duration of study and covers:
University application fee reimbursement;
TOEFL & TPA reimbursement;
Tuition fees;
Living allowance;
Book and internet allowance;
Research/thesis allowance;
Graduation fee.
When to apply?

Stage Timeline
Application Deadline June 30th, 2007
Paper Selection and Announcement of Results 3rd week of August
Panel Interview, Group Discussion, Outbound and Home Visit 1st week of September
Final Review and Finalists` Announcement 3rd week of September
University admission December – January 2008
MM Program starts February 2008
Winners’ Announcement and Orientation May 2008
Program Orientation
May 2008

List of Universities
Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung
MBA Program, School of Business and Management
Jl. Gelap Nyawang No. 1, Bandung 40132
Tel. 022- 2504308 / 2534255
Fax. 022- 2504897

Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
Magister Management Program
Jl. Teknika Utara, Yogyakarta 55281
Tel. 0274-511035-6, 515536, 562222
Fax. 0274-564388

Indonesian Institute for Management Development, Jakarta
Magister Management Program
IPMI Building
Jl. Rawajati Timur I/1, Kalibata, Jakarta 12750
Tel. 021-7970419
Fax. 021-7970374

Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Jakarta
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. R.A. Kartini, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Tel. 021-7511126, 7500463, 7657257
Fax. 021-7511143

Padjadjaran University, Bandung
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. Dipati Ukur 35, Bandung 40132
Tel. 022-2509585, 2513168, 2534389
Fax. 022-2509586

University of Indonesia, Jakarta
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. Salemba Raya 4, Jakarta 10430
Tel. 021-3103976-8, 3106990
Fax. 021-3923954

Prospective applicants are advised to contact the universities directly to find out about the admission process and requirements for an enrolment.

How to apply?

Before applying, the applicants must read and understand the terms and conditions of the scholarship, including SF policy about Alumni Contribution Scheme. For further explanation, please visit our website at www.sampoernafoundation.org or call us at 021 577 2340

Application/reference forms, requirements, terms and conditions, and instructions can be read and downloaded from www.sampoernafoundation.org or obtained directly from Sampoerna Foundation office:

Sampoerna Strategic Square
Tower B, 3rd Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kavling 45
Jakarta 12930

Further information on:
The Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
Menara Imperium 28th floor, Suite B
Metropolitan Kuningan Superblok Kav. 1
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980, Indonesia
Tel. 021-8317330, Fax. 021-8317331
E-mail: iief@indo.net.id

Jl. Taman Suropati 2, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel. 021- 390-5650
Website: http://pusbindiklatren.bappenas.go.id
Documents to download
Application Form ( download)

Reference Form ( download)

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JAPAN: Panasonic Scholarship 2008

Kategori: Beasiswa s2 (master) di jepang

Deadline: 10 March 2007
In commemoration of its 80th anniversary in 1998, Matsushita Electric decided to launch Panasonic Scholarship Program for privately-financed students from Asian countries to pursue master’s course in Japan.

We hope this scholarship will provide them with a good oppurtunity to do research at graduate schools and enable them to contribute to the development of their countries and to promote friendship between Asian countries and Japan in the 21st Century.

Privately-financed students from Asian countries who are university graduates under 30 years of age and wish to enter master’s courses of natural science and engineering area except Medical Science, Pharmacology and Dentistry at graduate schools in Japan.

Overseas Application System
Subsidiaries of Matsushita Electric in the following countries and areas invite applicants to apply for this program. CHINA, MALAYSIA, TAIWAN, INDONESIA, THE PHILIPPINES, THAILAND, and VIETNAM

Panasonic Scholarship will be provided for max. three years including max. one year of Japanese language training and study as research student and max. two years for master’s program.

YEAR ONE : Japanese language training and study as research student
1. Monthly Scholarship : ¥ 150.000 per month
2. Arrival Allowance : max. ¥ 200.000 will be paid before and/ or after arrival in Japan
3. Tuition Fee Assistance : ¥ 250.000 will be paid in each semester The actual amount will be paid in case the tuition fee is less than ¥ 500.000/ year.

YEAR TWO & THREE : Master’s course at graduate school
1. Monthly Scholarship : ¥ 180.000 per month
2. Matriculation Fee Assistance : ¥ 200.000 will be paid in the first year of master’s course
3. Tuition Fee Assistance : ¥ 250.000 will be paid in each semester The actual amount of matriculation and tuition fee will be be paid to the students whose fees are less than the above amount.

Website: click here

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BELGIUM: PhD Position in Role of Helophytes in Constructed Wetlands 2007

Kategori: Beasiswa / lowongan kerja akademis s3 di belgia

The research group on Ecosystem Management of the Department of Biology and the Department of Applied Biological Sciences at the University of Antwerp conduct fundamental research on ecological processes in rivers and wetlands and applied ecological research on nature- and water management. They invites applications for a PhD position (f/m), for a duration of four years within the project Role of helophytes in constructed wetlands. "Reducing the impact of combined sewer overflows on rivers with helophytes in constructed wetland"

The tasks of the successful candidate will consists of setting up and carrying out the measurement campaigns in existing sewer overflow systems and constructed wetlands. This includes both biological measurements on the development of the vegetation as physico-chemical measurements of water and sediment. Next an experimental setup must be constructed to estimate the role of plants. In the final stage a model must be constructed describing the role of plants in constructed wetlands

Candidates should hold a master degree (or equivalent) in environmental engineering with focus on water management/ ecosystems/ aquatic ecology as well as a particular interest in interdisciplinary work.

More information:
Prof. Dr. Patrick Meire
Tel: +32 3 820 22 64
e-mail: Patrick.Meireatua.ac.be

The place of work is Antwerp, Belgium

Salary will be according to the PhD grant system of the University of Antwerp

Please send your CV and a letter of motivation (in Dutch or English) and one letter of recommendation to Prof. dr. P. Meire before February 5th, 2007.

Prof. dr. Patrick Meire
Universiteit Antwerpen "Campus Drie Eiken"
Departement Biologie - Onderzoeksgroep Ecobe
Universiteitsplein 1
B - 2610 Antwerpen

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/08/2007

THAILAND: Master and Doctoral Scholarship 2007

Kategori: Beasiswa s2 dan s3 jurusan manajemen teknik pengairan

Thailand Master and Doctoral Scholarship - Water Engineering Management - AIT
Deadline: 15 February 2007 (August intake)
Students from Asian developing nations are offered the opportunity to pursue their master's or doctoral studies in fields relating to sustainable poverty reduction at one of Asia 's leading postgraduate institutions.

Master's and doctoral scholarships will be provided to students from seven partner countries of the Netherlands in Asia, i.e., Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Indonesia , Mongolia , Pakistan , Sri Lanka and Vietnam. The Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation and the Asian Institute of Technology have partnered to offer a program called "Human Resource Development for Asian Partner Countries" from October 2006 to December 2009.

The scholarships cover the costs of degree programs in fields relevant to sustainable development, environmental protection and the promotion of gender equity. The three focal areas are water engineering and management, rural development and sustainable use of natural resources, and urban environmental management.

Water engineering and management includes waterways and coastal engineering, irrigation engineering, water resources and water supply drainage. Expertise areas also include water transport, flood control, beach protection, erosion, water supply and wastewater collection and sewerage treatment systems, and integrated watershed development management.

Rural development and sustainable use of natural resources addresses rural development and the need to consider economic productivity versus the necessity to conserve rural areas. In AIT many programs aim to contribute to technology to stimulate rural developments including agricultural and food engineering, bioprocess technology, aquaculture and aquatic resources management, pulp and paper technology, natural resources management, as well as regional and rural development planning.

Urban environmental management addresses the sustainable development of
urbanized areas as many of the partner countries are facing rapid urbanization. Thus, the concerns should address urban economy and living environment, conservation of urban natural environments and greening, prevention of environmental deterioration, impacts of urbanization, urban transportation, urban affordable sanitation and sewage treatment. Urban environmental management focuses on the utilization of human and other resources to improve and maintain the quality of urban areas.


• Scholarship recipients will be selected according to AIT's admission
criteria, rules and regulations to ensure that the most suitable candidates are admitted based on an assessment of the needs in the Netherlands ' seven partner countries in Asia .

• At least 40 per cent of the scholarships will be offered to women

• After successful completion of graduate studies and professional training in AIT, the scholarship recipients are obliged to return to their home countries for strengthening institutional capacities and contributing in building sustainable societies.

• Recipients are required to conduct thesis research on topics relevant to their respective home country's development needs incorporating environmental protection and sustainable development concerns.

• A scholarships provides grants for tuition and fees, monthly stipend, medical insurance, educational visa and one round trip air travel.

• For the master's program, preference will be given to staff of public sector agencies, government departments, training institutions and universities.

• Doctoral scholarships are available only to candidates who are lecturers or university teaching staff. Doctoral degree program candidates must be certified by their local employers to study abroad and must have re-employment contracts to ensure that they return back to work after their completion of the doctoral degree program at AIT. Applicants must provide a relevant research proposal and demonstrate a strong academic background and

• All recipients of the scholarships should take at least one course on gender and development issues.

Entry requirements

• Applicants must adhere to AIT's admissions requirements, procedures and policies.
To learn more, click here


August semester: 15 February

Note: Applicants who are required to attend Bridging program, who require early offer of admission or who have visa or passport restrictions, are encouraged to submit applications at least two months before the deadline.

You may apply online or download application forms at:

You may also receive the application package by mail for a nominal application processing fee of US$25.

Please contact:

Admissions and Scholarships Unit
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4 , Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120 , Thailand
Phone: (662) 5245031-5033
Fax: (662) 524-6326
E-mail: admissions@ait.ac.th
Web site: www.ait.ac.th

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Beasiswa Magister Teknik Industri (MTI) UII

Kategori: Beasiswa dalam negeri di uii yogyakarta

Beasiswa MTI UII merupakan bentuk kepedulian di bidang pendidikan atas kerjasama Magister Teknik Industri FTI UII dengan PT. Exindo dan PT. Repindo bagi sarjana berprestasi dari semua jurusan/program studi untuk melanjutkan studi lanjut pada program S2 di Magister Teknik Industri Universitas Islam Indonesia.

Persyaratan Administrasi
1.Telah menyelesaikan program S1 [semua jurusan]
2. Mempunyai prestasi yang baik selama S1 [ipk ≥ 3.00] dan sehat jasmani, rohani
3. Telah mendapat ijin/persetujuan dari atasan (buat institusi/perusahaan)
4. Tidak sedang mendapat beasiswa dari instansi lain.

Tentang Beasiswa MTI UII:
Beasiswa diberikan dalam bentuk biaya kuliah, yang besarnya ditentukan berdasarkan hasil seleksi.

Sistem seleksi :
Seleksi didasarkan pada kualifikasi dari pelamar, seleksi meliputi pemeriksaan form aplikasi, prestasi [GPA /index prestasi pada saat S1], rencana studi ke depan, surat rekomendasi, dan dokumen lain yang di sertakan serta wawancara.

Prosedur dari seleksi adalah
1. Calon mendaftarkan diri dengan mengajukan surat permohonan beasiswa yang ditujukan ke Tim Seleksi Beasiswa MTI Gedung FTI Kampus Terpadu UII Jl Kaliurang Km 14,4 Yogyakarta, dengan melampirkan copy ijazah & transkrips nilai yang telah dilegalisir; foto berwarna 3x4 sejumlah 2 buah dimasukkan ke dalam amplop besar.
2. Bagi calon yang lolos pada seleksi administrasi maka akan dilanjutkan seleksi wawancara [waktu seleksi wawancara akan ditentukan pada saat penyerahan berkas permohonan]

Pengajuan permohonan periode I, akan ditutup 28 Februari 2007 jam 12.00 wib.
informasi detail klik www.uii.ac.id/mti atau hubungi marketing representatif MTI UII sdr Jerri Irgo 0274 7015320 ; 081392639025

Direktur Program Pasca Sarjana
Magister Teknik Industri,

Ir R Chairul Saleh, M.Sc, Ph.D

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Beasiswa Sampoerna Foundation

Kategori: Beasiswa S2 Management di Universitas dalam negeri.

What is Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate in Management Scholarship Program?

The Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate in Management Scholarship Program is a mean to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides full scholarships to a maximum of 10 (ten) outstanding young Indonesians who demonstrate excellent academic, professional, personal and leadership qualities to pursue Magister Management or Master of Business Administration degree at leading business schools in Indonesia as recommended by Sampoerna Foundation.

What are the requirements?
A. Basic Requirements

Applicant must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:

* Indonesian citizen
* Under 30 year old when lodging the application
* Hold a Bachelor degree in any discipline from an Indonesian tertiary institution with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale)
* Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after the completion of their undergraduate degree when lodging the application.
* Have valid proof (validity of two years) of an Institutional TOEFL with a minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based)*
* Have valid proof (validity of two years) of an Academic Potential Test (TPA) with a minimum score of 550**
* Not currently enrolled in graduate or post-graduate program or school, or has already obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent.
* Not enrolled or graduated from an overseas tertiary institution unless was on a full scholarship.
* Not in receipt of another equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
* Demonstrate they are from financially disadvantaged family and that without the scholarship he/she will not be able to study for a graduate degree.

B. Further Requirements

* Demonstrate leadership potential.
* Demonstrate interest in and commitment to community and national development.
* Attend all stages of selection process conducted by Sampoerna Foundation and the examinations conducted by the recommended university(ies).
* Comply with the application for scholarship rules and regulations as stipulated by Sampoerna Foundation, partner institution for each respective program, and the university.

What is covered?

This full-time scholarship is worth approximately between IDR 70.000.000 – IDR 110.000.000 per student, depending on the university, for the duration of study and covers:

* University application fee reimbursement;
* TOEFL & TPA reimbursement;
* Tuition fees;
* Living allowance;
* Book and internet allowance;
* Research/thesis allowance;
* Graduation fee.

When to apply?

Application Deadline June 30th, 2007
Paper Selection and Announcement of Results 3rd week of August
Panel Interview, Group Discussion, Outbound and Home Visit 1st week of September
Final Review and Finalists` Announcement 3rd week of September
University admission December – January 2008
MM Program starts February 2008
Winners’ Announcement and Orientation May 2008
Program Orientation May 2008

List of Universities

* Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung
MBA Program, School of Business and Management
Jl. Gelap Nyawang No. 1, Bandung 40132
Tel. 022- 2504308 / 2534255
Fax. 022- 2504897

* Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
Magister Management Program
Jl. Teknika Utara, Yogyakarta 55281
Tel. 0274-511035-6, 515536, 562222
Fax. 0274-564388

* Indonesian Institute for Management Development, Jakarta
Magister Management Program
IPMI Building
Jl. Rawajati Timur I/1, Kalibata, Jakarta 12750
Tel. 021-7970419
Fax. 021-7970374

* Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Jakarta
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. R.A. Kartini, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Tel. 021-7511126, 7500463, 7657257
Fax. 021-7511143

* Padjadjaran University, Bandung
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. Dipati Ukur 35, Bandung 40132
Tel. 022-2509585, 2513168, 2534389
Fax. 022-2509586

* University of Indonesia, Jakarta
Magister Manajement Program
Jl. Salemba Raya 4, Jakarta 10430
Tel. 021-3103976-8, 3106990
Fax. 021-3923954

Prospective applicants are advised to contact the universities directly to find out about the admission process and requirements for an enrolment.

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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/06/2007

Beasiswa S2 S3 Ford Foundation

Kategori: Beasiswa

Indonesia Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program
Ford Foundation, sebuah lembaga nirlaba yang mengabdi untuk perdamaian dunia dan kesejahteraan umat manusia, telah meluncurkan International Fellowships Program (IFP). Secara garis besar, tujuan-tujuan Ford Foundation adalah memperkuat nilai-nilai demokratis, mengurangi kemiskinan dan ketidakadilan, mendukung kerjasama internasional, serta meningkatkan karya manusia.

Di Indonesia IFP dikelola oleh The Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF), sebuah lembaga pendidikan nirlaba yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan dan pertukaran pendidikan, serta pelatihan yang bertujuan menumbuhkan rasa saling pengertian antarbangsa.

Penerima beasiswa dapat mendaftarkan diri untuk belajar di perguruan tinggi di seluruh dunia. IFP akan membantu menempatkan mereka yang belum dapat menentukan universitas tujuan studi.
Sebelum memulai studi, apabila diperlukan, penerima beasiswa akan memperoleh orientasi dan persiapan studi, misalnya kursus bahasa, komputer, atau bidang lain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.

IFP menyediakan bantuan untuk studi pascasarjana (Master atau Doktoral) bagi anggota masyarakat yang kurang memiliki kesempatan untuk menempuh pendidikan tinggi, antara lain penduduk yang tinggal di daerah terpencil, masyarakat adat, masyarakat terpinggirkan, atau masyarakat yang berada di daerah konflik/pascakonflik. Kaum perempuan sangat dianjurkan untuk melamar.Pelamar harus memiliki kewarganegaraan Indonesia dan bertempat tinggal di Indonesia.

Persyaratan lainnya yang harus dipenuhi pelamar, yaitu
- telah menyelesaikan program studi Sarjana (S1) dengan prestasi yang sangat baik,
- berperan aktif dalam masyarakat atau komunitasnya,
- memiliki rencana kerja untuk menerapkan apa yang akan dipelajarinya sesuai dengan tujuan-tujuan Ford Foundation, dan
- memiliki komitmen untuk melaksanakan rencana kerja itu setelah menyelesaikan masa studinya.

IIEF menerima pendaftaran untuk beasiswa IFP sepanjang tahun.
Formulir prapendaftaran yang diterima sebelum tanggal 31 Oktober akan segera diproses.
- Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan diberikan formulir pendaftaran lengkap untuk diisi dan dikirimkan kembali ke IIEF.
- Para finalis akan dipanggil untuk diwawancarai.
- Penerima beasiswa akan diumumkan pada akhir bulan Juni tahun berikutnya.
- Penerima beasiswa akan mulai menempuh program studinya pada tahun akademik berikutnya.
Formulir prapendaftaran yang diterima setelah tanggal 31 Oktober akan diproses untuk periode beasiswa tahun berikutnya.

Semua berkas pendaftaran harus diserahkan ke IIEF yang kemudian diperiksa dan dinilai oleh panel seleksi nasional dan daerah yang para anggotanya terdiri dari para pakar dan praktisi di berbagai bidang akademik.

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai IFP harap hubungi
The Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
Menara Imperium Lantai. 28 Suite B,
Jalan H.R.Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980
Tel.: 831-7330 pesawat 13 atau 17
Faks: (62-21) 8317331, E-mail: ifp@iief.or.id

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Beasiswa Asian Youth Fellowship (AYF) Program

Rijanta Triwahjana R. wrote:
"beasiswa dari pemerintah jepang
untuk graduate program (master dan Phd) yang diselenggarakan dalam bahasa
jepang. untuk itu penerima beasiswa akan mendapatkan kursus bahasa jepang selama
kurang lebih 6 bulan sampai satu tahun."

Sumber: http://www.asiaseed.org/ayfj/

Asian Youth Fellowship (AYF) Program aims to nurture human
networking among ASEAN countries, Bangladesh and Japan.

The AYF preparatory course before entering
JapaneseGraduateSchool as Japanese
Government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship student is offered by TheJapan Foundation. AYF program is open to university
graduates in the region who wish to contribute to regional cooperation after
obtaining a Master and/or Ph. D. Degree in Japanese Graduate Schools as

1. Features of the Asian Youth Fellowship Program

AYF consists of the following component:

1. Coordination of a host professor and research plan development during the
preparatory course in Japan
2. Preparatory course (Japanese Language and other subjects/cultural
3. Follow ups after completing the preparatory course

The scholarship grantees shall receive a preparatory course in the Japanese
language and other basic subjects for approximately 7 months, at The Japan
Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai, Japan. Grantees are
provided with dormitory by the Program. Accompanying family is NOT allowed
during the preparatory course at Kansai.

*After completing the preparatory course, grantees will be proceeding to
Japanese graduate schools as Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship
students (principally Research Student) from April 2008.

2. Field of Study

1. Any of the fields in Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering and Natural
Science EXCEPT Japanese Studies or Japanese Culture Studies
2. Any field that should contribute to the region

* Technical training course is excluded.

3. Qualifications

1. Nationality: Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,
Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand or Vietnam.
2. Age: under 35 years of age as of April 1, 2008 (i.e. born on or after
April 2, 1973)
3. Academic Backgrounds: university or college graduates with a bachelor’s
degree or Master’s degree
(those who will graduate from a university or
college by the Registration Day of AYF may apply, but the grants may be
CANCELLED if grantees fail to arrive in Kansai, Japan, by the Registration Day
of AYF, 2007.)
4. Other requirements:

1. Those who have learned Japanese language and already acquired Japanese
proficiency comparable to the Japanese Proficiency Test Level 3 are excluded.
2. Good proficiency in English is required.
3. Military men and military civilian employees registered on the personnel
list are excluded.
4. Applicants should be in good health.
5. The applicant whose spouse has already won a Japanese Government scholarship
will not be selected as a grantee, and likewise in the case of a couple applying
at the same time.
6. The applicant who has been awarded a Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho)
scholarship in the past will not be selected as a grantee unless he/she has had
a few years' research or teaching experience after returning to his/her country.

4. Grant Coverage during the Preparatory Course

1. Expenses necessary for participation in the official curriculum
(transportation, teaching material, etc.)
2. Meals during the program (partly in the form of cash allowances) and a set
amount of allowances to cover miscellaneous living expenses.
3. Accommodation (a single room) at the Institute
4. Overseas travel insurance for disease and injury for the duration of the
5. Round-trip, economy-class airline between the nearest International Airport
from your residence and Kansai International Airport (Osaka, Japan) on the most
direct and economical route.
6. Japanese visa as a trainee

*The above terms of the grant will be effective from the date of arrival in
Kansai to March 2008. After completing the AYF Program, grantees will proceed to
Japanese universities as the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship
students. Allowances, accommodations, and other status are subject to
Monbukagakusho’s regulations.

5. Selection

1. Japanese diplomatic missions concerned will, in cooperation with the foreign
governments concerned, select preliminary candidates from among applicants by
means of a review of the documents submitted.
2. Those who have been selected as the preliminary candidates will be
recommended to Asian Youth Fellowship Committee, Tokyo, Japan. The Committee
will select grantees from among the preliminary candidates by means of an
interview made in their respective countries by a mission member assigned and
dispatched by the Committee.
3. Final announcement in writing will be provided by the Embassy of Japan after
the AYF Committee. The grantees of the Japanese Government
(Monbukagakusho) scholarship for 2008 will be finally selected after the
university placement has been made, provided they have passed the final
examination of AYF.

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NEW ZEALAND: International Undergraduate Fees Scholarships (NZIUFS)

Kategori: Beasiswa

The New Zealand International Undergraduate Fees Scholarships reflect the New Zealand Government’s commitment to deepening New Zealand’s educational partnerships with participating countries and regions.

The New Zealand education system provides students with the knowledge and skills to achieve results equal to the world’s best. The scholarship programme is about sharing this excellence with the rest of the world, and bringing the best from elsewhere to share their knowledge with New Zealand.

Up to 28 scholarships will be awarded for students undertaking undergraduate study at a New Zealand university in the coming academic year.
Terms and Conditions
To be eligible for a scholarship students must:

Be passport holders or permanent residents of one of the following.
ASEAN (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam)
Asia (China, Korea, Japan, India, Taiwan)
Latin America (Brazil, Chile, Mexico)
Meet the requirements for entry into an undergraduate degree programme at a New Zealand university. (Please note, this will include proof of English language proficiency). Information on New Zealand institutions is available on the Education New Zealand student website, www.newzealandeducated.com. Candidates can use the online course search facility to help them identify which institution is right for them. The results will allow them to access detailed information on living and studying in New Zealand, institutional profiles, their individual website addresses and detailed course information.
Have completed their final two (2) years of secondary school and a minimum of one year of tertiary study in their home country at the time of application.
Be under the age of 30 as at the application close date (candidates birth dates must be on or after 20 October, 1976, anyone born before this date may not apply)
Include a completed ‘Application for Admission’ form for their preferred New Zealand university together with the appropriate supporting documents.
Be in the top 10% or at an ‘Excellent’ level in the final secondary qualification in their country and first year of university.
Hold one of the following English language test scores, achieved no longer than two (2) years prior to the time of application. Please note that certain courses of study such as Law or Engineering require a higher level of English language proficiency than others, check with the host institution for confirmation:
An IELTS Academic Test with an overall score of at least 6.0 with no band less than 5.5; or
A TOEFL test score of at least 550, including a score of 4.5 in the Test of Written English; or
A score of 213 in the Computer based TOEFL, including an Essay Writing score of 4.0; or
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) – Grade B; Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in
English (CPE) – Grade C
TOEFL test reports should be sent directly to the Education New Zealand Trust’s ETS institution code of 8727. This should be specified at the time of taking the test.

Candidates who hold New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency may not apply under any circumstances.

The following disciplines are excluded from the NZIUF Scholarships:

Dental Surgery
Optometry, and
Veterinary Science
The number of scholarships available each year shall be determined by Education New Zealand in consultation with the New Zealand Ministry of Education who shall from time to time also review the terms and conditions of the awards.

The scholarship is tenable at any one of the following institutions (listed in alphabetical order):

AUT University
Lincoln University
Massey University
University of Auckland
University of Canterbury
University of Otago
University of Waikato
Victoria University of Wellington
A scholarship shall lapse in the event that a person to whom an award has been made fails to become admitted into their fulltime undergraduate programme by 1 August in the year following that of application.

Please note that candidates wishing to study on a part time basis are ineligible. Students who are already physically located in New Zealand are not eligible to apply.

The scholarship is conditional upon gaining entry and enrolling in an undergraduate degree programme at a New Zealand university. The offer of a scholarship does not guarantee admission. Scholarship holders are responsible for securing an appropriate entry visa to New Zealand and for any fees associated with the visa, including a medical examination. The offer of a scholarship does not guarantee that such a visa will be granted.

Scholarship holders may not change their degree programme during tenure of the scholarship without written permission from their host university and Education New Zealand. In the event of a recipient’s enrolment being suspended for any reason by their host university, Education New
Zealand must be informed in writing. In these cases the scholarship will also be suspended.
Scholarship recipients may not simultaneously hold other scholarships funded by the New Zealand Government.

*Please note that there may be additional country specific eligibility criteria applied by each country’s scholarships agency. Please ensure that you check these online via www.newzealandeducated.com/scholarships prior to submitting your application.

The value of the New Zealand International Undergraduate Fees Scholarships shall be full undergraduate tuition fees for six semesters or the completion of the undergraduate degree programme, whichever comes first. This does not include living costs, insurance and travel expenses to and from New Zealand. Candidates are required to maintain a high level of academic achievement at all times as the awards are subject to continuing good performance.

How do students apply?
Applications must be made in the first instance to the designated Scholarship agency in the country in which the applicant has his/her permanent home. Contact details for agencies are available online at www.newzealandeducated.com/scholarships. No applications should be submitted directly to Education New Zealand.

Information on New Zealand institutions is available on the Education New Zealand student website, www.newzealandeducated.com. Candidates can use the online search facility to help them identify which institution is right for them. The results will allow them to access detailed information on living and studying in New Zealand, institutional profiles and their individual website addresses.

See: Original announcement


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:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)2/05/2007

Lowongan Kerja Magang Program S3 di Australia

Kategori: Beasiswa

PhD positions: Modern Main Group Chemistry School of Chemistry, Melbourne

Several PhD scholarships are available to work in the group of Professor Cameron Jones, who has recently relocated from Cardiff University to Monash University.

In the past 5 years remarkable progress has been made in the chemistry of low oxidation state and low coordination number p-block compounds. It is now possible to prepare and investigate the fascinating reactivity of such compounds, many of which were thought incapable of existence until a few years ago. Our group is one of the leaders in this field and have made a number of recent landmark advances (see for e.g. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 2206; Chem. Commun., 2006, 3978; Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 11; Dalton Trans., 2006, 3733).

The positions on offer will involve an extension of this work and will see you acquiring many synthetic, spectroscopic and computational skills. The possibility may also exist for you to spend 6 months working in a collaborators laboratory in one of a number of European or North American Universities.

You should have a first or high second class degree in Chemistry (or equivalent qualification). You should be highly motivated, organized and work well in a team. These positions are open to students of all nationalities (including Australian nationals) who are eligible for a
visa to study in Australia. The scholarships will include international student fees (if applicable) and a generous stipend.

The School of Chemistry at Monash University (http://www.chem.monash.edu.au) is the leading Chemistry Department in Australia and has superb facilities. Melbourne has been ranked by
several international surveys to be the world’s most livable city.

In the first instance informal enquiries should be directed to Professor Cameron Jones (+61-3-9902-0391, cameron.jones@sci.monash.edu.au). Related information can be found at here and here.

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Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship Program

Kategori: Beasiswa

Sampoerna Foundation Overview

Sampoerna Foundation was established in March 2001 in response to the urgent need to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Amid severe budgetary cuts to education due to the prolonged economic crisis, its founders realized the importance of private sector institutions filling the gap in those educational areas critical to Indonesia’s development.

Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship Program

The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship Program is a mean to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides the qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue a Master of Business Administration degree at leading business schools overseas. Upon completing the program, scholars are expected to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer their knowledge to their fellow citizens.

Application deadline is April 30, 2007. Applications should be submitted as early as possible.
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarships consist of the following programs:

No. Name of Scholarship(s) Maximum number of scholarship(s) granted for 2007 Intake
1. Sampoerna Foundation (SF) MBA in the US 4
2. Fulbright – SF MBA in the US Scholarship* 3
3. Australian Education International (AEI) – SF MBA in Australia 4
4. Ambassade de France en Indonésie – SF MBA in France 2
5. British Council (BC) – SF MBA in the UK 2

6. Singapore Education (SE) – SF MBA in Singapore 2

*Please contact AMINEF about this particular program and how to apply:
American Indonesian Exchange Foundation
Balai Pustaka Building, 6th Floor
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4
Jakarta 10720
Phone: 021-345-2016, 345-2018, 345-0709
Fax: 021-345-2050
Website: www.aminef.or.id

The information contained in this document is intended for the Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship Program, pertinent to the 2008 intake only.

I. Basic Eligibility
Applicant must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:

1. Indonesian citizen who is under 35 years of age when lodging the application.

2. Hold a Bachelor degree in any discipline from an Indonesian tertiary institution with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 (on a 4.00 scale)

3. Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after the completion of the undergraduate degree.

4. Have valid proof (validity of two years) of:
• International TOEFL with a minimum score of 600 (PBT) or 250 (CBT) or 100 (IBT), OR
• International English Language Testing System (IELTS) of minimum 6.5 (for MBA Australia only)*

5. Have valid proof (validity of five years):
• GMAT test scores above 600 with verbal score to be 25 or above*

6. Not currently enrolled in graduate or post-graduate program, or has already obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent.

7. Not enrolled or graduated from an overseas tertiary institution, unless was on a full scholarship.

8. Not in receipt of other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.

9. Demonstrate they are from financially disadvantaged family and that without the scholarship he/she will not be able to study for an overseas MBA program.

* GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS score can be submitted when the applicants pass Sampoerna Foundation Selection Stage and chosen as Finalists. The finalists then must have a valid score as required by each program.

** All applicants selected as Finalists for MBA France shall have to take language course in the appointed institution by SCAC and pass the DELF (Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française) B1 & B2 test.

Any applicant proves to have forged information in his/her application form or any of the documents attached therein will be immediately disqualified.
For more details click here.

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USA: Master and PhD Studentships in Nanotechnology and Nanosensors 2007

Kategori: Beasiswa lowongan kerja akademis program s2 s3 nano-teknologi di amerika (AS)

USA: Master and PhD Studentships in Nanotechnology and Nanosensors at Electrical Engineering, South Dakota State University

One PhD level and two masters level Graduate Research Assistantships are available for highly talented and motivated students in nanotechnology. A degree in electrical engineering or closely related fields is required for these positions. Research areas include but are not limited to:

nanostructured materials
data analysis and pattern recognetion tools
advanced micro and nano-fabrication techniques;

Assistantships can start any time. Stipends for PhD level vary from 20,000-28,000 USD/year. Please send a resume and a statement of research interests & purpose for full consideration. Graduate school requirements can be found at here.
For more information about Electrical Engineering graduate program and curriculum please visit this site.

Application deadline: Jun 29 (Fri), 2007

Contact: Venkat Bommisetty
E-mail: venkat.bommisetty@sdstate.edu
Phone: 605-688-6964
Fax: 605-688-4041

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