:: Info Beasiswa Indonesia (Scholarship)12/29/2008

Beasiswa: Professors / Lecturers Career Opportunities at University of Malaya

The UNIVERSITY of MALAYA is searching for suitable candidates to fill up the post of PROFESSORS/ ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS/ SENIOR LECTURERS/ LECTURERS in the following fields:
1. Malay Studies
Discipline required: Malay Linguistics, Malay Arts; Malay Anthropology/Sociology; Malay Literature; and Malay Language
2. Arts and Social Sciences
Discipline required: Anthropology; Sociology; Psychology; Physical Geography; Human Geography; American Literature; International Relations; Security Studies; Chinese Literature; Chinese Drama; Chinese Linguistics and Philology; Japanese Culture and Society; South East Asian Politics; Language and Society; Media Studies; Communication Studies; History of Indonesia; and History of Philippines.
3. Others
Discipline required:
a. Islamic Studies
b. Economics and Administration
c. Dentistry
d. Engineering
e. Law
f. Built Environment
g. Computer Science and Information Technology
h. Education
i. Business and Accounting
j. Languages and Linguistics
k. Sciences
l. Medicine
m. Performing Arts
n. Sport Sciences
o. Public Policy and Management
p. Social Sciences and Humanities

A delegation from the University of Malaya would be in Indonesia and would like to meet interested candidates in Indonesia particularly for the field of Malaya Studies and Arts and Social Sciences. Interviews would be conducted from 10.00 am to 4:00 pm at the following date and venue:

1. 23 and 24 December 08 at Antasena Room, Hotel Le Meredien, Jakarta
2. 26 December 08 at Mirah Room, Holiday Inn Bandung

Candidates are advised to bring along CV, photo, original and duplicate copies of certificates and testimonials.

All applicants must possess PhD or equivalent professional qualification in their respective fields. Interested applicants for Dentistry must possess a basic degree in dentistry recognized by the MDC, applicants must have 5 years teaching experience in an academic institution after obtaining the postgraduate degree.

Further details and application form can be obtained from our homepage at http://www.um.edu.my/career/career.php or E-Mail your inquiries to:

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